chp | seven

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How hadn't you realised before? That the familiar scent you kept on smelling belonged to your dear brother? The brother you wished you'd see again every day.

The mention of his name should've made you realise it, but somehow it didn't. Maybe it's because you never called him by his full name. You knew him as Gi your entire time with him.

Regardless, once you realised who he was, Yoongi didn't waste any running towards you and pulling you into his tight embrace.

Taehyung and Hoseok watched the two of you cry in each other's arms with wide eyes. This was the first time they'd seen Yoongi shed a tear.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Yoongi whispered.

Yoongi couldn't describe how he felt right now. All these years, he was worried about you. He constantly wondered if you were eating well or if the people you were with were treating you well.

He was so glad to see you were alive, especially considering your age. Yes, he kept count of your age. Many female hybrids of exotic species barely make it past twenty.

"Gi?" You asked, pulling away from his embrace. "Hm?" Yoongi asked as he smiled, placing his hands on your wet cheeks. "You're okay," you whispered. "I am, y/n. And so are you." He wiped your tears and planted a kiss on your forehead before pulling you into his embrace again.


"So, your new hybrid seems to have a past with my hybrid," Hoseok said to Taehyung, who hummed in response, taking a sip of his cup of coffee.

Taehyung wasn't a fan of coffee. In fact, he hated it, but right now, he felt as if he needed it. His eyes moved to Yoongi's breakfast that sat cold on the counter, long forgotten by the hybrid who had disappeared with you upstairs.

"What kind of past do you think they have together?" Taehyung asked. "They could be anything. They could've been mates, cousins, anything."

"Has Yoongi not mentioned anything about his family?" Hoseok let out a sigh had he shook his head. "No, I asked about his family once, and he growled at me. He was baring his teeth and everything."

"Family seems to be such a sensitive topic to him. And looking at the way he held, y/n, the way she teared up just by looking at him, I can understand why. Many hybrids get separated from their mothers right after birth because they were born in breeding facilities. If a hybrid can trace down at least one family member, they're lucky because many can't."

Taehyung closed his eyes and let out a sigh. He hated it, but he knew that Hoseok was right.

Hybrid had it really rough in this world. And unfortunately for them, it will take ages for them to be considered as equals.


Yoongi smiled and softly hummed as he stroked your hair. For the first time in a while, Yoongi could say he was happy.

Your head was resting on his chest, and your tails were wrapped around each other.

Yoongi's smile never faded as he listened to you talk about everything that happened from the moment you two were separated.

"You know, Mr Jimin said he'd like to adopt me. Can you tell me if he is a nice guy? He's been good to me so far, but it hasn't been a full day."

"Jimin? Just like you, he bought me from an auction. But instead of him adopting me, Hoseok did." He said, causing your eyes to widen.

"Before I came to Hoseok, Jimin took great care of me. Taehyung ran a check up on me, Jimin made sure I was well-fed, and Jungkook would ask me questions about our owners."

"If Jimin was in charge of your meals, how come it seems like he doesn't know what he's doing with mine? At least, by the way, it looks of it."

Yoongi let out a soft chuckle. "That because that was three years ago. Jimin hasn't nursed a hybrid in their home since then. Most of the ones he takes home only spend the night, and boom, they're moved to the holding or whatever Jimin calls it."

"Then how come you and I stayed at his house? Is it because we're panther hybrids? Jimin did say he's always wanted one."

"I see you're still quite curious. You haven't really changed, kitten. Maybe I shouldn't call you that anymore." He whispered the last part. To him, you would always be the younger cub he kind of raised. But kitten? Calling you kitten didn't sound cute anymore. It didn't sound right either.

You're twenty one now, not twelve, thirteen, and so on.

"But no, after me, Jimin did take care of a hybrid. It was a tiger hybrid, but they were aggressive and almost tried to choke Taehyung to death. Since then, Jimin didn't want to take the risk of bringing hybrids to his home, until now, that is."

"Anyway, to answer your question, Jimin is a nice guy. He's always been gentle and caring. At least from what I've experienced. All of them are. If you let them adopt you, I know you'll be in good hands."

"Really? I have a choice to decide if I want them to adopt me or not?" You asked. First Jimin, and now Yoongi.

You didn't really believe Jimin. I mean, he was telling you all these unbelievable things, things that were unbelievable to you, at least.

Not to mention he was human. Human... and he was a human you had met probably an hour ago.

So hearing that coming from Yoongi, your brother, well, somewhat brother, and a hybrid was way more believable.

"Yeah. I didn't know I could have a say. I thought Jimin and Hoseok would decide amongst themselves who would get to keep me, and life would go on."

"Why did you choose Hoseok? Was Jimin not as nice?" You asked, and Yoongi shook his head. "Jimin was amazing. He still is. After everything I had been through with my previous owners, with our previous owners, I'd say Jimin was the best potential owner ever."

"Then why Hoseok?" "Hoseok was lonely. At the time, you could tell that his bright smile was hiding a lot of pain. He needed someone in his life. I don't necessarily mean romantically, more like a companion. A friend. And I guess I decided to let him adopt me because I was lonely too."

Yoongi remembers how horrible and alone he felt. You were the only person who made miserable life more exciting. At first, he hated it. He hated you. He thought you talked too much and that you asked too many questions. You were a young girl with a large amount of energy.

He remembers how he would ignore you. How'd he shrug you off or blatantly tell you how annoying you were.

But when he saw his owners abuse you for the first time, and he heard you cry and ask yourself what you had done wrong to deserve the punishment, Yoongi couldn't think of you as annoying. In you, he caught a glimpse of himself. A young panther hybrid, trying to survive in the cruel world where very humans treated hybrids as people.

That's when Yoongi decided to take you under his wing and do everything to prevent you from experiencing the same amount of abuse he did. He was still young himself, but you had so much more ahead of you than what he had ahead of him.

Looking at you now, he was glad he made that decision. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have had anyone to call his family now.

"You were lonely?" You asked, and he hummed in response. "I was separated from you, y/n, I was separated from my only family. I was so used to being with you, going through everything for you, that I suffered so much when I suddenly had to do everything alone."

Yoongi heard a sniff and felt some dampness on his shirt. "Are you crying?" He asked, and you nodded. "I'm so sorry, Gi. I wish I could've done more back then. I'm so sorry you had to endure so much because of me."

Yoongi had taken extra tolls of abuse for you. There were many times where he'd sacrifice his own meals just to make sure you were full.

When didn't understand how much Yoongi had done for you until Chris explained it to you and told you how lucky you were to have him. And he was right. You were lucky to have him in your life.

Yoongi couldn't help but tear up himself when he heard your soft sobs.

"You don't have to apologise, y/n. I'm doing okay now, and I'll be even better now that you're with me again." 

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