Chapter 19 - The Danger

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In the office...

I was discussing a new business deal with my agent on the phone, as I looked at the city view through the glass windows.
"Well, the deal is done, as I expected. But I still would like to discuss some of the issues face to face."
A message alert interrupted my conversation. I briefly glanced at it.
A Photo message from an unknown number. I continued with my call, not bothered about it.
"Invite them to my island, we'll discuss it there in a couple of days with Jin Hyung as well".

I turned to face the office and saw Mr Hope running towards my room. He looked distressed.
He barged in through the door, out of breath.
Mr Hope: "Master....V...the mansion..."
He stopped to catch a breath. I knew something wasn't right straight away.
"What is it? Spit it out!"
I shouted at him cutting the call and got closer to him.
Mr Hope: "The mansion's security has been compromised...Miss y/n..."
"What! What happened to y/n?"
I muttered gripping his collar with frustration and sudden anxiety. Before he replied, another message alert popped up again on my phone. Again, a photo message from unknown number. I let him off from my grip and opened the message.
My blood started to boil in rage as my breaths got heavy and heated.

Me Hope: "Miss Y/N's in danger, she's been held at gunpoint by two men in her room. They seem to have entered through the through the balcony, via the roof".
He started to describe what I saw in the photo message on my phone. A man held her mouth covered with one hand while pointing a gun to her head. Her eyes were shut tight in fear, my heart wrenched in pain.
"Who is it?" I snarled at him.
Mr Hope: "Don't know yet, the alert came through our security team few minutes ago"
He answered.

I quickly dialled the mansion phone number.
Tae: "Hello? What's happe...?"
"Hello V..."
A familiar voice replied. A voice I knew but didn't expect to hear.
"Do you even know what you've done?!"
I screamed at him down the phone.
"Oh V! That's not how you treat a guest who's waiting to see you in your lovely home".
I hissed with anger.
Daniel: "Come home my friend, let's talk."
"Even if there's a tiniest scratch on her, I will destroy you!"
Daniel: "Enough boy! Right now I'm ruling this game. So do as I say, know what will happen"
He hung up with a chuckle.

I screamed kicking the table repeatedly with rage. It flipped over, and I swung around elbowing and punching one side of the glass wall, shattering it down completely.
My phone rang again, but this time it was Jin Hyung. I answered.
"Do you know what he's done?! Do you know what he's done to my y/n? I told you again and again. it was a mistake to keep him alive for this long."
Jin: "Taehyung! Stop it! I'm on my way, Don't do anything yet. stay there."
He yelled and hung up quickly and I crashed down on my chair.

Few minutes later, he hurriedly came in. Seeing me sat still on the chair, he breathed in relief. He looked at the messy state of the office and shook his head. I glared at him in anger.
"You wanna say something?"
I muttered grinding my teeth.
Jin: "Listen! Y/N's in his hands right now, we can't do anything stupid. You have to keep yourself calm" He spoke holding on the armrests on my chair.
"Calm? What? until he kills her? you want me to be calm?" I closed into his face.
Jin: "Taehyung! Listen to me."
He gripped my shoulders pushing me back down and looked me in the eyes.
Jin: "This is the time you've been waiting for. But, we have to deal with it carefully because of y/n. Pull yourself self together. He's in your cave right now. so don't make too much noise and let him getaway. Go there...and pretend be obedient. Assess the situation, workout where the knots are and untie them one by one. Once you make sure y/n is safe...finish him off."
I frowned at him.
Jin: "He's there with four of his guards. Two of them are working undercover for you, remember? Make sure you play this well. Use your two pawns wisely. You can't afford to lose in this, winning is your only choice. You got it?"
He questioned tilting his head.
I nodded with a deep breath. I put my head back on the chair and closed my eyes.

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