Chapter 1: Pain in the Name of Pactural

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"So... how long is this drive exactly?" asked Becky.

"Shut up brat, we'll get there when we get there." replied Pactural, his true colours starting to show through.

"Excuse me? Since when did you have the right to talk to me like that?"

"Since when did you have the right to talk back to your master?"

"My what now?"

"MASTER, DAMMIT!" yelled the man, who seemed to have little to no patience.

"Uhm... is this how Principal's are supposed to act?"

"No, you idiot! You aren't even going to a school!"

"Then where-"

Pactural then turned around, and injected the 10 year old with some sort of strange green liquid, knocking her out almost immediately.

When she next awoke, she was in some dirty abandoned building.

"WHERE THE HELL AM I?" screamed out Becky, who has picked up some bad language from Bucky over the years.

"Sir, our subject is awake now." said Pactural, to an unfamiliar man who was wearing a green outfit with some weird symbol on the shoulder.

"Very good... very good indeed...." said the man.

"What in the world is this?!" spoke Becky, just about as confused as anyone would be if they had just gotten kidnapped like this.

"Calm down little one... my name is Johann Schmidt, and you will be a part of something great... something America will remember for decades..."

"A part of what?"

Then, another man walked into the room she was in. "Great... more creepy guys talking about crazy shit." she thought to herself.

"You will be a part of an army... of soldiers. Super-soldiers, to be specific, that is, if you even survive long enough for that." spoke the 3rd man, with an unfamiliar accent.

"You're giving this kid way too much credit, sir, she's just a stubborn brat that will probably die during one of our many experiments." said Pactural.

"Erin, Arnim, enough. If she does not succeed; well, we do in fact have more subjects to experiment on. But if she does in fact succeed... imagine what she could do for us. She would be our perfect assassin... she wouldn't even question a thing. She would bring HYDRA to life. She would be the heart of HYDRA." Said Schmidt in German.

"Experiments?! You idiots are definitely NOT going to succeed in whatever psycho plans you may have!"said Rebecca, trying to sound brave.

"We will rise, above all. We will cause so much destruction... so much fear... and we will be behind it all, but nobody will know... nobody will ever stop us." spoke Schmidt, breaking out into an evil grin. "Pactural? Why don't you teach this brat a lesson."

"Yes, sir."

Pactural then went around the corner, and came back with a whip.

"It's time to have fun, little brat."

He then walked over and- well, beat the girl senseless. Her ear-piercing yelps filled the room, as pain shot down her back. She could feel the crimson-coloured blood drip down it, as Pactural laughed evilly. The air was filled with the bitter scent of blood.

"Pactural, stop now. We need the subject alive if she's gonna be any use to us." said Schmidt.


"I- I don't want to live like this..." spoke Rebecca weakly, bitter tears running down her face.

"Oh, child, how weak you are right now. But, I assure you, we will make you strong. Stronger than you'll ever have imagined." said Schmidt.

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