Chapter 26

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! 

"Ha, some pest finally found me." A dark voice from Zetsu behalf talked. "Pest?! She isn't a pest, Black Zetsu. She's the one Madara warned us about." The white Zetsu uttered. 

"Oho, so someone did their research but unfortunately Zetsu, Madara isn't going to be revive by Obito now, your plan to resurrect your mother will never happen as long as I am here." I stated with a laugh. I then released the dark power residing inside me, letting it loose to surround myself with it. Zetsu alarmed himself and switched himself to defense but it wouldn't work. 

"Lord Hagoromo is right, you are weak. Are you even her child?" I mocked him only to earn a glare from the both of them. 

"Y-you! Y-you killed Madara and snatched Obito! This is for the pea-" I punched his guts before he could finish that disgusting words. 

"Peace, you say? Listen here, a lot of people from the ancient times suffered because of your influence, you alien maggot. The only thing you deserve is.. death. Why did Kaguya even made you? You disgusting piece of shit." I uttered as I felt my iris turns all black and the wind breeze became rough. "Because of your shits, those poor souls became wild and turned the world upside down. Luckily for me, I have their blood. I was able to save Obito from your grasp. I was thinking of saving Madara too but his time already ended and he's too old to be alive so in the end, I ended his life. You could say that this is my judgement for his doings." I gave them a smirk. 

Drawing my sword out of my waist, I decapitated Zetsu before putting my palms on his body, sealing him into the unknown.. forever. 

"This should be enough.. isn't it? Lord Hagoromo." I said. 

And there I eyed his Rinnegan as I turned my pace sideways to face him. He's been watching me get a conversation with his so called brother. 

"Indeed, this should be enough to stop the dreadful war. Now, what are you going to do after this? I can assure you that the remnants of our clan wouldn't bother your world anymore." 

"I have a child now and Obito is in my care. You know that, Lord Hagoromo."

"How about Kakashi? Isn't he included with your life plan?" 

"You already know that our relationship grumble. In just a matter of time... we will be having to end this." It pains me to think that I've seen the end of our relationship. "Besides... this is the best for Kagura. I don't want her to grow up, seeing me and Kakashi always fighting and giving each other a cold shoulder. It's better this way." 

He sighed about my statement and didn't bother to argue anymore. "I respect your wishes and I hope you a better future. I have already blessed your child, Hanare. From now on, your destiny is on you. The burden of the past is now lifted so please do live your life the way you wanted. Be happy, Hanare.. Kagura." 

( - _- )

"So, it's done now? I mean, really?" Obito asked, suspicions lingering on his voice. This dumb bastard knew exactly how to annoy the shit out of me. I just told him what happened on my expedition last time. Where I killed Madara, Black Zetsu and those white army and he had the nerve to freaking ask me that? 

It's a reliable source! 

"You know, just pick up Kagura and feed her. You're annoying." I irritatingly said only to earn a scoff from him. "Are you already cleared? Where's Shisui and Itachi?" 

He shrugged, "But I'm already cleared. Those brats must be with their girlfriends." 

"Aw, is Uncle Obito jealous that those 'brats' he's calling are getting laid while he's here baby sitting our baby Kagura." I teased him while folding Kagura's clothes. I'll be sending Kagura to Kurenai for a while since Tsunade and Shikaku just bestowed me another pain in the ass mission which is to train this motherfucker. 

"Hmp, it's not that I want to get laid too. I lose my shits about those kind of things, I even forget about love since I vowed to only love her." 

"Aw, how poetic." I cooed. But in reality, I'm happy for him. Even with Rin's gone beside him, he's far too loyal for his lingering feelings. I can see that he's contented being Kagura's babysitter. He have this niece-complex, I'm telling you. 

"Hanare." My attention was caught when Obito called me using his serious tone. "Have you talked with Kakashi? I saw him last day, we've met in the memorial. Well, we had a drink, he asked for forgiveness and I did but when I asked him about your relationship with him.. are you really going to end it just like that?" He asked for confirmation. I can't blame him though, almost everyone is asking why did my relationship with him fall? When did it start? What might be the reason? 

I know he's just concerned, now that we have Kagura in our lives. It's just.. keeping this broken relationship wouldn't do good anymore. And I don't want to hurt him anymore. It's as if keeping him with me only breaks him more and more and I got tired, finally. I don't want to see him breakdown anymore so I let go. I'm so tired of keeping my feelings for him in touch. 

Of course, he's free to visit Kagura whenever he wanted to. Sometimes, he'll ask me if he could spend his time with his daughter and of course, I'm letting him be. It's the least thing I could do to ease up the pain I've given him. 

I'm fine with whatsoever as long as he's fine with Kagura being with him. As long as he's taking care of our daughter, we'll be fine. 

"We'll be fine. And I'm tired as hell. All of the drama's around. Let me have my peaceful life with my daughter." I told him with a smile. "And oh, I'm thinking of taking a vacation with Kagura maybe when she turn one? How about the hidden village of cloud? There's a hell of a resort there, man." 

"Seriously? the issue about the Akatsuki hasn't yet to be solve, Hanare." He reminded be so I frowned. 

"The villages can easily deal with them bro." He scoffed before making a noise using Kagura's bell to take her attention. "Besides, it's their villages fault why they run loose." And since I've dealt with the remains of the Otsutsuki, I know 100% sure they can handle themselves. Aside from Nagato, well, they can handle the rest. 

"In the hidden mist, there's a hot spring there. Highly recommended." Obito said to me, raising his brows continuously. I threw him a glare. "What? It's a hot spring. A natural one."

"I've been asking you for days about hot springs since I wanted to gift Shisui a couple package!" Shisui's getting married in a few weeks. In all honesty, I'm so thrilled but nervous since he's so grown up now. I can't take this in one shot. My heart can't just settle because I'm so happy for him. He finally found his love of his life.

"You did?" This dumbass. "Anyway, did ya get your outfit for Shisui's? How about Hanare? But let me handle that. You old-fashion dumbass is getting on my way to dress up my niece wonderfully. So let me do the deed of dressing her up." 

"Did ya change your profession?" I asked, only to earn a bonk on my head. "What! I just asked!" 

"Of course not! I'm a full pledge ninja, bitch. I just want to make sure my niece will be the star of the night." 

"But it's Shisui's wedding bro." 

"Shut the fuck up."   


Sorry for the late update and short update! I think I might revise this again but please bear with me! Have a nice day! 

Uhm, I'm debating if I should let Kakashi and Hanare (1) to end up with or to let Kakashi have an affair with the other Hanare. Uhhm, well, I want this story to be 'that' painful :)) 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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