Chapter 11: Come Back With Us

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Eventually they found a decent place to land, in a random field outside of Brooklyn.

"Hopefully this field isn't owned by anybody." Willow stated.

"With our luck, it's probably owned by a mechanic that's gonna strip this jet for parts." Sam said.

"Let's go, there isn't any time to waste." Bucky said suddenly, hoping to find out who the Winter Soldier is as soon as possible.

"What's so urgent? We shouldn't rush too much." Willow said sensibly.

"I need to find out who the Winter Soldier is... it's driving me crazy."

"Buck, we all want to find out as much as you do. So we'll go now, but don't push yourself too hard, okay?" Willow said softly.

"I'll try not to." Bucky replied.

They all then walked out of the jet (except Oeznik, of course) and looked to Zemo for directions.

"Don't look at me, I don't have a car with me at the moment." Zemo said.

"Why the hell not?" Sam asked. "Buck, do you have one of your stolen motorcycles stored anywhere around here?"

"Nope." Bucky replied.

"I have an idea..." Willow said.

"Oh, come on! You aren't really thinking about riding deer into Brooklyn, are you?" Sam asked.

Willow then whistled, but a different whistle from the one she used to call the deer. Four horses then came barreling towards them, and stopped in front of Willow.

"You can go back to your home once we're at Brooklyn, alright?" Willow reassured the horses.

They neighed in response, and let Willow put the riding equipment on them.

"So, we're just stealing people's horses now?" Bucky asked.

"We're borrowing them." Willow responded, then mounting a horse that was white as snow.

They other three then mounted the horses as well, and followed Willow. Zemo seemed unfazed about the situation as always, since it definitely wasn't the weirdest thing he had come across. Willow thanked the horses for their help once they had reached the outskirts of Brooklyn, and let them go back to their owners before anyone noticed they were gone.

"Lead the way, Buck. You remember where your childhood home is, right?" Willow said.

"Yes, of course I do!" Bucky assured.

Bucky then led them into Brooklyn. They walked many blocks, and endured many minutes of Sam's complaining before Bucky finally stopped in front of an old house that was falling apart. It didn't even have a roof on it.

"Here it is." Bucky said.

"It looks like crap." Sam stated.

"It used to look so much better..." Bucky said sadly.

They all then walked inside cautiously, as they scanned their surroundings.

"Any of you see any sign of the Winter Soldier?" Willow asked.

"No-" Bucky began saying, but got cut off.

Before he could react, he got ambushed by behind, by none other than the Winter Soldier. She inflicted a large scratch on Bucky's back with her claws, which made him groan out in pain. Rebecca then knocked him to the ground, trapping him so that he couldn't move.

"Bucky!" Sam shouted worriedly.

Sam then quickly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his Captain America suit that was underneath. Redwing flew into the building, hovering beside Sam.

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