Chapter 13 - The Monster in him.

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Author's POV

"Master V...I've got an important news for you!"
Mr Hope's voice interrupted him as their lips touched.
Taehyung clenched his Jaws with a deep breath and moved back from y/n's face. She stood with her eyes closed tightly.
Tae: "What is is it Mr Hope?"
He questioned irritated while examining her face. She opened her eyes realising he's moved back from the anticipated kiss. Mr Hope opened the door assuming that Taehyung's reply meant he could go in.
Sometimes, Mr Hope was just too enthusiastic about his job. So, He walked in as he spoke,
Mr Hope: "Master V, Mr park ha..."
He froze before he finished his sentence gaping at Taehyung who stood there covered in chocolate. He couldn't see y/n as she was standing behind him.
Mr Hope: "Oh! Master V! have..."
This was her chance to escape, so she pushed Taehyung out of the way to run.
Mr Hope: "Miss y/n! Oooh!"
He gaped his eyes again looking at y/n And then at Taehyung again. She stopped and quickly bowed to him before she ran out. He bowed and looked down confused. Taehyung watched her run with a soft chuckle, his expression quickly changed into an angry glare when his eyes fell on Mr Hope. He folded his arms and leaned against the worktop.
Tae: "should I remind you speak Mr Hope?" He asked in a cold voice raising one of his eyebrows.
Mr Hope: "Errr...please forgive me Master V...errr...where was I?...
Ah yes!, about Mr Park, he wants to meet you urgently to discuss his options on selling his company shares"
Tae: " he finally gave in".
He picked up a kitchen knife in his hand as he spoke.
Tae: "well, that's great news, arrange for a meeting tomorrow, we will discuss it". He muttered examining the sharpness of the knife by running his thumb against its edge.
Mr Hope: "Sure Young Master", he turned to leave.
Tae: "One more thing Mr Hope"
Mr Hope: "Yes Master?" He turned to face him.
Tae: "Next time you disturb me like this, remind me if you have a death wish, because I would like to fulfill it before I kill you"
He flicked the knife towards Mr Hope. It flew passed, slightly away from his ears and planted itself onto the wooden kitchen door behind him.
He froze like a statue and stopped breathing.
Tae: "I did aim for the door, next time I won't be".
He walked out causally putting his hands in his pockets.
Mr Hope gulped tightening his lips and exhaled.
Mr Hope: "Aaaaaaish! This was not on my job description when I applied!".
He repeatedly slapped his forehead with the folder he held in his hands.
"Are you alright Mr Hope?!"
The maid walked in surprised by his weird act.
Mr Hope: "oooh! Ajumma! Why didn't you tell me about this?!"
Maid: "I was going to but you were too quick to go in".
Mr Hope: "I was nearly dead!"
He scrunched his eyebrows.
Maid: " know he doesn't like to be disturbed when he's with Miss y/n"
Mr Hope: "well, I definitely know that now".
The maid giggled to herself as she started to clean the mess on the worktop.


"Urghhh! He's so disgusting..."
I came out of the shower drying my hair.
I wore the dressing gown that was in the bathroom as I didn't bring anything in with me when I ran in.
I opened the bathroom door to go to the dressing room to get something to wear. I suddenly paused, holding the door halfway. He was standing there still with the chocolate smears on his face, glaring at me.
"We have some unfinished business"
He started to walk towards me with his ominous smile.
I swiftly took a step back and tried to shut the door. But he got there faster and pressed his palm against it stopping me from shutting it.
"Let me take care of that". He forced me to move back in and slammed the door shut behind him. I moved back and stood against the worktop nervously. He closed in caging me between his arms and leaned into the side of my neck but not touching me. He deeply breathed in the scent of my wet hair with his eyes closed.
"You smell so good"
He softly kissed my cheek and spoke...
"It's your turn now...Clean it..." he bit his lower lip tilting his head up giving me access to his neck. I looked at him nervously.
"N...No..." I shook my head.
He slowly opened his eyes and peered into my eyes.
"Didn't I tell you, You can't refuse when I ask you to do something?"
"Please...I don't want to..."
His hand gripped my neck making me whimper. My eyes filled with tears from the pain and fear.
"I want it. I want you. Your love. All of you!."
He hissed clenching his teeth. His hand moved from my throat to the back of my neck. He forcefully pulled me and buried my face under his neck as his other hand untied my dressing gown belt.
"No...just let me go..."
I pushed him away and held tightly onto my gown and moved back.
"Why don't you want me?" He growled with his darkening glare.
"Because you are not what I want! just leave me alone. I hate you!".
I screamed in rage knocking off all the toiletries on the worktop and smashing them on the floor.
My denial and rejection seem to have awoken the animal in him.
his chest started to heave as he glared at me with his burning angry eyes, clenching his fists. He came straight for me and pulled on my gown removing it off my body in a fraction of a second. He threw it away and pulled me up against him. I struggled frantically hitting his shoulders but he showed no mercy.
His palms trapped my cheeks tightly as he attacked my lips with his aggressive kisses. He pushed me back and slammed me against the wall keeping his lips on mine. He had no patience to unbutton his shirt and just ripped it open and took it off. Few seconds later his belt came off and he unzipped his trousers, but didn't take it off. His rough bites and kisses made my lips turn red and swollen. His hands left my face and coiled around me gluing our bodies together as he dragged me into the shower. His hungry mouth was angrily focused on feasting on my soft skin leaving his marks.
I managed to get some air in between when he moved to bite and eat my chin and jaws. He poured his anger on me with his rough touches and merciless Kisses.
He punched the shower button letting the steamy warm water rain on both our naked bodies. He stood at the entrance of the shower blocking me from any chance of escape and took his trousers off. I turned away crossing my arms to cover my breasts and sobbed resting my forehead head on the wall. I couldn't face him, he was in control of everything, my body, my dignity and my tormented soul.

"Look at me" he strongly gripped my arms and roughly turned me to face him. One of his arm tied around my waist and he pulled me against him. His erected member throbbed pressed against my my lower stomach trapped between our skins.
"please...please...Don't do this, I don't like it..."
I begged shaking my head.
"I am your only choice whether you like it or not. Just get used it!"
Back of my body was forced against the tiled wall and he glided my body up slightly to match his height. My toes barely touched the floor. He lifted my right leg and wrapped it around his waist giving himself the space he needed to advance. His tight grip on my throat nailed my head to the wall.
He wasted no time.

Tip of his erect member eagerly searched for its entry with the help of his hand and invaded into me setting off the same sharp pain through my nerves as before.
"Aaaaarghhh!" I screeched gripping onto his wrist that was on my neck.
"Noooo...stop!...I don't like it. stooppp!" I sobbed.
He grunted in pure delight looking into my eyes through his wet strands of hair.
"You don't like it?
Just imagine, I am your Tae! And you will like it!" He muttered keeping himself in still.
His words shook my heart making me gasp in disgust.
"No! Never! Never! You will never take his place!
You are a monster!
I hate you!
I hate..."
His fingers tightly wrapped around my mouth shutting off my horrified screams.
"Enough! I don't wanna hear anymore from you" he growled.

Author's POV

Her excruciating words stabbed through his heart killing the ruthless monster inside him instantly. A monster who unknowingly arose within him all these years due loneliness and deprivation of her love. A monster who protectively hid his fragile heart and the weakness of yearning for love was now suddenly paralysed.
He paused in shock for a brief moment, but masked his defeat behind his irate face. Gritting his teeth he started to brutally ram into her. She brawled punching his chest to release her trembling body. Without any care, he continued to push deep into her pinning her hands on the tiled wall with his one hand while the other tightly covered her mouth.

But, Her words repeatedly echoed through him making his body weaker. His pace dropped and his thrusts became powerless. Tightly shutting his eyes, he pulled away from her, releasing her from his grip. He turned around and stood tilting his head up against the running shower. She fell on the flooded floor landing on her elbows and knees, sobbing.
He stood there defeated by her rejection. After a few moments he left, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist.

Monster Love - Version 1 (OLD version) COMPLETED [Ft. Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now