Chapter 30 - I miss you...

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Y/N's PoV

I came out of the house slowly and stood on the street looking around.
"Nope, He's Not around...that's good."
"Ahhh..." I sighed in relief and started to walk towards the flower shop. Soon, I heard a car coming towards my way.
I quickly hid behind a tree and peeked out to check if it was him. The car didn't stop or slow down. It wasn't him.
"Thank god for that..."
I started to walk again, then I realized it. What's the point in even hiding? He knows exactly where I am all the time. I rolled my eyes and continued whilst checking out the features of my brand new phone. I got carried away with it, taking selfies with various filters on...
puppy... ooh bunny...!
Oooh...the kitten one looks cute...

???: "Hey Kitten! Can I Have your number?"

I froze with my phone.

It's him!
I slowly turned my head to the road. There he was! In his Maserati again, sticking out tip of his tongue and eyebrow flashing me.
I whimpered frowning at him.
Tae: "Hey kitten... you wanna lift?" He winked at me.
I exhaled and put my phone in my bag and continued to walk.
Tae: "Yaah! Sexy...can't you hear me?"
He shouted after seeing me walk away, trailing beside me on the road. Two strangers walked past me tightening their lips and raising their eyebrows.
Enough now! I was fuming. I stopped with an irritated exhale and turned to him.
Y/n: "Alright Mr.Kim...this really doesn't suit you."
Tae: "Ah! You know my name...that's a good start...well, I know this doesn't suit me. Personally, I just prefer kidnapping you."
I continued to glare at him squinting my eyes. He just doesn't change his ways.
Y/n: "Do you really not have anything better to do?"
I spoke to him in a serious tone with an angry stare.
Tae: "well...Babygirl we could be doing so many better things if you come with me. What do you say? hm?"
He winked again with a smirk.
Oh why! Why do I even bother?!
I thought to myself.
Y/n: "Just go away...I'm not coming with you."
I just turned and continued to walk again.
Tae: "Hey Little Monster! stop acting so hard to get. How long do you think it's gonna take me to pick you up, put you in this car and do all the things I wanna do huh? You know I don't need your permission."

I gasped and looked at him in shock. I couldn't help but gulp.

Tae: "What are you looking at huh? I can get what I want with a click of my finger. You know it."
He declared arrogantly as his eyes scanned me up and down.

Y/n: "I will tell Jin oppa..."
I threatened him, trying to hide my fear. but it reflected in my shaky voice.
He Snickered in a domineering manner.
Tae: "Jin oppa!? Huh! Tell your Jin Oppa I'll break his neck."

I zoned out staring at him in disbelief. No respect, Bad manners, Arrogant and merciless! Why is he like this?!"
Tae: "Like what you see babygirl?"
He questioned clicking his finger.
I blinked coming back to my senses and took a deep breath.
Y/n: "You know what...It's fine. You do what you want. I don't care..."
I continued to walk and was nearing the shop.
Tae: "Yaah Sexy! Get in the car, I want you right now."
He ordered loudly.
I stopped. I couldn't go on any longer. My patience had gone.
I turned and looked at him with a tight face.
Y/n: "Ok Tae... go away right now...or..."
Tae: "Aahhh! My baby remembered my name. That's a good girl..."
Y/n: "Get lost or I don't know what I'll do..."
I shouted glaring at him furiously as my chest heaved.
Tae: "Oooh baby...Don't look at me like that. It's kinda...turning me on... you know."
He bit his lower lip slowly.
Aishh! That's it!
I lost it completely and immediately started to look around for something to throw at him. A small stone, about the size of a golf ball, caught my eyes. I quickly picked it up and raised my hand to throw it at him.
Tae: "Yah! Y/n! What are you doing?"
He shouted surprised at my reaction.
Y/n: "Oh what? you can't see? Suddenly gone blind?!"
Tae: "Y/n ahh! Baby... Noo! Not at my car!"
I wasn't actually thinking of throwing it at all. I was only trying to scare him off. But, He seemed more worried about his car.
I found my weapon. I smirked at him. Suddenly I felt so powerful like wonder woman. My weapon? A small stone. I tossed it in the air a couple of times and caught it like a pro and looked at him.
Y/n: "So Mr Kim Taehyung? Are you gonna listen to me like a good boy?"
I asked in a domineering voice with my cheeky smirk. Seriously, It didn't suit me at all. He just tilted his head and glared at me.
Y/n: "What are you looking at huh? Go away or I'll throw this one and more."
I threatened him confidently.
Tae: "Try it..."
He challenged me with his same evil stare.
I squinted my eyes and took my aim. I'm probably not gonna succeed, but I had to do it to save my pride. That's what I thought. There was some sort of excitement that pushed me do it.
I hurled it at his car and it hit.
Y/n: "Oh shhhhhhhuuggaaa!"
I covered my mouth in shock and gaped my eyes. I didn't expect to be this good!
It hit the drivers side door and deflected off and hit his wing mirror! The mirror shattered and there was mark on the door. was a sharp stone.
I looked at him. He looked at the mirror and looked back at me. His sharp angry stare was piercing through me.
Removing my hand, I laughed in low tone nervously.
Y/n: "I thought Maserati mirrors are.... str...ooong..."
Great Justification!!!
He turned off the engine, peering at me.
Y/n: "Uh oh! Uhm..."
I slowly started to walk away looking at him.
Tae: "Stay where you are..."
He warned me.
Y/n: "Nooo..."
I screamed and legged it down the street like a mouse trying to escape from a mad hungry cat. He didn't even bother opening the car door and jumped straight out of it. He was right behind me at a faster pace.

Monster Love - Version 1 (OLD version) COMPLETED [Ft. Kim Taehyung]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant