Chapter 21: Rising Tide

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Steve burst out laughing at Bucky's remark.

"Buck, do you have any idea how stupid that just sounded?" Steve asked hysterically.

"Do you have any idea how stupid you are to call my brother stupid?" Rebecca remarked.

"Who do you think you are to talk back to me? You know that I'm the Power Broker, and the actual leader of HYDRA, right?"

"Well, I didn't know that, but thanks for the information." Rebecca said.

"Hold up. So you're a crime boss, and a HYDRA leader?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Some know me as Captain Hydra." Steve replied, happier than he should be.

"Steve? You were my only family left..." Willow stated in pure sadness.

"Stop your whining. I raised you to be strong, not weak like everyone else."

"Why are you judging everybody but yourself? You're the only one that's pathetic, in this room." Rebecca growled intimidatingly.

"Really? Well, I know your weakness. Electricity." Steve stated.

He then pushed a button on the control pad that was on the outside of the cage. Many volts of electricity went running down the pole that Rebecca was tied to, electrocuting her.

She yelped, but not really because it hurt. She was used to getting electrocuted like this. It was just a natural reaction.

"Steve, stop!" Bucky shouted.

"And why should I? Personally, I think this is quite amusing." Steve replied.

Bucky was growing more furious by the second. His ex-best friend was torturing his little sister. He was done playing nice.

He snapped the chains off of his wrists by slamming them against his metal arm. He wiggled free of the chains around his ankles, releasing him from the pole. It didn't take him long to do this, so Steve didn't have time to react. Bucky didn't even think much to break free of his chains, his brotherly instincts were taking over. He was fuming.

"Trying to be the hero again?" Steve asked. "How courageous of you. Unfortunately, it seems like you've forgotten that you're still surrounded by a cage."

Bucky looked around, and remembered this.

"I've had enough fun electrocuting your sister, what should I do now..?"

Steve then hit another button, and the electricity flowing from Rebecca's pole stopped.

"I think you should burn in hell." Rebecca replied.

"I wasn't talking to you. You don't count as a human being." Steve stated, purposely trying to get a reaction out of someone.

Bucky made his hands into fists. He was trying to figure out a way to disable the barrier that was sealing the four in. He figured that the only ways to disable it would be to either access the control pad that Steve was using and press one of the buttons, or to destroy the control pad so that the cage malfunctioned. He now had a plan in mind.

"Hey, Steve! Remember when your IQ was actually above 150? Well, it seems like it's below 50, now. Maybe you should get an IQ test, then we can find out that it's actually below 10." Bucky antagonized.

"Since when were you a bully, Bucky?" Steve replied.

"Since when were you a sadist?" Bucky said back.

Steve had a scowl upon his face. He may have been a century old, but he had the mind of a bratty toddler that always wants to get their way.

"You think you're funny? Well, I'll show you funny..!" Steve stated.

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