Chapter 20 - The Revenge and Rescue

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Author's PoV

Daniel: "Relax boys..."
He gestured the guards to lower the gun again.
Daniel: "Our friend is just getting a little impatient, because the time is running out for his baby girl".
He took another sip of his drink.
Daniel: "Oh! This is nice, like you said..."
Taehyung exhaled in frustration , tilting his head up and looked back at Daniel.
Tae: "Get to the point".
He muttered impatiently.
Daniel put his half finished drink on the table.
Daniel: "Hmmm...I'm a greedy bachelor who loves his wealth and status V. You are just a young stupid boy who's in love and willing to sacrifice everything for a woman. See the difference?"
He snickered mockingly.
He pushed forward the folder that was in front of him.
Daniel: "Let me tell you what I want. The MGM deal, obviously. But that's not it. I want more...Everything you snatched away from me, right from the beginning."
He cleared his throat.
Daniel: "There are papers for them in this folder as well. It's works out to be little more than 85% percent of what you own. Sign them all and I'll set your girl free".

With a quick glance at the timer, Taehyung laughed majestically looking up. His triumphant laughter echoed against the marbled walls of the dining room. He straightened his posture and sat up mightily.
Daniel looked at him a little confused but skillfully hid it. He scoffed and cleared his throat again.
Daniel: "Do you really want to play with your y/n's life V?"
He muttered glaring at him.

Tae: "No...
This is my game from now on! So Let's play."
He smirked, peering through the strands if hair covering his sharp eyes.
He clicked his fingers twice looking at Him. Suddenly two gun clicks were heard and Daniel's two loyal guards dropped on the floor. The guards working for Taehyung stood pointing the guns which were fitted with a silencers. The shots were silenced to ensure they weren't heard upstairs.
Daniel: "V!"
He growled at him as he pulled out his gun. But Taehyung was ahead of him. One of the guard threw his gun back to him. Now, it was pressing against Daniel's chest. His hand was steady and firm. Whereas, Daniel's hand was shaking and his fingers were losing their grip on the gun.

Tae: "Sit down Daniel, It's my turn!" He commanded pressing it firmer against his chest.
He sat down obediently with irregular breaths. It wasn't only due to fear...there was something else that weakened his body.
Tae: "Drop it!"
The gun in his hand dropped on the floor and Taehyung stretched his leg and kicked it away.
Tae: "Pass me the silencer", he asked one of the guards extending his hand. One of them dismantled it from his gun and placed it on his hand and bowed.
Tae: "Very well done boys! I'm impressed". He praised the two guards for working undercover for him as he finished fitting the silencer on his gun.
They both bowed to him. As they bent, he fired two silenced shots to their heads. One for each skull.
They both dropped on the floor and trails of blood from their heads joined the puddle of blood that had already formed on the floor from the other two bodies.
Tae: "Traitors! Never liked them. even if they were my enemy's"
He stated to Daniel arrogantly and pointed the gun to his face.
Tae: "Shall I shoot you as well? Hm? Naah!"
He lowered it.
Tae: "You will die too quickly Daniel...and that's not fun! Also, I don't like wasting my bullets....
Ahhh! Decisions...decisions...decisions..."
He slowly rocking his side to side as if he was trying to make up his mind. He then looked at him stroking his chin leaning his elbow on the armrest, as he crossed his legs.
He put his gun away.
Daniel couldn't move any longer normally, his limbs were shuddering and his head was shaking. He remained in the chair wheezing.
Tae: "Clear them", he commanded loudly to his own loyal men who were waiting for his order in the hallway.
Daniel's shaking hand slowly reached for his phone which had the timer, still ticking away. There was only 4 minutes left.
Tae: "It's time for me to talk now, Let's do this without any distractions".
He took it before him and stopped it, making sure the alert didn't reach the two men in the room. Daniel looked at him, his eyes were blood shot and watery. Taehyung's glare darkened as a sly smile appeared in his face.
Tae: "I think it's starting to work..." he whispered leaning closer to him examining his whole body.
Daniel: "what's is it? What...?"
He panicked in a shaky voice. 
Taehyung leant forward even closer to his face and looked him in the eyes.
Tae: "Your Karma", he hissed and laughed imposingly as he sat back on his chair.
He took Daniel's unfinished drink and poured it on the folder of legal papers and held the bottom of the glass against his face.
Tae: "Can you see it?"
He asked.
Steadying his shaking head, he looked at it carefully. It had his name engraved at the bottom, "Daniel Henney". He smacked Taehyung's hand out the way in anger.
Tae: "My father had his last drink in this glass, not knowing it was poisoned by your man. When I found out, I put your name on it, and kept it, so I'll never forget. Every time I looked at it, It reminded me of my duty as a son. A souvenir of a painful loss giving me the urge to take revenge. I Never really thought it will become useful until today. I ended up serving you taste of your own medicine, or should I say ...poison."
He snickered while Daniel listened with no other choice.
Tae: " To be honest I didn't even think you will fall for this...but you made it so easy..."
He held the glass in front of his eyes and looked at Daniel through it.
Daniel: "V..." he pronounced in his slowly disappearing voice.
Tae: "Oh! You wanna know what's in it? Apparently your man coated the bottom of the glass with Cyanide, in double dose.
So when you pour a liquid, it dissolves in it. My father died very quickly after couple of sips due to such a high dose. But the coating didn't fully dissolve and there's still remnants of it in the base of the glass."

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