Chapter 8

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"Are you okay, Hanare-san?" 

Shisui asked while Itachi just looked at me, concerned. Both of them knew how much I'm fond with them and now I'm being relieved as their captain broke me down. 

I didn't answer Shisui because I don't want to lie. They would figure it out anyway. I wiped my tears away to fix myself. I've been crying ever since I left the tower. I'm so upset with Hiruzen but what can I do? I don't want to leave Shisui and Itachi, they're the only person who stayed beside me whenever I'm down or whatever I'm feeling. And now Hiruzen's going to relieve me for fucks sake of whatever he's up to?! 

Gooddamn it. 

"Are you going to be fine, Hanare-san?" Itachi asked. Worry's imprinted on his face knowing that it's about Kakashi. He knew that it's still painful for me but gooddamn destiny messed up on me again. "If not, we can persuade Lord-" But I cut Itachi off. 

That'll just complicate things and will make them wonder what's between me and Kakashi or If I have something against the team or what. I don't want to cause such ruckus.

"I-I'll be fine. I can handle." Is all I uttered and both of them sighed. 

"You'll be forever the best captain we ever had so please, stop crying now. It's sucks seeing you cry, nee-san." Shisui wrapped his arms around my shoulders to console while Itachi just  caressed my head. 

"Hmm? I guess you guys grew up, hmmm?" I teased and both of them released me from their grip. "Well, let's stop being gloomy. How about we go grab some lunch, kids?" I asked them cheery but Itachi's concerned gaze didn't go unchecked with me so I ruffled his hair. 

It'll be fine.


The next day, I walked inside the Hokage tower to officially meet the Team. I'm actually bored and sleepy since Shisui and Itachi made me drank 2 liters of alcohol last night. They bribed me! And here I was hoping to get a revenge but they'd just received a new mission. They're now under Genma the fucking Casanova. I hope they wouldn't adopt to Genma's fucking hobbies. Oh Good God, they're good souls. 

I widened my senses when I stepped inside the Hokage tower. I found Kakashi's chakra signature inside the conference room along with the Chunnin instructors and Lord Hiruzen. I sighed. This is going to be a long day having them beside me. 

"Ah, Hanare, you're finally here. I was about to send an ANBU to get you." I remained stoically. I'm still upset about him relieving me from the position. "Anyway, Team 7. This is Suzuki Hanare, your team's Co-leader." Lord Third introduce me to these cute little genins. 

Ack! Sasuke looked like Itachi!! 

I changed my mood into something light when I met Sasuke and Naruto's eyes. Sasuke's onyx eyes are just like Itachi and his father while Naruto's ocean eyes, it reminded me of Sensei. Man, he got Kushina's face, isn't he? 

"Who is she dattebayo?" Naruto asked confused. Sasuke remained silent but he's also curious as well as the Haruno girl. I think she's Haruno Sakura. The future disciple of Tsunade. 

I didn't bother to throw a gaze on Kakashi and just continued to act as if he's nothing important to me. He's the one who told me to get out of his way and I'm just doing what he'd told me. As if that doesn't concerned me but I don't mind, for now. 

"Hello, nice meeting you three." I smiled genuinely and the boys blushed at my sudden smile to them. Sakura on the other hand, bowed her head on me and I looked at her sweetly. Aaaaa, they're so cute. 

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