Chapter 23 - Love fights...

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Y/N's PoV

I came out of the bathroom ruffling my damp hair. But quickly I was floating in the air as he lifted me off the floor in bridal style and spun around slowly. I laughed holding his neck.
Y/n: "Nooo...please put me down..."
V: "No..."
Y/n: "...V please I'll get dizzy..." I begged as I shut my eyes tightly.
He stopped hearing my plea, and put me back down in the floor.
V: "Come on somebody's here to see us.."
He clasped my hand and walked to the dining room.
Y/n: "Who is it?" I asked as I followed behind him.

"Y/N ahhhhhh! Surprise!"
A familiar cheerful voice burst in the air.
Y/n: "Jin oppa..." I smiled in surprise. I've only met him once so I was still a little shy. But he wasn't not like that.
He came forward and hugged me, lifting me off the floor.
Jin: "Ahhh! It's such a relief to see you".
He said as he released me.
Jin: "How are you?"
Y/n: "I'm good...Thank you. How are you?"
Jin: "I'm great as usual...well it looks your knight in shining armour has saved you safe and sound from all the troubles."
He said as he pinched both of my cheeks.
I smiled at him and looked at V, he was leaning against the table with a glass of smoothie in his hand.
Jin: "It's all my training..."
He winked at me with a big grin making me giggle.


She seems happy to be with me. Finally, I manage to make her love this monster. I smiled to myself.
Y/n: "Would you like some smoothie?" She asked Jin hyung.
Jin: "Yes please, but also I want some proper breakfast".
He demanded.
She smiled and turned to the table.
Jin: "Taehyung...What time are we meeting the clients?"
He froze realising his mistake and I stood staring at him in shock.
We both stopped breathing for a moment.
She whined.
We both looked at her.
Tae: "y/n?..."
I called her tensely.
She turned around pouting. Her lower part of the white dress was covered in green thick smoothie. She spilt it on her dress.
Y/n: "I spilt it...Oppa sorry."
she apologized with a sad face, holding the empty smoothie jar in her hands. She didn't hear us.
I breathed out the mounted tension in my chest and glared at Jin Hyung raising my eyebrows.
Jin: "Sorry..." he mouthed.
I shook my head at him and took the jar from her.
Tae: "It's ok baby...he doesn't deserve any smoothie. You go and get changed for breakfast."
I sent her out of the dining room.
Jin: "Yaaaah! That's just unfair!" He yelled at me and I just ignored him. she slowly ran to her room.
Moments later, she reappeared with a new dress and we sat together and ate our breakfast.
I got up wiping my hands on the napkin and removed the blazer from back of my chair.
Tae: "Stay safe...Baby. We will be back in the afternoon ok?"
I leaned and kissed her cheek as I spoke.
Y/n: "Ok..." she smiled and blushed, because I kissed her in front of Jin Hyung.
Tae: "Also, don't get carried away and go too deep into the water ok?"
y/n: "I know...I'm not a child..."
She mumbled, a little embarrassed.
Jin: "Ahhhh! Stop treating her like a child..."
he defended her.
Jin: "Take care y/n, see you soon ok." He dragged me by my blazer and out of the dining room. I glanced at her and winked before she disappeared from my eyes.

Author's PoV

Taehyung and Jin waved to their clients as the car drove off.
Jin turned and looked at Taehyung.
Tae: "Well, the meeting is out of the way. Let's go..."
He shrugged and turned towards their car.
Jin: "Ah ah ah! Not so fast Mr Kim Taehyung. How about a drink before we go..."
He pulled his collar.
Tae: "Ahhh! Hyung, it's getting late..."
He wined as he dragged behind him.
Jin: "Yaah! It's not even midday, and I know why you are so eager to go back. But, We need to talk."
He pulled him into the restaurant bar and ordered two cocktails.

Taehyung reluctantly sat on the table and started to browse through his phone. Jin snatched it off his hand and placed it on the end of the table.
Taehyung exhaled and looked at him.
Tae: "What now?"
Jin: "What? Can't you spare some time for this Hyung? What's important me or phone?"
Tae: "Phone."
He answered before Jin even finished yelling his question.
Jin: "Wrong answer! It me... this world wide handsome is important right now."
Tae: "Really?"
Jin: "Yes! Because, I'm more handsome than that phone."
Tae: "You seriously don't know what to compare yourself with."
He shook his head.
Jin: "Oh! I compare myself to everything! And I'm always handsome and better looking than everything! This pepper shaker, this salt shaker, this chair, this table. In fact I can shake better than these salt and pepper shakers. You wanna watch?"
Tae: "Ahhh! Hyung please! Just stop embarrassing me!"
He rubbed his forehead with his hand and looked away.
Thankfully, the waiter came to Taehyung's rescue.
He stood with the drinks tray and bowed.
Jin: "Ah..Thank you."
He thanked the waiter after calming down as he put the drinks on the table. Jin pushed Taehyung's drink to him and took his drink.
Jin: "Now let's talk about the important things. So, why haven't you told her then?"
Tae: "Tell her what?"
Jin: "You even forgotten? What's up with you?"
Jin raised his voice with slight frustration.
Taehyung sighed holding his drink and looked at the bright blue sea. He knew what Jin meant.
Jin: "Daniel isn't a problem anymore. So, why haven't you told her?"
He reminded him of the reality.
Tae: "Hyung...she loves me now. Didn't you see how happy she was? If I tell her now, she will hate me again...I can't take it..."
He confessed his fear with sadness.
Jin: "Stop making assumptions and using them as your excuses".
Tae: "No Hyung. I know her well...She's so gentle but also a little monster. You don't know how stubborn she is." He smiled looking at the drink, remembering her tantrums.
Jin: "Taehyung, she deserves to know the truth. One day, somehow she will find out, and it's not good for both of you. So, isn't it better if you to do this now? You need to stop hiding yourself from her".
Tae: "I know...let her be happy for now. I will tell her on her birthday."
Jin: "And how far away is that?"
He questioned him in a firm voice, sensing his reluctance.
Tae: "the Day after tomorrow. I'm gonna tell her when we get back".
Jin: "Fine. I didn't wanna get involved in this because it's your personal matter. But if you don't tell her by then, I will. Not for you, but for her sake."
Tae: "Oh you are teaming up against me now?" He asked playfully, raising his eyebrows.

Monster Love - Version 1 (OLD version) COMPLETED [Ft. Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now