Chapter 10 - The Enemy

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Y/n's PoV

He caressed my wet cheeks with back of his his fingers trailing down to my jaw.
"You wanted to see me?...I'm right here baby..." he repeated in a whisper.
"Erm...I...didn't are not...nothing..."
I mumbled senselessly.
I removed his hands and turned my body away hiding my chest by crossing my arms.
"you are still shy".
He smiled.
"Let's have breakfast together before I go to work. come quick, I'll be outside".
He said with a soft smile before he left.

I reluctantly stood up and wore the dressing gown and went out of the bathroom.
A maid was waiting by the dressing room to help me get ready. I wanted to be lonely trying to accept the hellish reality the fate has thrown me into. I didn't want to see anyone nor speak to anybody.
"can I please dress myself? I don't need help."
I asked her heading into the dressing room slowly. she didn't even look at me or say anything. Just bowed at me and left.
I was surprised by her obedience to me but soon was distracted by the view of the dressing room. Everything has been handpicked and arranged to suit me and according to my taste. The colors and the dresses, shoes, accessories and everything else. It seemed he prepared for my arrival in advance.
I chose to wear frilled high neck dress trying to hide most of his purple teeth marks jeweling my neck and chest. 

I could already feel his haunting stare on me as I walked down the stairs. There he was on the sofa, sat majestically again admiring his new priced possession, me. His eyes consumed every inch of me. He stood up as I stepped off the last stair and came close. I stopped looking at the marbled floor, I could see his feet getting closer.

"Time for breakfast", wrapping his arm around my waist, he kissed my forehead and led me to the dining table.
I was hungry but the thought of eating sickened me as I gazed at my plate. He paused after taking few mouthfuls of his food and looked at my untouched plate. He seemed unconcerned and finished off his breakfast. I sat there still motionless. Adjusting his blazer he got up and walked behind my chair. Planting his arms on both sides of me, he leaned into my neck. His lips trailed from my neck, slowly onto my ear and whispered.

"Finish it. Or I will have to punish you again tonight".
I let out quick gasp curling my toes. With a quick peck on my cheek he straightened himself and turned to leave.
"Make sure she eats all her meals on time. If She doesn't this will be YOUR last day at work here. Show her around the mansion once she's done with breakfast". He ordered to the maid.

I watched him with hate as he got into his car and turned back meeting the pleading eyes of the maid as she stood there helplessly. How cold does he have to be to punish an innocent woman for my wrongdoings?
"Don't worry, I will eat"
maid: "Thank you my lady" she bowed gratefully in a relief. I finished off everything on my plate and got up.
Maid: "My lady, please allow me to show you around the mansion" she requested. I had no interest but I could see the fear in poor woman's eyes. Fear of losing her job. I nodded with a fake smile and followed her.

"So how many women have suffered this torture from your master?" I asked her spitefully.
She paused from walking for a moment before answering.
Maid: " lady, you are the first woman we have seen in this mansion. Master V was never interested in women".
"Hmmm...who knows? maybe I am the beginning of his hellish adventure, lucky me..." I said sarcastically.
She continued walking keeping her head down and opened the door of another room. A reading room, more like a small library but with fire place and sofas to sit. I felt as if though I found my home.

"I've seen around enough. Is it ok if I stay here?" I asked her running my fingers through the books decked on the shelves.
Maid: "As you wish my lady" she smiled.
"You can call me y/n, Im just a normal girl, I don't want to be addressed like a princess, I don't even belong here".
I looked at her smiling back as I pull out a book to keep me company.
Maid: "ok miss... y/n" she said my name hesitantly bowing to me and left.

The mansion was a pure display of his wealth and power. Marbled floors, luxuriously tiled walls and the roofs decked with huge crystal chandeliers. The whole place was protected with walls all around with iron gate. In my eyes, it was just a decorated prison. I curled into the corner of the sofa homing my new friend on my lap and opened the first page.

Author's PoV

Daniel eerily stared at the table as if he had already sensed his loss. Suited men sat around the table anticipating the arrival of the the great leader of current cooperate world. The murmurs died and silence filled the room as the door opened turning heads. He clenched his fist as his eyes fell on his enemies who have been snatching his limelight ever since they've stepped into his world of business.
Taehyung and Jin entered through the door and stood with arrogance. Scanning the table and the men around it, they both walked to their seats ahead of the table, flaunting their victorious smile. The head of MGM company welcomed them with a firm handshake and requested them to sit down.
Daniel relaxed leaning back on his chair quickly hiding his hate with a fake smile. Taehyung sat opposite him while Jin took the seat next to him.

The head of MGM group stood up to speak,
MGM head: "Welcome Gentlemen! On this special day I would like to announce as the head of MGM group that we have decided accept the deal offered to us by the Kim Industry and it is a pleasure to work with them"
Taehyung smugishly glared at Daniel with a smirk as the announcement was being made. They didn't speak but the eyes exchanged conserved grudges they contained within themselves.

Claps and cheers filled the room as Taehyung signed the papers and he took a glass of champagne and raised it to the rest of the men while putting his hands around Jin's shoulders. Daniel watched with hate from a corner as he took a sip from his drink.
Being the star of the show Taehyung didn't like to leave without his finishing touch. He wanted give his enemy a taste of his own bitter loss.
Tae: "Hyung Don't you think our friend over there looks a little unhappy?"
Jin: "What are you planning to do?"
He asked with a chuckle.
Tae: "Let's say Hi and cheer him up a little"
Jin: "you are ruthless"
Tae winked at him with an evil smirk walking towards Daniel.

Tae: "Hello Mr Henney! It's nice to see you"
Daniel: "well, It's good to see you too V" he greeted back emotionlessly.
Tae: "you dont seem very happy to see me, something wrong Mr. Henney?"
Daniel: "we both know what's wrong V, stop rubbing it in. This was my empire until you stepped in!" He snarled Gritting his teeth at Tae.
Tae: "Mr Henney! Calm down. Don't you think it was your fault? You poisoned and killed my father by using one of his own men, just because he was your competitor and Now the failed plot to kill me. Even After all this I am still being nice to you. Don't you think you should be a bit grateful huh?".
Daniel: "Enough with your games of pretending to be nice V, I know you took out my man! let's play this like real men do, why don't we?".

Tae let out a chuckle.
Tae: "Of course Mr Henney, that's why I thought I will start off with the traitor you sent to poison my father. What you didn't realise was that you killed a nice old cat giving life to this panther, now you gonna have to deal with the consequences. My father was a good man, but me...well, I'll let you decide"
He scoffed sipping his champagne.

Jin: "hey there Gentlemen! Why are we being so tense here when we should be celebrating?"
He interfered before the conversation got out of control. He knows Taehyung will provoke Daniel till the end. If He angers Taehyung any further, no one would be able to stop his anger and he will only end it in his own style, and Jin didn't want a room full of men to witness Daniel's death.

Jin: "Hello Mr Henney, It's great to see you. How are you?" He extended his hand for a handshake.
Daniel: "Very well thank you" he replied coldly with a very brief handshake. He didn't want to reveal his true face fully to both of them.
Jin: "I think recently there's been a bit of tension in our relationship. it shouldn't be like that. I would like to personally invite you to our party this week. It will be a pleasure to have your company, so please attend". He finished with a smile.
Taehyung looked away as he sipped his glass of champagne uninterested.
Daniel: "well, thank you Mr Kim Seokjin. How wonderful! I shall see you both again soon" he smirked at Taehyung.
Jin: "That's great! We shall meet again. I'll send you the formal invitation as soon as possible Mr Henney".
Daniel: "It's a pleasure. Please do."
Jin: "ok, Mr Henney, if you could please excuse us, we should get going now. shall we V?" He grabbed Tae's arm slowly guiding him away from the spot.

Daniel watched them both with hate while taking another drink from the waiter.

Monster Love - Version 1 (OLD version) COMPLETED [Ft. Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now