chp | ten

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"Woah! When was the last time I saw this many people? Look at the humans and hybrids playing together!" you excitedly said as you watched some children chase each other.

"Do feline hybrids normally wag their tags like canine hybrids when they're happy?" Hoseok asked as he watched your tail, causing your brother to chuckle. "Nope. Just y/n. She's like a puppy in the body of panther hybrid."

"Come on, Gi! Let's go the swings!" You said, causing his eyes to widen. "Actually, I thought we could just chill here, you know? Somewhere away from all these people."

"Yoongi prefers to nap under some tree instead of playing around," Hoseok explained, causing you to frown.

"Please, Gi? Can we please go on the swings?" You asked, clasping your hands together. Yoongi silently cursed as he tried to avoid your pleading eyes.

"Please? Pretty please?"

"F-fine," he muttered, causing you to smile. "Yay! Let's go!" You took his hand and dragged him to the swings while he whined in protest. Hoseok couldn't help but laugh.

"Hoseok, can you please push us?" You asked, sitting on the swing. "What do you mean, us? I thought I was going to push you," Yoongi said, and you shook your head. "If you want to push me, you can, but after Hoseok pushes us! Now sit!"

Yoongi huffed before taking a seat on the swing. "Did he even agree to push us?" He turned to his owner, silently begging he'd say no. "I don't mind. Oh, and y/n, you can just call me Hobi."

"Please don't push me too hard," Yoongi asked, causing Hoseok to chuckle. "Don't worry, you big scaredy-cat. I won't."


"Nope, never again," Yoongi grumbled as he plopped down onto the grass under the tree. "I'm too old for this shit." Both you and Hoseok laughed, causing the hybrid to send you two a glare.

"You're not that old Yoongi," Hoseok said, and you hummed in agreement. "Yeah, you're only six years older than me." Yoongi scoffed. "Yeah, that makes me twenty-seven. In three years time, I'll be as thirty."

"Year, thirty. Not sixty," Hoseok told him while Yoongi just huffed. "Whatever."

"y/n are you even a panther hybrid? you're not some domestic canine hybrid in disguise, right?"

"How could you ask me that, Gi? You've known me for eight years!" You exclaimed. "Yeah, but then we got separated, and I didn't know where you or how you were for three."

"So what? You can't fake these ears, tail or these fangs," you said, bearing your teeth.

"Woah, you guys have known each other for long," Hoseok said, causing the both of you to nod.

"My owners bought y/n when she was eleven, and I was seventeen. I practically raised her and watched her grow. Can you believe those sick mother fuckers wanted us to mate when she was fifteen? I was twenty-one," he said, causing Hoseok eyes to widen.

"What?" You hummed in response. "But he managed to convince them I was too young for that."

Many people don't consider a female's hybrids age when it comes to breeding, and realising that made Hsoeok sick.

"I didn't realise how lucky I was to have Yoongi until the hybrids at the facility told me."

You couldn't help but feel sad. You didn't know what could be happening at the facility right now. Did anyone get sold? Were their phones taken away?

"I... wow... How could they?" Hoseok mumbled while the two of you shrugged. "Let's stop talking about that now. They're dead, and it's in the past," Yoongi said.

"They died?" You asked, and your brother shook his head. "They were killed. After they sold me off, and I guess you as well, they 'adopted' and tiger hybrid. Turns out the tiger hybrid wasn't as tolerable as us because only two weeks after being them, he attacked them."

Yoongi's words caused you to frown. Your previous owner may have been shitty and abusive, but there were still some times they were good to you. And you'll cherish those times.

"Why don't we change the topic? Let's go buy some snacks or something!"


"Take whatever," Hoseok said as the three of you walked into the store. You looked at him with wide eyes. "Really?" He flashed you a smile and nodded.

"Don't purposely take a little, y/n. Hobi really means you can take whatever," Yoongi said as if he read your mind.

"Thank you so much, Hobi!" You exclaimed, giving him a hug, causing him to chuckle. "No problem!"

Yoongi watched as you quickly made your way done the snack aisle with a soft smile on his face. "Thank you," he thanked his owner. Hoseok bought his hand up to Yoongi's hair and ruffled it. "No problem, Yoongi."

"Gi! Come! I didn't know they still made these!" You exclaimed, raising a packet of hybrid snacks. 'They never stopped making those, kitten.'

"Do you still like these? You'd look forward to having these every year," Yoongi said, handing you a pack of chips, causing your face to light up. "Oh yeah! I'll ask my new owner to have these on my next birthday!"

"You know you don't have to wait till your birthday to have these, right? We can buy these and eat them when we're back at Hobi's."

'I wish they didn't treat you the way they did, princess. I hate to see that you still think this way.'

"Oh my gosh, really? Then let's quickly get everything else so we can go back! I wonder if they still taste the same!"


"Everybody say cheese!" Hoseok said, holding up a peace sign. You and Yoongi posed as well before he snapped a pick. "I'm going to send this send these to Jimin. He's wondering what we're up to."

"Wait, then let's take another with the snacks!" You lifted the packet and bought your mouth before opening it, making it seem as if you were about to bite into the pack.

Hoseok did the same, bringing the lollipop to his mouth. Yoongi chuckled before posing with a chip.



hey hopes, how's y/n?


she's doing good. we just came back from buying some snacks.


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[image attached]


thank you so much for taking care of her. i'll pay you back for those.


don't worry about it. and you don't have to pay me back. it's on me.


Jimin looked at the pictures with a sad smile on his face. You looked so happy, and you seemed to fit right in. Was there still a need to see if you wanted him and his boyfriends to adopt you?

"Why am I already attached to you?" 

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