Chapter 48

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"Finally" Avira huffed.

"Have somewhere to be?" Calder asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Dude!" Avira yelled and he threw his shovel to the ground and he swung at Calder but he was able to dodge.

Calder retaliated but kicking Avira in the stomach but that didn't make him falter instead he tackled Calder to the ground and punched him and Calder did the same.

The two Alphas growled and sprawled all over the dirt hole throwing punches at each other.

Dimitri and I pulled them off of each other but that didn't stop their need to pound each other's faces into oblivion.

"STOP!!!!" I yelled and that seemed to have worked.

"I've had it! I'm done working guys who can't even get one simple task done without the need to kill each other. Something is going on with you two and I want to know what it is so we can figure out how to resolve it and finish this before the girls come. So either tell me now or so help me I will leave right now and let you do this on your own. So what's it going to be?"

I was fed up at this point. As much as I would love to get this done and have Pyralis with me at long last but with the way these guys are behaving I think the girls' arrival should be put on hold until these dudes straighten out.

Calder and Avira stood there glaring at each other.

Avira sighed and he looked down at the ground for a couple seconds before looking at me.


Pyrros' pov:

"I- I cheated on Aura"

Anger completely disappeared from me and was replaced with complete shock.

I looked at my lifetime friend with wide eyes and slacked jaw as did Dimitri.

I did not see that coming.

"You son of a bitch!" Dimitri lunged at Avira and clocked him right in the jaw.

Before he could do any more damage I yanked him away and held him by his arm but he jerked away.

"What?" That was the only thing I could get out.

"I cheated on Aura"

"Why dude? How long has this been going on?"

"It's been going on for a few weeks, and I don't know why man, I've just been missing Aura like crazy and-"

"Don't" Dimitri interrupted him, he glared at him harshly and pointed at him.

"Don't you dare blame your actions on Aura. She can't help who she is and you know that" He huffed and he put his hands on his hips and started pace.

"You know what Avira? I knew you do the dumbest things but this is just crazy, you fucking adore Aura so what the fuck man?"

"I know"

"Obviously you don't!"

Dimitri stopped pace and he looked down at the ground.

"Okay, we can fix this. We can make this all go away" He snaps his head in Calder's direction.

"Calder, you're the smartest out of all of us man tell us how we can fix this"

"I think Avira should tell Aura the truth"

Dimitri snapped his head at me and he looked at me with a pleading look.

"Pyrros man you're our ring leader, the only one has the most common sense out of all us, please tell us how we can make this all go away?"

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