Chapter 6 - Questions in two hearts

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Author's pov

Taehyung sat down on one of the chairs in the hospital corridor outside the Operating theatre. His eyebrows were narrowed as he waited anxiously staring at the floor. Resting his elbows on his knees, His hands hung loose with dried brown blood stained fingers. the bleeping noise of the heart rate monitor attached to y/n echoed through the walls raising his heart beat.

Jin marched slowly up and down in the corridor speaking on his phone to the security.
Jin: "do we know who he is?"
Voice: "Yes sir. An ex military sniper but now retired. Looks like he's been doing this for money. So someone must have paid him. Last phone call he had was from an unknown number."
Jin: "Alright thanks. I will talk you later". He looked at Tae as he ended the call.
Jin: you alright? He tapped Tae's shoulder.
Tae: "Yeh, I think so". he replied after taking a deep breath.
Jin: she'll be fine, don't worry. He reassured Taehyung.
Taehyung: "she has to be, she's not leaving me again. I hate having to see her like this."
Jin: I know. He empathised for his friend while patting his back.
Tae: Looks like Mr Henney's playing his old tricks. Need to put him in his place soon."
Jin: "I told you he was too quiet. The shooter had calls from an unknown number. Can't trace it. But you know it's obvious its him. We got the MGM deal coming on offer soon and he doesn't want you sitting opposite him and win it. He's already lost too many because of you. It's not just about losing anymore it's also his pride." Taehyung sat upright in his chair extending his legs.
Taehyung: "he wouldn't have existed this long if I had actually started playing my game. I was too busy looking for her. But maybe its time now." He uttered? sinisterly while looking? At the wall opposite him.

As they waited, the lead surgeon walked out of the operating theatre removing his surgical mask and gloves.
With a sign of relief He looked at both of them and spoke.
Surgeon: "She's out of danger. We managed to remove the bullet quite easily. Luckily it didn't go through very deep. It must have hit this piece of jewellery first and got deflected slightly which is very lucky. Otherwise I don't think she would've made it. It will take sometime for recovery." He handed y/n's necklace in small clear plastic bag with specs of blood.
"Thank you doctor" Tae thanked and took the necklace from him.
Jin: aaah thats good news! Lets go and see her.
Tae: "no Hyung. Let her recover. I will introduce myself when the right time comes. Lets focus on the MGM deal shall we? He winked at Jin with a wicked smirk. He glanced through the glass door at y/n for a moment before leaving with Jin.
Jin: "Argh! I'm exhausted man! Let's have a drink." He huffed as he put his arms around Tae's shoulders and walked down the corridor.

Waves of questions started to strike Taehyung's mind as he left the hospital.
Tae: "if she was here few days ago, why didn't she come and find me? Would she even remember me? But she still has my necklace. Why the hell am I even thinking she will love me? we were kids! What if I was just a friend to her, just a passing cloud! Would she have grown up loving me just like I did? What if she doesn't like this Tae now? How can I even expect her to be in love with me? What if she's with somebody else? But I've found her now, And I can't even imagine losing her again! Never! Not even if SHE doesn't want me!"

Playing? with her necklace he tried to answer his own questions laying on his bed.
As if he made up his mind, he picked up his phone and dialled Mr Lee his PA.

"Mr Hope, yes. Make sure all the needs are taken care of for y/n's recovery at the hospital. Also I don't want her or anybody else to know I'm involved in this. Keep it quiet. inform me When she gets discharged . Thanks."
He spoke in his deep voice with confidence.

A man in black suit walked hurriedly towards the CEO room of Mr. Henney's industries. He knocked on the door waiting for an answer.
"Come in" a gentle but manly voice approved.
The man bowed before he spoke, "Sir, the target has been missed and our man is down" he said with regret making Daniel lose his smile.
Daniel: "Dammit! How did he miss him?" He said? Gritting his teeth stamping his fist on the table.
Man: "Somebody distracted him from his position just before our man took the shot, so he missed."
Daniel: "Well, we'll have to put this to rest for a bit before trying anything else. The boy is smart. he'll work it out. Leave it with me." He turned his chair frowning at the birds eye view view of the city through the glass walls of his building.

It took nearly two months for y/n's recovery. Taehyung visited her during nights when she was sound asleep and gazed at her through the glass doors. He patiently waited for her recovery.

The doctor flicked through the test results of y/n's file as part of his final review before the discharge.
Doctor: "All looks fine. That's good Miss Y/n you have recovered well. How are you feeling? Any pain in the wound?"
Y/n: "not really and I feel ok, just exhausted by being in a hospital. I just want get back to normal life."
Doctor: "It's good to know that you are enthusiastic about starting life again."
Y/n: "definitely, thank you" She smiled looking down."
Doctor: "very well, I think you are ready for discharge. Good luck Miss y/n." He nodded as he shook her hands smiling.
Y/n stepped out of the hospital with a deep sigh, "Now, where do i even start?!" She thought to her self. She made her way to pick up her belongings from the old flat which has now been rented out to someone else as she hasn't lived there for two months. She looked at her phone disappointingly to check if anybody has responded to her accommodation searches she did while she was in the hospital.
Just when she was about to put it back into her bag, it rang with a new caller number. She answered the call with optimism.
Voice: "hello, Miss y/n?
Y/n: Yes thats me.
Voice: "You sent a query about my flat I advertised. Are you still interested?
Y/n: oh yes, of course! She answered enthusiastically.
Voice: "well, you can come and have a look anytime today."
Y/n: "can I come now, I'm free now." She said in the fear of losing her chance.
Voice: ok. You know the address already. So I see you soon.
Y/n : "ok thanks. See you soon".
She looked up at the sky and smiled. A glimmer of hope shone in her face but soon it faded as she thought of her Tae.
"How am I even going find him in this big city just with a 3 letter name. I don't even know his full name. I don't even know what he would look like now! Urghh! Y/n! You are crazy!
Hah! What if he has a girlfriend?! Friend zoned forever! Yep! Great! Why am I even expecting him to be in love with me? What were you even thinking y/n when you left Busan? You are such a clown!" She whimpered scolding herself, walking slowly towards the flat.

Mr. Hope collected the folders one by one as Taehyung finished signing them.
Mr Hope: "Young master, Miss Y/n has been discharged from hospital this morning. She's currently on her way to view a flat for accommodation."
Taehyung paused and smiled still looking at the folder.
Tae: "Thanks Mr Lee. Get the car ready and send me address ". He ordered as he continued with his signatures. Once he finished the last folder, he dialled Jin's name on his mobile.

Jin: "Hello"
Tae: "Hyung! You want to say Hi to someone special?"
Jin: "Yaah! What? are you setting me up on a date?!"
Taehyung laughed.
Tae:"Nah...! We are going to see Y/n. I'll pick you up in 10 minutes. Bye!"
He hung up with a smirk and grabbed his coat as he made his way to the car.

Monster Love - Version 1 (OLD version) COMPLETED [Ft. Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now