chp | six

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You stared outside of the window, watching the houses and trees move by as Taehyung drove you to the patient.

"y/n," you turned away from the window to look at him. "Yes, Mr Taehyung?"

"Please, don't call me Mr Taehyung. Taehyung is just fine," he told you, quickly glancing at you before looking back at the road.

"Anyway, after I check up on Yoongi, who is the hybrid panther I'm checking on in a few, I might have to leave you with Hoseok, his owner."

"Oh, okay." You knew that the was that was his plan from the beginning. It's not like he could take you to the clinic with him.

"I wish I could take you with me, but I can't leave you alone there. I also can't keep you in my office because of the privacy of my patients." He explained.

"I understand, Taehyung."

"Anyway, let me tell you about Yoongi because if he decided to be friendly enough, you'll spend most of your time there with him. I think," you muttered the last, but you were able to hear him anyway.

"Yoongi can be a bit mean, cold and rude, but he's actually a sweetheart once you get to know him. Well, once you get to know what he allows you to know about him. The guy has had a rough past he's still trying to recover from. I wish I could tell you more about him, but he hasn't told us much. Not even his owner has gotten him to up more."

You couldn't help but feel sympathetic for the hybrid. Hybrids who experienced physical and mental abuse to an extreme tended to struggle opening up to anybody.

Some can't even talk to hybrids of their own species, while others go full-on mute and can't seem to speak at all.

The way Taehyung told you about Yoongi with the little information he had reminded you so much of Yuri.

Yuri... Your heart sank as you began to think about the hybrids at the centre.

You tried contacting Chris this morning, giving him and the rest of the panthers an update, but he hadn't answered yet. You were hoping that nothing had gone wrong and that he was just busy with chores.

The man who owned the centre would take away your devices on the days he felt like it. He would overwork the exotic hybrids, forcing them to clean for up to eight hours straight with no breaks in between.

You remember how Sungie, the young panther, was forced to watch the owner abuse another younger hybrid. It was to show him what would happen to him if he didn't stick to the rules.

Poor boy wouldn't do anything for a few days because of how traumatized he was.

"We're here," Taehyung said, snapping you out of your thoughts as he pulled into the driveway.


You silently stood behind Taehyung as he talked to Hoseok. Your hands were gripped onto the back of his shirt as you tried to hide from the unfamiliar male.

Hoseok had a bright smile on his face when you caught a glimpse of him, and he didn't look like anyone you should be afraid of. But it was terrifying to you how he had such a familiar scent on him, yet you didn't know the man at all.

"Why don't you two come in?" He asked, stepping aside to give you and Taehyung space to walk in.

"How's Yoongi? Is he feeling any better?" "Yeah, I checked on him before going to bed. The medication seemed to help because he stopped sweating, and his temperature dropped back to normal."

"That's good." Hoseok hummed in response. "So, when were you going to tell me you had a hybrid?" He suddenly asked as his eyes glanced at you over Taehyung's shoulder.

"Jimin bought her home yesterday. We haven't adopted her yet, but we're planning to. This is y/n." Taehyung moved aside, allowing Hoseok to see you in full. "Ah! I see she's a panther, just like Yoongi."

"Yeah. That's also why I bought her with me. I was hoping you could help us with her diet," Hoseok smile grew, and he nodded.

"Of course! Maybe she and Yoongi have similar tastes! I'll go wake him up, and then I can serve breakfast!" Hoseok quickly disappeared to fetch said panther hybrid Yoongi.

"Let's go to the kitchen so far," Taehyung said. "It may take some time for Hoseok to get Yoongi out of bed," you only nodded and closely followed behind the male. You weren't comfortable in here. Not with the strangely familiar scent that was all over the house.

How were you going to spend the day here?

"So, y/n while we wait, do you want anything? Even though we just had breakfast." Taehyung asked, turning on the kettle and opening a cupboard. "No, thank you," you politely declined. He hummed in response as he began to make a cup of coffee.

"You can sit on one of the bar stools, y/n. You don't have to stand there." He said, looking up from the cup. "Won't Mr Hoseok mind? This is his house, after all."

You didn't understand how Taehyung moved around, opening and closing cupboards as if the place was his.

"I don't mind at all," Hoseok suddenly said behind you, causing you to flinch in surprise. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," you slowly nodded before taking a seat.

"Where's Yoongi?" "He's on his way down. And could you make Yoongi a cup too?" Hoseok asked, making his way to the refrigerator and taking out a carton of milk.

"Yeah, sur-"

"Kitten?" A famailar voice said, interuppting Taehyung. Your eyes widened, and you turned to look at the owner of the voice.

"Gi?" You asked as tears filled your eyes.

There, in an oversized shirt and black shorts, stood your brother. The brother you hadn't seen in years. 

[ he calls her kitten because when they first met she young. she was still considered a panther cub, thank you - wrtemin ] 

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