Chapter 28 - Baby come back...

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Author's PoV

He was sat on the floor leaning against the bed with his old birthday pictures in his hand. Slowly he was looking through them one by one as Toto lay near his feet.
Jin stood opposite him with the gun in of one his hand, irritated.
Mr Hope was surprised that Taehyung didn't respond to anything.
Jin: "Give us a minute Mr Hope."
He spoke glaring at Taehyung.
Mr Hope: "Yes Master Jin."
He bowed and left the room.

Jin: "Are you deaf ahh? I thought something happened to you!"
He yelled in frustration.
Taehyung slowly looked up at him. His face was emotionless.
Tae: "The deed is done Hyung. She knows her Tae is a Monster."
He looked down again sadly at the pictures in his hand.
Jin sighed lowering his tensed broad shoulders.
Jin: "Well, I can see there was some drama."
He said looking at the mess on the floor.
Taehyung scoffed softly.
Tae: "You think?! Now you know what I have to deal with. Little monster..."
Tucking his gun back into his blazer, he walked closer to Taehyung and sat on the bed.
Jin: "Good! You deserve it for not telling her the truth for this long."
He lightly smacked back of his head.
Taehyung kept his head down, consumed by guilt. Jin stared at him for few seconds. He knew how much she meant to him and she was the only solution for his grief. Besides, she'd been gone since morning and it was worrying him.
Jin: "Come on Let's go and find her..."
He tapped Tae's shoulder.
He sat still and without a response.
Jin: "Can't you hear me? Get up"
He raised his voice.
Tae: "No Hyung, let her do whatever she likes. I don't wanna force her again."
Jin: "What do you mean?"
Tae: "I've been so selfish. She was right. I didn't think about her at all. Maybe I should just let her go. Let her go free and be happy."
His voice broke as he spoke.
Jin: "Are you crazy? She loves you. You are the only one she's got."
Tae: "Do I deserve her tho?"
Jin: "Ahhh... stop sounding like you are some sort of Soft Prince Charming. I bet you'd change your mind and probably kidnap her back in no time! So let's just do it the right way again before you mess it up again."
Tae: "I dunno..."
He sighed looking up at the ceiling, leaning his head on the edge of the bed.
Jin stood up as he spoke.
Jin: "Taehyung, she's been gone since this morning. We don't even know where she is. She's only got you, and are you telling me you are giving up on her?!
You made a total mess of this whole thing and now she's angry, and you gonna have to deal with it. It's simple as that."
He shouted at him with anger.
Taehyung looked up at him but remained silent.
Jin: "Fine. Do what you want. I'm going on my own to find her. If I do, I'm taking her to mine, and don't come running."
He turned to leave.
Tae: "She's in the public park, two miles from here."
He stated as he got up, putting his phone in his pocket.
Jin turned around and glared at him.
Tae: "Can you drive? I'm tired."
He uttered as he walked passed him towards the stairs.
Jin: "Aish! Seriously..."
He huffed and followed behind him.

Y/n's PoV

I sat still on the corner of the chair with my arms wrapped around my knees. I was clueless of the time or the place. Emotionally drained out, my body had lost its ability to sense anything. The cold, the wind or the rain, none of it bothered me.
I didn't respond to anyone's questions or their concerns. After a few questions they just gave up and walked away.

Lady: "Young lady, are you ok?"
I heard a lady's voice behind me.
I didn't really want to respond.
Lady: " been here all day in the cold. You should go home. You are not dressed for this cold weather at all."
She advised me with care, and I decided to speak.
Y/n: "I'm ok...I'm just waiting for him..."
I mumbled.
Lady: "But...It's getting dark now, is anyone coming to pick you up?"
Y/n: "Uhmm..I think he is."
Lady: "But you've been waiting whole day. Would you like to come and wait in my house? I live just across the road."
She offered kindly.
I slowly unwound myself and tried to stand up. But my legs were numb and I couldn't feel anything. Not able to balance, I held the chair and looked at her. Her eyes examined from my bare feet to my face.
Lady: "Are you ok?"
I looked at her in confusion. Her face became blurry and everything around me started to spin.

Monster Love - Version 1 (OLD version) COMPLETED [Ft. Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now