Chapter 8

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(A/n- picture of the dress. IT'S NOT HER!!!!!!!!!!)

Aura's pov:

I pull out a a white dress with that stopped mid-thigh, it was solid white underneath and webbed with see through flowers.

I also pulled out a pair of white flats and set them on the bed.

I went to the bathroom that is super big and fill up the tub/ 'pool'. It filled up until it reached above my waist then I turned off the faucet.

I swim around doing flips and hand stands. I washed my hair and body with my sky breeze body wash since it's my natural scent. I dry off and put on my outfit, I leave my hair down and walk out of the room and entered the elevator pressing the level four button and waited for the 'ding'

After two minutes the doors opened and I went inside the grand hall. My eyes widened when what must be hundreds of people laughing, and talking. They were all wearing suits and formal dresses.

I examined the room and stopped when I saw mummy and daddy talking to the people I met earlier. I walk up to them and their attention then focused on me.

"Oh sweety you look gorgeous" Elizabeth said as the other women nodded in agreement.

"Thank you" I smiled and looked at mummy and daddy.

"Pyralis was here not to long ago she said she was going to eat, roam around and leave, she already sent a message that she left and went to her spot" Daddy said.

I nodded.

"By the way you look gorgeous" he added.

I smiled and left the adults to continue their talking.

I walked over to the buffet table and filled up at least for plates worth of protein since we can't eat what we normally ate at home but can't say I can't complain. As the saying as it goes 'Be grateful for what you have'

I sit down at a table and ate all the food in less than five minutes. Lunch earlier didn't really satify me much even though I did eat alot.

I got up and walked around the Hall, alot of men some my age and some older were staring at me funny. Saying me being uncomfortable would be an understatement, I was completely freaked out and I wanted to leave immediately.

I sped walked to the way I came in when I saw that the door was opening, I didn't want another man staring at me again so sped walked through a crowd of people and walked outside to a balcony. I let out a breath of relief and walked towards the edge of the balcony.

I leaned on the landing and listened to the whistling breeze. I smiled, the wind is so peaceful it could give anybody a smile on their face. The way it brushes through your skin and sometime in warm weather it feels like your being hugged by it.

My thoughts were disturbed when I sensed that someone was behind me. I swiftly jumped off the building, ignoring a person yelling stop and landed in the ocean.

My legs were replaced by a white tail. I held my shoes in one hand and swam to my safe haven.

*10 minutes later*

I turn back into human form with my hair and clothes completely dry. Having elemental powers has it's advantages.

I walk up the big cliff and into a cave where my people sleep. I floated down to the bottom and looked around. The cave is bigger than it seems. The cave was illuminated with bright lights and the people responsible are the faieries. I walk around and was greeted by many of my people.

I stopped and looked at Sila a dragon that has mutliple heads. If you cut off one head then two more grow back. Right now he/she has about five.

"Welcome back my queen" they all said bowing the heads as I did the same.

"Thank you, has everything been alright since I ve been gone?" I asked.

"Yes most certainly" (head 2)

"Good" I yawned out.

"Rest my queen" they all said.

"We'll talk more soon later" (heard 3)

I nodded and said goodnight to everyone as they did the same.

I went to my room which was right behind Sila. I opened the door and was greeted to a sleepy yet happy Eros. He flew towards me and I caught him before he could fall.

"Hello Eros, mummy has missed you" I said.

He squeaked and each head licked my cheeks, his way of kissing me. I giggled and crawled onto the massive circular bed that has a mountain of white fluffy pillows and underneath a fluffy gold blanket.

I placed Eros on a pillow and watched him curl up into a ball.

I rested my head on a pillow. "Goodnight Eros"

He squeaked and slowly closed his eyes as I did the same.

*three hours later*


I shot out of my sleep and looked over at Eros, he was still asleep.


I ran out of my room and hastily made my way up to the exit. I ran and followed where the roaring was coming from. I stopped when I saw Golem: a humanoid creature who is made of rock. He was crouching down at something that was laying down on the ground but I couldn't make up what.

He raised his fist but I hastily stood on his raised fist and looked at him. His looked at me and his face softened and bowed his head down.

I hopped off his fist and looked at the figure laying down on the rocky sand.

I have never seen anything like it so up close.

It was a boy.


Hope you liked it. It didn't take long as expected normally it would take me a whole and like crazy i've been updating all day.


Please comment and vote.

Bye bee \(°○°)/

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