Chapter 8: To The Next Facility

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"We should gather info on the new Winter Soldier, anyone have any ideas where we should look first?" Sam asked.

"Remember that other HYDRA facility that was in Siberia? The one where I fought Tony?" Bucky replied. "That was the main place that HYDRA kept the Winter Soldier's, it might have some files or something there."

"Good thinking, Soldier." Zemo said to Bucky.

"Don't call me that, or I will choke the life out of you." Bucky threatened.

"You won't actually do that, you need me. You've also gotten soft during the time out of HYDRA it seems."

"Don't be so sure." Bucky replied with annoyance in his voice.

"I brought my jet here, we'll take that one." Zemo decided.

"Gramps, if you need to get out of here for any reason take the HYDRA jet." Willow told Steve.

"Got it." Steve replied.

The four of them then boarded Zemo's jet, and got greeted by his butler, Oeznik. Once they arrived at the Siberian facility, they exited the plane and walked up to the facility that looked about as empty as it did before.

"Wow, it's a ghost town here." Sam said.

"Yup." Willow replied.

They then entered the abandoned facility cautiously, Bucky holding a gun just in case.

"The bodies of the Winter Soldier's that Zemo killed are still here..." Bucky said, somewhat sadly.

"Well, it's not like the bodies can just get up and walk out of here." Willow replied.

"This place is huge, where are we gonna look first?" Sam asked.

"Let's split up. It'll be quicker that way." Willow suggested.

"Alright." Sam responded.

They all searched the place for several hours, until Bucky finally found something.

"Hey guys, I think I found something." Bucky stated.

"What is it?" Willow asked.

"Files." Bucky replied.

"Not just any files, right?" Sam asked.

"It says Subject 001 on them, so I assume not." Bucky responded.

He then picked them up carefully and set them on an old rusty table that happened to be sitting there. They gathered around the table, and examined the files thoroughly.

Test Subject 001
Gender: Female
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Attributes: Wings, Energy Balls, Claws
Super Soldier: Yes
Successful Experiment: Yes

"Well, that first page isn't very useful." Willow stated.

"Keep looking." Bucky said.

"This page looks much more promising." Zemo said.

Subject 001 was our first successful experiment. Took part in Project: Winter Soldier, and influenced us to make more Winter Soldier's. Even more useful however, Subject 001 was the only experiment that survived Project: Dusk. Subject 001 is our most valuable asset, and has proven loyal to service at HYDRA.

"What the hell is Project: Dusk?" Sam asked.

"I have no idea. Never heard of it." Bucky replied.

Handling Instructions:
Handle with extreme caution, as Subject 001 is very dangerous if not stable. Don't put in Cryo-Freeze like other Winter Soldiers. Most importantly, however, do not let Subject 001 and our other main Winter Soldier interact. If they do, it will trigger past memories and lead to non-compliance.

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