chp | twenty six

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"I'm looking forward to seeing everyone," you said excitedly, causing Jimin to smile.

The two of you were in his car, on your way to his building so you could see your friends.

"I'm sure they'll be happy to see you, too," he said, glancing at you before looking at the road. "We're going to have an open adoption day soon."

"What does that mean?" You asked.

"It means I will open the centre and allow people to come in and spend time with hybrids. People can bond with a few and decide whether they want to adopt them at the end of the day. But the final decision is up to the hybrid. They get to choose if they want to go home with that person or people or not," he explained.

"Is this open day the only time hybrids can get adopted?"

"No people can come in any day they want to," he told you, looking into the review mirror. "Our doors are always open to people looking to adopt a hybrid or two."

You nodded, looking out the window. You hoped all your friends would end up in good homes. You wanted them to be with caring and wonderful people.

"Before you spend time with your friends, would you like to have a proper tour of the building? Would you like to see my office?" Jimin asked, stopping at a red light.

"Sure!" You smiled. "I saw a little bit when I was there to convince Chris I was okay. Your building looks nothing like the facilities I've been to, not that I've been to many."

"Okay, so here's what we'll do," Jimin said, driving into the parking lot of the building. "I'll take you up to my office, then I'll show you around from there. I think I'll finish showing you around just before lunch so you can eat with your friends. Then you can spend the rest of the day with them, and we'll go home around six. Is that okay with you?"

"It's fine with me," you shrugged, and Jimin nodded.

"Alright, let me just park the car, and then we can start our day."


"Good morning, Julie," Jimin said, greeting the woman at the front desk. "Anything for me this morning?"

"Morning, Mr Park," she greeted, looking at her computer. "And nope, nothing for you right now."

"Alright," he said before looking at you and gesturing you to come closer. "There's no need to stand there, (y/n)," he chuckled. "Come say hi to Julie. She's been working here since I started this place."

"Uh, hello," you greeted, and the woman smiled. She looked like she was in her mid-forties to early fifties.

"Hello, young miss."

"Julie, this is (y/n)," Jimin said. "She's a hybrid the guys and I would like to adopt. I'm going to show her around."

"Alright," Julie nodded. "Enjoy your tour, miss (y/n). Jimin did an excellent job building up this place and bringing it to where it is now."

After chatting to Julie, Jimin said goodbye, and you followed him to a lift.

"Are you hungry? Would you like anything to drink?" he asked as you waited for the lift to arrive. "I'm going to ask my secretary to bring some coffee. Would you like some, too?"

You hesitated before speaking. "A cup of tea... with a scone, maybe?"

"If you want anything, please feel free to ask, (y/n)," Jimin said, walking into the lift when the door opened. "There's no need to hesitate." You remained silent, and he chuckled before pressing his floor on the lift.

"This is my floor," he told you, walking out of the lift. "Mark, my secretary and I are the only ones who work on this floor. I occasionally have meetings with my teams up here. Morning Mark."

Jimin's secretary was sitting at his desk, looking through some documents on his table. "Morning, Mr Park."

"This is the meeting room," Jimin said, walking past a room with glass walls allowing you to look inside. There was a large table in the room with about twelve chairs and a board at the end of the table. "Most important meetings happen in here."

Following Jimin down the hall, you noticed the pictures on the wall. "The pictures on the wall are of the company's growth," he told you. "I'll never forget where we started, and the photos remind me how far we've got as Paws Protect."

"How did you come up with the name?" you asked, looking at a picture of Jimin shaking hands with someone who seemed very important.

"A little girl named the company," he said. "I met her at a park. She was crying about how her mother kept hurting her friend, who happened to be her hybrid. At the time, the company was still just a business plan, and I told her all about it," he chuckled at the memory. "I asked her to give me some ideas for a name, and she gave me Paws Protect. Her inspiration was the show Paw Patrol."

"Where is she now?"

"She passed away," Jimin sadly smiled, stopping to look at a picture he took with her on the wall. "She was a sick little girl. You know, I wasn't actually going to name my business Paws Protect. It sounded silly, but after hearing about her, I had to."

You looked at the picture. It was of Jimin and the little girl, and she was holding a piece of paper with the words 'Paws Protect by PJ' with some cute drawings around it. She was sitting on Jimin's lap, and they had huge smiles.

"What was her name?"

"I don't remember her last name, but her first name was Starr. Star with two r's," he told you. "Anyway, we've finally reached my office. Welcome to my space."

Jimin's office was huge and spacious.

Behind his large desk was a wall with the company's logo surrounded by white light. He had a pile of books and documents on the shelves behind him.

"All that paperwork is information on hybrids, where they came from or where they went from here," Jimin told you, pulling out his chair and taking a seat. "Although we can do this online, sometimes we need to do it manually."

You nodded before walking around his office. In front of his desk was a coffee table and two couches.

"You can look around or sit on the couch, (y/n). I'm going to ask Mark to order me some coffee and you some tea and a scone," he said, sitting at his desk and bringing a phone to ear.

Jimin's office had large windows that gave him a perfect view of the ground below. And on the shelves by the window were books, decor like pictures, small sculptures, and potted plants.

You picked up one of the pictures. It was of Jimin holding a certificate, and Taehyung and Jungkook were on his sides, kissing his cheeks. "When was this?" You asked Jimin, showing him the photo.

"The day I bought this building," he said with a smile. "And finally registered it as a proper and legal business."

You nodded, putting a picture down in its place and moving on. You didn't realise Jimin had such a deep history with this place and wanted to know more.

"You can sit on the couch and watch TV while you wait for your tea and scones. Mark will bring them in half an hour," he told you. "And I'm sorry if this all seems boring," he sighed. "Knowing about this place probably isn't as interesting as tagging along with an undercover cop."

"It's interesting," you said. "I want to know more about how this place came to be, and I can't wait to look around. From what you told me and what I've seen, Paws Protect has a deep history."

"Oh," he smiled. "I'll tell you everything about it when I show you around." Jimin was happy you wanted to know more about this place. He thought you'd be bored hearing him talk about it, but you weren't. "Here's the remote. You can find something to watch on Netflix or YouTube."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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