chp | nine

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"Thank you," The young hybrid bunny said, taking the treat from Taehyung.

"Your welcome, sweetie. Will you remember to stick to more hybrid friendly food?" He asked, gently patting her head, being careful of her ears.

The little girl nodded, causing him to smile. "Good girl."

"Thank you so much, Doctor Kim," Na-Eun's owner said. "No problem, Ms Im. Just monitor her meals, and she should be just fine," he told her, and she nodded.

"Thank you once again. Come on, Eun-ah, let's go," the woman said, taking her hybrid's hand.

"Bye Doctor Tae, Tae!" Na-Eun said, enthusiastically waving her hand as they made their way to the door.

Taehyung chuckled before waving back.

As soon as the door to his office closed, he reached for the remote that controlled his blinds. By pressing a button, his blinds dropped down, not allowing anyone from outside to see into his office.

He let out a happy sigh as he loosened his tie and removed his long white jacket.

"Finally, a break," he muttered, opening a drawer and taking out the lunchbox Jungkook had packed for him. He opened the lunchbox and picked up the chopsticks, getting ready to eat.

But the sudden buzzing from his phone caused him to stop before a smile grew on his face.

He placed down the chopsticks and reached for his phone to answer the video call.

"We're all on break, right?" Jungkook's voice came through. "Yeah, Tae should be on break soon enough. I think a patient is keeping him long."

"A patient just left, so I just got on break," he said before taking a bite, causing his boyfriends to look at their phones with wide eyes.

"Oh hey, baby. How's Yoongi? Is he feeling any better?" Jimin asked.

"I didn't even get to ask." Taehyung totally forgot about the main reason he went to Hoseok's place.

"Huh? what do you mean by that? I thought you mainly went there to check up on him," Jungkook asked, causing his boyfriend to let out a sigh.

"That is the main reason I went there, but I couldn't get the chance to because of y/n."

"y/n? Did she react badly to Yoongi or something? She wasn't uncomfortable, was she? Where is she now?" Jimin asked, with worry evident in his voice.

"Don't worry, Jimin. She didn't react badly to him. In fact, she teared up when she saw him."

"Teared up? Why would she tear up?" Jungkook muttered, clear enough for his boyfriends to hear.

"They seem to have a past together, Kook. Yoongi ran up to her and embraced her. He was holding y/n as if he... I don't know as if he was never going to let her go. They cried in each other's arms. That was the first time Yoongi has shed a tear in front of us."

"They must have had a really close bond for Yoongi to be able to do that."

"Yeah, I mean, he wiped her cheeks and kissed her forehead. I had never seen him so affectionate?"

"Do you think they were mates?" Jimin asked, and Taehyung shrugged.

"They could be. Even though y/n and Yoongi don't look alike, they could be siblings. But honestly, I think they have a sibling bond. That forehead kiss and hug looked more brotherly than romantically."

"Do you guys think y/n might consider choosing Hoseok as her owner instead now?" Jungkook asked, causing Jmin to frown.

"Why do you think that?" Even though it hadn't even been a full day with you yet, Jimin wanted to adopt you. He wanted you to choose him. To pick them.

"I mean, think about it. With whatever kind of past those two have, wouldn't y/n and Yoongi wouldn't want to be together? There's no way Yoongi would let us adopt him, and I wouldn't want to take him away from Hobi, hyung. y/n hasn't even been with us for a day..."

Jungkook's words caused them to frown. Jimin knew his boyfriend had a point, but he didn't like that at all.

"The chances of y/n wanting Hoseok to adopt her are higher compared to us wanting to her adopt her."


"Do you think Hoseok would be willing to adopt me?" You asked, causing Yoongi to raise an eyebrow.

"Why? Do you not want Jmin and his boyfriends to adopt you?" You shook your head.

"No, I'm just curious. Even though you told me a lot about them, and they seem like really nice guys, I don't know. What if I don't like them?"

This was the first time y/n ever got to think about picking her owners. She didn't want to make the wrong decision and put this opportunity to waste.

"I... I don't want a random person as my owner because I'm afraid they won't let me see you, and I don't want to get separated from you. If Hoseok adopts me, then I get to see you all the time!"

"Hmm, he has been thinking about adopting another hybrid. But then again, I don't really know. I definitely wouldn't mind having you with me, but I'm not entirely sure about Hoseok."

You let out a sigh and nodded before taking a bite of the steak.

"Why is deciding owners so hard?" "Don't talk with food in your mouth, kitten. You don't want to accidentally choke on it, do you?"

"Also, don't stress too much about who's going to be your owner. You have a whole month before you have to choose." Yoongi flashed you a smile and bought his hands up to your head, gently scratching behind your ears.

"Do you want to go out when you're done eating? We can probably go to the nearby park or something."

"Are we allowed to do that?"

During the years you spent at the 'centre', outside time was rare. You, as well as many hybrids, spent almost all your time in the stupid enclosures. You were only allowed to go outside once every couple of weeks or whenever the owner decided.

"Well, yes, but not without Hoseok or collar. I'll ask him to accompany us," he told you. "Yay! But wait... don't I need an owner to have a collar? How will we go if I don't have a collar?"

"Don't worry. I'll let you use one of mine, okay?" Yoongi offered, and you nodded. You began to eat faster, growing excited about your trip to the nearby park with him.

"Slow down, sweetheart... I want to take you to the park, not the hospital."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a/n: this is a slow burn kind of book so please bear with me, and the currently uneventful plot. things will become more interesting. i don't want to rush to the exciting and eventful parts so that's why it's just meh.

i might update twice a week now, to speed up the process :)

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