Chapter 6: Left Behind

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It was another normal day in Facility 17337. Rebecca Barnes, who had no idea that was her name, got taken from her cell like every morning to go do training. In this training session, she was ordered to execute a HYDRA nurse, who had betrayed them by freeing one of the random hostage's that had been kept there.

"This lady has betrayed our code! She has freed Prisoner Number 92748102! Soldier, you know what to do." Henry Gramm, one of the many handlers that Becky has had over the years told her. She just nodded in response.

"No... please don't do this... I have a family..." the nurse begged.

Rebecca just ignored the woman's pleadings however, and unsheathed her sharp claws. She walked towards her, and made a deep cut across the nurse's stomach. Becky picked her up by the scruff of her neck, watching the blood drip slowly from the nurse.

"Let her bleed out." Gramm said.

Becky then dropped the woman on the ground, afterwards Gramm came and hung the nurse upside down with a rope on the ceiling. Rebecca was then put back in her cell, as that was the end of the morning training session. She didn't struggle or anything, it was the same routine that she had everyday. A few hours later, Gramm came and got her. The leader wanted to talk to her about something. She knew it was important, since the boss wasn't known to waste his precious time.

"Hello, Winter Soldier. There are urgent things that we must discuss immediately. Gramm, leave us now." Artemi Frotov said.

Artemi Frotov was the new leader of HYDRA now, after Alexander Pierce's death. He was Pierce's most trusted ally, so it only makes sense that he was elected as the new leader.

"Yes, sir." Gramm replied.

"Soldier, there are some new targets that urgently need to be taken out of the picture. Many of our men have tried, and died trying to do so. Since you are the heart of HYDRA, as we all know, I am trusting you to handle them." Frotov stated in a serious tone.

"Who are they?" Becky asked in a raspy voice.

Frotov then laid out two pictures of two different men. "James Buchanan Barnes and Samuel Thomas Wilson. Barnes used to be a Winter Soldier just like you, but overall weak compared to you. Wilson is the new Captain America, as if the first wasn't enough." Frotov replied. "They'll come to us soon, since they most likely heard about your assassination of the Senator. If they do come, kill them. Don't even dare to hesitate. Just kill."

"Sure, sir." Becky responded with the slightest bit of hesitance in her voice.

"Do I hear hesitance..?"

"N-no, sir."

"Are you sure? I'm certain that I did."

"Must just be you, sir."

"Maybe you're right. But you better not fail me, soldier. If you're hesitating- even a little, there will be extreme punishments as you probably already know."

"Yes, sir."

Rebecca still was uncertain about this, as she exited Frotov's office. Gramm was waiting outside, and of course immediately dragged her back to her dark, gloomy cell. "Barnes... last name sounds so familiar..." Becky thought to herself. The thought soon disappeared after a few seconds however, as she was not supposed to think anything about matters other than missions.

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