Chapter 9

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For once, I'll agree about me being an idiot. 

For what reason? 

For answering Kakashi's kiss when he pursed it on me again, one more time. Our lips dance along with the breeze of the wind around us. Our kiss deepened with passion, guilt, bereavement and... love. 

I wrapped my arms around his nape to support my weight. Our kiss was heated and passionate as our lips and tongue danced with one another for dominance. Yet in the end, Kakashi's pensionable kisses overwhelmed my poor soul and I let him. Feeling his tongue slide inside my mouth and roam around my cavern, making me moan a bit. I leaned my back on the wall to ease the tension that I'm feeling about. 

I could feel Kakashi's hands at the base of my back, rubbing small circles with his thumb as his other hand caressed my jaw. 

I've never imagined to have this kind of intimacy with Kakashi, even before. I didn't anticipated this but I'm glad that he finally noticed my presence. The lingering attachments that he thought it was long gone but he got it wrong. 

I just stopped myself from showing it. I concealed my feelings but it hasn't lessened. In fact, those 8 years has tested my love for him.

"You're an idiot." I uttered when I broke our kiss to breathe. He's been sucking my oxygen out of my system. "Spouting harsh things on me, and now kissing me? Pathetic." I retorted but he just pulled me closer to him. 

"You know that I can be this frustrating, right? Besides, you've been watching me for 8 years. Now tell me, what's your connection with me?" 

"You can think that we're destined." I laughed in my response. That's devastating to hear but he didn't budge. He just stared directly on my eyes before smirking. This is the first time I saw his face this close, uncovered. Yeah, I've seen his face before but from afar and not this close. I could feel my cheeks burned in the thought. 

"Hmm? So you can flush like this." He teased in a very teasing matter. I tried to push him away but he tightened his grasp on my wasp as he laid his forehead on my shoulder. "Destiny, hmm? Why me?" He asked. 

I thought for a moment. Why him? Why Hatake Kakashi? 


"Because you're Kakashi." Is all I answered before smiling. 

He then fixed himself before giving my forehead a kiss. "That's the last kiss you'll receive from me." I was absolutely disturb with his statement so before he could use is poof jutsu shit on me, I grabbed his wrist to stop him on his tracks. 

"What the fuck do you mean last?!" I gritted my teeth out of anger when he chuckled on my response. 

"The next time is when we become official." And there he poofed away. 

WHAT THE? Official? He mean that? Official, what does he mean? Is he asking me out? What does this mean?! Should I ask Kurenai? What if she become suspicious? Shall I ask Itachi and Shisui? They're far expert when it comes into flirting and dating. Shal-

I cameback in myself when Kakashi re-appeared in front of me. He sighed as he said, "I know you'll overthink but we have a mission. Let's talk later." And then gently held my hand as he intertwined his fingers along mine. 

I gulped. Since when did Kakashi had been so affectionate? 

What happened after that night? How did he knew my presence? How. 

I came back to reality when we poofed in front of the Leaf's main gate and we're late. He had rubbed his lateness on me. No! He kissed me! He caught me off guard! That's foul! 

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