Chapter 4 - The broken Promise

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"Tae Tae"

As soon as I heard my little fairy's voice, I ran past dad and down the stairs at lightning speed.

"Y/n!" I hugged her tightly.

Y/n:"Are you going somewhere?" She enquired after seeing me in my suit.

Tae: "Yes, I have to go and say goodbye to my grandpa and I will be back soon ok" I reassured her.

Y/n: "Ok... when are you coming back?" She asked with anticipation.

Tae: "I'll be back as soon as I can, will you be here?"

Y/n: "yes", she exclaimed cupping my cheeks and greeting me with her smile.

Losing my grandpa has thrown me into enough grief but now the anxiety of how I will get through the days without seeing Y/n was adding to it.

I took her hands from my cheeks and closed between my hands.

Tae: "Now, It's your birthday next month right, tell me what you want and I will bring it for you when I come back"

Y/n: "Hah! Really?! Hmmm...yes let me show you". She pulled me with both her hands to the reading room. Climbing onto the mini book shelf ladder she started to scan through the neatly aligned books.

Tae: "Y/n Be careful" I warned her holding her arm as she got off the ladder.

She quickly sat down on the carpet and started flicking through the pages hurriedly. I sat on my knees watching her enthusiasm with a smile.

Y/n: "There!" She looked at me pointing her index finger on the page. I moved myself to align with her so I could see it at the right angle. She was pointing to the partly bloomed red rose encased within a glass orb surrounded by dust of sparking snow. The rose orb the beast keeps hidden in a room from the fairytale "beauty and the beast". I gently laughed at her and covered her hands that were on the page with mine and asked

Tae: "you want that?".

Y/n: "Yes!, It's so pretty." she squeaked shrinking her eyes at me.

Tae: "Ok, I'll bring it for you, wait for me ok?"

Y/n: "Mmm hmm" she nodded looking at me and locked her pinky finger with mine to persuade me.

Tae: "What if you are not here?" I questioned her as my anxiety of leaving her took over.

Y/n: "Then, you can come and find me, and I'll be with you again"

I gave her a somber smile and hugged her tightly whispering "I will miss you y/n, I see you soon ok."

Y/n: "O...k, I will miss you too Tae Tae" she mumbled curving her lips down and drooping her eyes like a sad puppy as I let go of her.

Dad: "Taehyung we need to be going now, please"

Tae: "Yes dad, I'm coming", I glanced at her once more before running towards the car.

I stared through the rear window waving until her face faded into the blossoms of the front garden as we drove away.

The funeral, the goodbyes, the tears and the meetings with relatives sharing the sorrow, all happened so quickly within a week but for me it was longest week of my life. It was filled with despair of losing grandpa forever and the yearning to see y/n. I slept hugging Toto every night wondering what y/n will be doing at the same time, comforting Toto and myself that we'll see her again soon.

I didn't want to keep bothering dad about when we will be going back, he was going through a lot already and I know my questions will only make things worse.

It was the morning of the second week at grandpa's place, I was having my breakfast sluggishly as dad appeared from his room. He seemed a little upbeat like he was recovering slowly.

Dad: "Good morning my Taehyung, are you ready to go home?"

I suddenly sat straight up with energy.

Tae: "yes!, are we going back?" I asked anxiously.

Dad: "yes Taehyung, too many things got held up with business. I need to fly to Japan tomorrow morning. So I'll drop you home before I go. Are you happy to go?"

Tae: "Oh yes! Of course dad" I exclaimed.

Dad:"That's my boy, are sure you will be ok?" He asked with concern.

Tae: "Yes, I'll be fine Dad, y/n is there"

Dad: smiled, "ok, let's finish breakfast and get ready"

I suddenly got impatient and engulfed my breakfast in just a few mouthfuls finishing it off and ran to the dressing room to get myself ready. I picked up Toto and got into the car eagerly

Tae: "Let's go and see y/n Toto!", I sighed in relief and relaxed after all the rush of getting ready.

As soon as the car came to a stop, I winged into the house calling her name.

Tae: "Y/n!...y/n..."

Dad: "Taehyung careful!..." I heard dad shout through the window.

Tae: "Y/n!!!" I called out with all my strength while my eyes searched every corner of the house.

Mr Wong: "Oh Young master! Welcome back." The butler bowed with a polite smile.

Tae: "Mr Wong, where's y/n?" I asked while catching my breath.

Mr Wong: "young master, I'm afraid y/n is not here today."

Tae: "but it's Saturday, she has no school. She should be here."I said with confidence.

Mr Wong: "young master, y/n hasn't been coming here for the last few days and her mother has resigned her job 3 days ago due to some emergency."

Tae: "but did she say when she will come back?" My breath was getting uneven and shallow as I suddenly started to feel nervous.

Mr Wong: "I am afraid not, young master. One of our maids went to give y/n' mum her last wages, but she was told they have vacated the flat on the day she resigned her job. That's all we know, I am sorry"

He finished regretfully.

As he spoke, grief constricted my throat, I could hardly speak or swallow. My world suddenly came to a stop and I felt like I lost everything. I stood there wheezing while Toto hung on my hand, I became senseless.

Mr Wong: "young master...Are you alright?

Broken words trembled out of my mouth..."She promised she'll be here when I come back"

Mr Wong: "I am sorry, young master" he said with empathy.

I saw him speak but nothing he said reached my ears, I fell onto my knees dropping toto on the floor.

"She promised she will be here, Why isn't she? She promised..." words faintly escaped through my gritting teeth while I looked at the floor not letting my tears fall.

Dad: "Taehyung! You need to be careful when you get...Taehyung?! Are you alright my boy? Did you hurt yourself?, What happened Mr Wong?" Dad hurled his questions in panic.

As he knelt down in front of me I dropped myself into his arms.

"She broke her promise dad! She promised she will be here when I come back, but she is not." I silently cried in despair pressing my face on his chest. I didn't want anyone to hear my mourning of pain entwined with rage caused by her broken promise.

Author's PoV

Taehyung placed the teddybear and the pictures back into box and slammed it shut stopping the cascades of memories of y/n and the pain he endeavoured in her absence. He tucked the box back under the bed and forced himself under the soft cotton sheets. He glared at the ceiling emotionlessly before drifting to sleep.

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