Chapter 4: The Wood Cabin

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"So, how are we going to get to this guy now? If he has a bunch of private jets, I doubt that he's anywhere a taxi can get us to." Sam said.

"I have a motorcycle stored here." Bucky replied.

"So, you have random motorcycles stored all over America?"

"Pretty much."

"Where did they even come from?"

"...Does that matter?"

"You stole them, didn't you?"

"Maybe. Follow me."

Bucky then led Sam into an abandoned parking garage.

"Get on the back." Bucky said.

"Dude, you don't use helmets? Not all of us are Super-soldiers you know."

"You'll be fine. You'll only fall off if I do, and I never fall off unless I'm trying to."

Bucky then drove 2 hours to an acreage outside the city.

"Oh, Winter Soldier! It's good to see you again!" happily said an old man that stood outside the acreage. "It looks like you've brought a friend with you."

"Yes. His name is Sam. Sam, this is Bill Snyder."

"So, you're Margaret Snyder's husband?"

"No, I'm her brother. So, where you headed to Soldier?"

"I need to go to Russia. I'll give back your jet after."

"You really think you'll get away with it without paying me?"

"Fine. How much?"



Bucky then ripped out another page in his chequebook, and handed it to the man which handed him the keys for the jet in return.

"Head over there, the jet's right in that field."

"Got it. Thanks."

They then headed towards the jet. It was on the smaller side, but it would work for their purposes.

"You do know how to fly this thing, right Sam? Steve told me you were in the Air Force."

"I can fly it, but I don't know how to get to Russia from here."

"There's a built in GPS." Bucky replied. "I've seen people use it before."

"Why can't you fly it?"

"That's your thing."

"Ugh, fine. But you have to be the co-pilot."

They entered the jet, and put in the key. Once it took off, Sam flied it with no problem with Bucky's help. They had to put it on autopilot for a while, so they could get some rest. They took turns sleeping, however, so someone could monitor it. Morning soon came again, and they were at Russia now. Trouble soon came, since nothing ever seems to be easy for the duo.

"What's that noise?" asked Sam.

"How am I supposed to know??"

The next thing they knew, there was a fighter jet behind them, with its door slightly open. There was a man standing behind it, that threw a disk at the borrowed jet. It must've shorted out the electrical signals, because the next thing they knew, the small jet started falling towards the ground.

"Crap! We're going down! Who the hell did that?" Sam asked worriedly.

Bucky then tried to look out the window, and on the corner of his eye he saw something that made him twitch. The HYDRA logo.

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