chp | thirteen

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"And, we're here," Jimin said, parking the car.

You looked up at the tall building through the wide eyes. "Woah, it's bigger than I imagined," you whispered. "Did you think it was small?" Jimin asked with a chuckle.

"Not really, but I didn't expect it to be this big," you told him, still looking out the window in awe. "It wasn't big at first. But the more hybrids that kept coming in, the more space we needed."

"This building houses hundreds of hybrids now, and it's currently housing one of your friends," Jimin said, reminding me of the reason why you had come here.

"Oh yeah, Chris. Let's go."


"Kook," Jimin breathed, causing his boyfriend to turn around. "Hey, Jimin, hey y/n."

"Hello, Jungkook," you greeted, and he flashed you a smile. "Thanks for coming. He's this way."

You let the two males and a few officers in the far front lead the way as you silently followed them.

The inside reminded you of the centre, but Jimin's place was 100X better.

Unlike being closed off into a small area with just your species, many different hybrids were interacting with each other. Some hybrid bunnies were happily chatting to some snake hybrids.

The majority of the hybrids seemed to be happy here. Many of them had visible scars on their bodies, but it was clear they were healing.

"Christopher wasn't keen on interacting with anyone else. He threatened to hurt anyone who came close to him. Although I dislike isolating hybrids, I had to put him in his own space since he might cause harm to other hybrids," Jimin explained.

"Chris wouldn't hurt a fly. He isn't violent. In fact, he hates violence," you told him. "The guy used to fight in an underground ring till the police came and shut it down. During his time there, his name was the panther who brings death..."

"It's not my place to tell his story, but Chris regrets doing a lot of things. Even if they were done against his will. So now, he only uses violence if necessary. Which is almost never."

"He used it as a defence mechanism to try to keep us away..." Jimin mumbled, and you hummed in response. "Chris says things like that, but he'll never actually do it."

"Anyway, we're almost near him, right?" You asked as a familiar scent filled your nose. "Yup. He's right at the end of this passage," Jungkook said.

When you reached the door, your view of your friend was blocked. The

tall officers, including Jimin and Jungkook, weren't allowing you to see past their backs.

"We've decided to give you some time, but we're back to see if you're ready to answer questions," an officer said, and you could hear Chris scoff.

"Did you think bringing the owner who's covered in my sister's scent would make me answer your questions?" He asked. "I said I'm only answering questions when I know she's okay," he told them.

"Sister? I thought she was your friend," another officer said. "She's close enough to be a sister."

"She's doing alright. My partner and I have her, and we're looking after her. I told you that earlier, sir." Jungkook said, pushing through the rest of the officers.

"And how am I supposed to believe that? How do I know that you aren't saying that to get me to answer your stupid questions?"

"I'm fine, Chris." You said, standing next to Jungkook. "See?"

"No wonder why your scent was so fucking strong. You're here, and oh thank God, you're okay," he said, getting up and making his way to the glass. "And thank God, you're okay."

"Jimin. Can you please open the door?" You asked, turning to him and giving him a small smile.

You just wanted to hug Chris. You were so scared something horrible could've happened to him since he wasn't answering his phone, and Yuri couldn't talk since hers broke a couple of days before you were 'sold'.

"Yes, of course." Jimin walked up to the door and scanned his fingerprint.

Chris didn't even wait until the door was fully opened before he slipped out and pulled you into his embrace.

"I'm so glad you weren't sold to some old man," he whispered in your ear, stroking your hair, and you smiled. "Me too. I tried contacting you, but you weren't answering. I thought something bad happened."

Chris pulled away. "Something did happen, but nothing too extreme. One of the workers got pissed and threw my phone into a wall, causing it to break. You know how old that thing was. It had no chance of surviving that blow," he told you, causing you to frown.

"Did you get hurt? Did anyone get hurt? How is everyone okay?"

"Yes, Yuri's okay. l=Little one and his big brother are just fine too. They were sad to see me go too."

"Little one?" Jungkook asked, and you nodded. "There were five of us at the centre. Chris, Yuri, Myself, and the siblings. Sungie, who we call little one and his older brother Jaemin, " you told them. "Sungie is five years old."

"There's a child in there?" An officer asked with wide eyes, and the two of you nodded.

"There are probably more in the other closures. I can't give you an exact answer since we were kept away from other hybrid species." Chris told them.

"Out of all the hybrids we've saved from that centre, I don't remember anyone mentioning kids," Jimin said.

"Neither do we. But if there are more children there, then we can easily get a search warrant now," an officer said.

"Chris, do you mind if we ask you some more questions? And you too, y/n. I couldn't ask you any yesterday since it was after my working hours," Jungkook asked, and you nodded.

"Sure, I don't mind." "And I don't either now that I know y/n's okay."


Jimin sat down in his chair and bought his phone to his ear as he waited for him to answer.


"Hey, I was wondering if you were interested in adopting another hybrid? A panther hybrid, to be exact..."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a/n : sorry for the shitty chapter y'all. i don't want to rush the story.

 but i promise you guys are going to get some proper vminkook x reader action soon! (and maybe more updates) 

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