chp | one

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You were rested on your stomach, your tail lazily swishing behind as you watched a group of potential buyers stop in front of your enclosure. "Majority of these people look old and rich," your friend Chris muttered, examing the people on the other side of the glass.

"As you can see, there are only five hybrids in here," the owner explained. "This is because these hybrids are panther hybrids. Panther hybrids are one of our more exotic hybrids, and because of how rare there are, people will bid almost anything to get their hands on one of them."

"If you're looking to buy one, I suggest one of the females. Specifically that one," he grinned, pointing directly at you. "She recently turned twenty-one, so she's her body's just perfect for breeding."

You sent him a glare, growled, bearing your sharp teeth. "Look at her trying to act all big and scary. She's quite adorable," and the guest began to laugh.

"Why don't we move on, shall we? There's a lot more to see."

Your eyes followed the man and his guests, and you silently watched as they disappeared. You let out a sigh and rolled onto your back.

"He's going to auction me tonight. I can feel it."

"I'm so sorry y/n, I wish I was younger and not all used up so he'd take me instead," Yuri, the other female hybrid apologised, and you shook your head. "No, Yuri. You've been through enough," You said, shaking your head. "It's okay. It was bound to happen one day. This is the price we pay for being a hybrid. An exotic one at that."

You hated it. You hated the life you were forced to live just because you were a hybrid.

You live in a world where humans will always be superior, and hybrids would be seen as nothing more than a pet.

You wanted to hate humans. They took you away from your mother. You didn't know who your father even was, and you knew you'd never know. Not when they tried breeding her numerous times and sent the male away when he was done.

You were in out of houses and facilities growing up. Some of the owners were nice, but majority of them were evil, and they physically and mentally abused you.

The only person who would keep you going and tell you things was your brother. At least the person who became your brother.

He would hold you close every night, assuring you that things would eventually get better. He would often take the blame when you made a mistake, taking the hits that were supposed to be for you. He would get yelled at and beat up just because he refused to mate with you.

"Don't hate humans, y/n. I don't want you to think that all humans like this. One day, you might find a human who treats you the way a hybrid should be treated, and I don't want your hate to get in the way, okay?"

So even after the owners sold him off, taking away the only person who made your life less difficult than it already was, you didn't hate them. You couldn't. Because he asked you not to.

A tear fell from your eye, and you lowered your head, bringing your hands up to the old necklace your brother gifted you on your thirteenth birthday.

"y/n..." Chris whispered, making his way towards you and pulling you into his embrace, wrapping his tail around you as well. The other hybrids couldn't help but feel sad.

"I just want to see him again, Chris. I just want him to hug me and tell me everything's going to be okay," you whispered. "It will. One day it will."

"I'm so sorry, y/n," Yuri apologised again, hugging you from behind and wrapping her tail around you as well. The rest of the panthers joined, giving you a group hug as you silently cried into Chris's shoulder.

You knew that now that you were twenty-one, and he let those buyers know, anything could happen.

As soon as a female hybrid reaches the age of twenty-one, the chances of her producing litter are higher than they were when she was younger.

Your brother managed to convince your owners that even if he mated with you and tried to produce offspring, the chances were low because you were so young.

You were grateful to have someone like him in your life. Other female hybrids were not as lucky as you, and they get sent off to the breeding facilities at the young age of thirteen.

But now, there was no chance of you escaping this. The owner of this place was finally going to sell you to anyone who bid the highest price.

And you'd be forced to go with whoever that buyer was, whether they were a good person or not. 

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