Chapter 5: The Journey

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"So, where is the facility located?" Willow asked. "You said that you knew."

"Well, here's a map." Bucky said while handing her the map.

"So, it's just east of here according to this map."

"Do you know how to get there?" Sam asked.

"Of course! I know my way around Russia like the back of my hand!" Willow responded.

"How are we going to get there? We obviously don't have a jet anymore." Sam stated.

"My friends can help with that." Willow responded.

"You have friends out in the middle of Russia?" Sam asked.

"You'll see."

"Bye, Steve..." Bucky said to his old friend.

"Bye, guys. Good luck on your mission." Steve replied.

The trio now exited the cabin, and Willow made her way towards the snow-covered pine trees that were behind it. She then whistled at the trees, and there now was a rustling sound coming from them. Suddenly, a Red Deer (species of deer) came barreling out of the forest, followed by two more. The three deer stood proudly in front of Willow, their antlers like a crown atop their heads.

"Hi Everest, Fuji, and Rainier! We need a little ride, do you think you guys can take us there?" Willow asked the deer.

The three deer then grunted.

"Yes? Thanks, hope you don't mind the saddles." Willow replied to the deer.

"What are you, Santa Claus?" Sam said.

"Not quite."

Willow then grabbed a few saddles out of the backpack full of various supplies that she had packed to bring along, and put them on each of the deer, along with a set of reins for each.

"You don't actually expect us to ride those things, do you?" Bucky asked.

"Don't worry, they'll follow me. I know where I'm going, so you don't have to steer them anywhere." Willow replied.

She then mounted Everest the deer, and motioned for Sam and Bucky to get on one of the other deer. Bucky mounted Fuji awkwardly, still not knowing what to think about riding a deer across Russia to a HYDRA base. It wasn't the weirdest thing he's experienced however, as he still clearly recalled the talking raccoon that he fought alongside when they were trying to stop Thanos. Sam got on Rainier, but it wasn't the most graceful way to mount an animal, as it involved a lot of kicking and a screaming deer. Rainier shot Sam a quick glare, then looked to Willow for directions.

"You call that mounting?" Willow said to Sam.

"It's not like this was my idea!"

Willow then motioned for the other deer to follow her and Everest, as she took off through the forest. Fuji and Rainier weren't too far behind, as they were all close enough to be able to talk to one another.

"Why do the deer listen so well to you? You have powers or something?" Sam asked.

"Yup. Ever since I was 5 years old, I could understand and talk to animals. They adore me." Willow replied.

"So, you're a Disney Princess?" Sam responded.

"Why do you talk so much? I'm trying to concentrate here."

"Nah, you just don't want to admit that you're a Disney Princess."

"Sure, Big Bird."

"I am not Big Bird!"

"Nah, you just don't want to admit that you are."

"Stop mocking me!"

"Stop saying garbage lines that are really tempting to mock, then."

"Finally, someone else knows how annoying you are and not just me!" Bucky said.

"You ain't any better yourself, Mister Stare-A-Lots." Sam responded.

"Fine. Be that way then, Toucan Sam!" Bucky said back.

"You know what Toucan Sam is?" Sam asked.

"I saw it on an ad when I was watching television." Bucky stated proudly.

"Dude, you probably shouldn't be so proud every time you get a reference or know a character from modern day. It's not that impressive. I have to admit though, Toucan Sam is a pretty darn good nickname for him." Willow said to Bucky.

For the remainder of the day, the chaotic trio just continued to make up nicknames for each other, annoying the hell out of one another also. Once it got dark out, they stopped for the night in a few bushes. Willow brought out a tent that was in her backpack and set it up, also pulling out sleeping bags that she stuffed hand-warmers in. They took shifts being on guard like they had in the jet, in case HYDRA found them. Once sunrise came again, they set off on their journey once more with the three deer. They soon struck up a conversation again, as soon as they began to ride the deer into the glistening snow.

"So, how close are we to the facility?" Bucky asked.

"It's probably a good 12 hours or so away... if we're lucky." Willow replied.

"Shouldn't we have a plan?" Bucky sternly asked. "I'm not just gonna go into this place blindly."

"I do have a plan." Willow said.

"Then what is it? Can you bother to tell me, and not be like Sam that keeps it to himself so I have no clue what's going on?"

"I was planning on it."

"Well, tell us!" Bucky stated impatiently.

"Okay, okay, jeez. So, when we arrive at the HYDRA base it will be dark out. That means it'll be the perfect time to ambush the place. I'll gather an animal army to attack it, so they'll do most of the work for us. The animals will distract most of the HYDRA agents, and while they're distracted, you two will search for the new Winter Soldier. I'll try to keep the agents away from you, once you're ready just shout and I'll follow you out. I'm assuming that you want to take the new Winter Soldier back with you. If you can't convince her to come, knock her unconscious and I'll tie her up. Once she's outside with you guys, I'll blow the place up and we'll escape on the deer." Willow explained.

"Sounds like a decent plan to me." Sam said.

"What happens if we can't get the new Winter Soldier out?" Bucky asked.

"Then, we'll blow up the building anyways. She can't kill people if she's dead." Willow replied.

Bucky fell silent for a moment.

"We can't just kill her!" Bucky said.

"We can't just let her kill either." Sam said back.


"Buck, I know that you think that she's just like you. I get that. She just might not be salvageable. We'll try our best to make killing her a last resort. Okay?" Sam said sincerely.

"I sure hope it's a last resort..." Bucky murmured quietly to himself.

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