Chapter 31 - The Finale (Part 1) [21+]

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Author's PoV

"Master Jin..."
The butler placed the coffee tray on the table and bowed.
Jin: "Ah.. Thank you."
He paused from typing on his laptop and took the cup in his hand.
Jin: "Is y/n awake yet?"
He questioned.
Butler: "Yes, She was up earlier than usual this morning. I think she's getting ready in her room."
Jin: "I see. Ok..."
He smiled and took a sip of his coffee, looking back at the laptop.

A small squeak emerged from the top if the staircase.
She nearly stumbled and yelped as she stepped down.
Jin looked up and blinked twice and shook his head once to confirm what he was seeing was real. For a moment the image didn't make sense. It seemed like a big red rose bouquet of roses had developed legs and was walking down the stairs. It was y/n, but her petite torso was hidden behind the gigantic bouquet she was carrying.
Jin: "Y/n ahh, stop there. You gonna fall down..."
He shouted putting the coffee cup on the table and ran up the stairs.
Jin: "Give me that."
He lifted it from her hands and stepped down with it as she followed behind him.
Y/n: "Jin Oppa careful."
She advised while holding his shoulders and following behind him.
Jin: "Don't worry. It's all good"
He said placing it carefully on the couch.
Little exhausted, He let out deep exhale and looked at her.
Jin: "These are a bit heavy. What are these for?"
Y/n: "For Tae..."
She smiled folding her lips into a line.
Jin: "What?!"
Y/n: "yes, for Tae..."
He guffawed looking at her.
Y/n: "Jin Oppa! why are you laughing like that?"
She whined drooping her mouth.
Jin: " Is this how you are going to slay your Monster? By giving him roses?"
She grinned and nodded like a happy child.
His laughter changed to a more gentle adoring tone.
Y/n: "I wanna say sorry. I think I made him cry last time."
She uttered sadly losing her happy grin and looking down in guilt.
Jin: "Ahh.. don't worry. He's fine. I saw him yesterday."
Y/n: "Really? He didn't say he miss me?"
She looked up.
Jin: "Mmm, no. I don't remember anything like that."
She became a little concerned and dropped her head down again.
Jin smirked craftily.
Jin: "That's why I'm saying, be tough when you see him. You have to be angry. He didn't see you for three days remember, in fact 4 days, counting today. Ohh no! That's bad."
She looked up at him with her lips parted.
Y/n: "That's true! And he ignored my calls..."
She exclaimed with sudden realization.
Jin: "Exactly! Be savage!"
He prepped her making a fist.
She tightened her lips and stiffened her body.
Y/n: "Yes..."
Jin: "yes!"
He gave her a high five by lowering his hand to her height.
She smiled at him confidently and pulled out a rose from the bouquet.
Y/n: "And this is for you..."
Jin: "Oh noo..only one?"
Y/n: "...Hmmm... maybe another one..."
She pulled out another one and extended it together.
Jin: "Ahh...I don't know..."
He wound her up.
Y/n: "Jin oppa..."
She cried.
He cackled and took them from her.
Jin: "Thank you..."
Y/n: "No.. Thank YOU..."
She gratefully smiled and hugged him.
Y/n: "Oppa, Will you walk me down the isle when I get married?"
Her sweet request melted him inside. He tightened his embrace for a second and pulled away.
Jin: "Of course. Anything for my little sister."
He gently tapped her cheeks and smiled.
Y/n: "Ok...Now, let me go and slay my Handsome crazy Monster."
She lifted the bouquet and stood straight.
Jin: "Take want me to carry it?"
Y/n: "No it's ok. Bye now..."
She walked to the main door.
Jin: "Y/n..."
He called her again and she turned.
Jin: "Remember...Be savage. Be EXTRA..."
He reinstated his last few words of wisdom with a tough face and a thumbs up.
Y/n: "Yesss..."
She agreed and happily and stumbled towards the car with her bouquet. Jin couldn't help but laugh at the cute little monster slayer walking away with bunch of flowers as her weapon.

As the car drove off, he took his phone and texted Taehyung.

"You are in trouble. Take cover 😈"

Taehyung's Office

"Be savage, be savage be savage y/ savage.."
She murmured the mantra Jin had taught her between her lips as she walked towards the receptionist.
Y/n: "Where is he?"
She questioned boldly straight away, keeping her arms wrapped around the bouquet.
The receptionist looked at her in slight shock and confusion.
Receptionist: "I'm sorry Miss...but who do you mean?"
Y/n: "That crazy monster...your boss, Kim Taehyung...
where's is he?"
The receptionist was awestruck and stared at her for few seconds before speaking.
Receptionist: "Do you mean Master V?!"
Y/n: "Yes!"
She rolled her eyes.
Y/n: "Master V, Kim Taehyung, Monster... alien...whatever other names he's got..."
Receptionist: "Ermm... He's in a meeting at the moment. I'm afraid I cannot let you in."
Y/n: "I don't need your permission to go in. I just want to know where he is."
She muttered.
Receptionist: "But Miss, I'm sorry..."
Mr Hope: "Ooohh! Miss y/n!"
Mr Hope appeared through the main glass doors with a surprised face.
Y/n: "Mr Hope...Where's he...?"
She asked pleadingly, forgetting her savage self.

Monster Love - Version 1 (OLD version) COMPLETED [Ft. Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now