chp | fifteen

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"It's late, but not late enough to decide to head to bed. What do you guys wanna do?" Taehyung asked, packing the last plate into the cabinet.

After dinner, Jungkook and Taehyung did the dishes while Jimin cleaned the kitchen. You offered to help, but they refused, telling you they could do it alone.

"How about we watch a movie? It's been a while since we have anyway." Jungkook suggested, popping a strawberry from the bowl on the counter into his mouth.

"What do you want to do, (y/n)? Wanna watch a movie?" Jimin asked, and you slowly nodded. "Yes. A movie would be nice."

Being able to voice your opinion would need some getting used to. Because in your old places, you had to accept everything that was done or given to you with no questions asked.

'Take whatever we give you with no questions asked.' 'Shut up and just do it.' 'Nobody cares about how you feel, just fucking do it.'

"Alright, let's watch a movie then. (y/n) and Jungkook, you two can pick a movie while Jimin and I pop some popcorn and find other snacks we can eat," Taehyung said.

"Please don't make us watch anything scary or erotic. Keep it PG-13," Jimin told Jungkook, who playfully rolled his eyes. "You know I'm more into action. That's the kinda stuff you watch, babe."

"Whatever, Jeon. Go pick a movie."


"Alright, we can watch avengers or venom and uh... Batman, or Spiderman. No, let's watch Ironman! Yeah, Ironman," Jungkook said, scrolling through the list of movies on the TV.

"Do you know who Iron Man is?" He asked, turning to face you. "No. I haven't watched a lot of movies, actually."

"Oh. Iron man is a superhero with a mechanized suit of armour. You'll understand more when we watch the movie." Jungkook told you, giving you a small smile.

"Ironman, Jungkook? Really?" Taehyung chuckled as he walked into the living room. "What? I can never get tired of watching it. Plus, (y/n) doesn't even know who and how great he is!"

"Yeah, but we do, and we're lowkey tired of rewatching the movie. How about we watch something none of us have watched before?" Jimin suggested. "Fine. The two of us can watch Ironman another time, okay?" Jungkook whispered in your ear, and you nodded.

Once Taehyung and Jimin placed the snacks on the table, they took a seat on the couch. Jungkook on your left side, Taehyung and then Jimin on your right.

"The snacks in the pastel purple bowls are for (y/n) only. The popcorn in the two bigs bowls is all of us, and the snacks in the yellow bowls are for us," Tawhyung said.

"Okay, how about Unforgettable?" Jimin asked as Jungkook handed him the remote. "Romance? Really?" He asked with a frown.

"What? You can never really go wrong with some good old romance."

"Personally, I wouldn't mind a straight romantic movie. I've watched too many BL's and GL's that it's almost concerning," Taehyung said.

"Alright, (y/n)... are you okay with Unforgettable? The summary says: "People reminiscing about their first love stories as they listen to love stories on the radio. During a live broadcast, a radio DJ receives a letter that..." Seems to be interesting, right?" Jimin asked.

You reread the summary on the screen before nodding. "Yes... it could be..."

"Great! Then everybody get comfy. Let's start."


"I think romance is my fav- oh..." you said, frowning when you realized that the guys had fallen asleep.

You were so invested in the movie that you hadn't realized Taehyung and Jungkook had fallen asleep when they rested their heads on your shoulders.

"Jimin?" You called, but there was no response. "Uh..." you were unsure of what to do. Wake your potential owners, or just let them sleep.

You dug for your phone in your back pocket to call Yoongi and ask him what to do.

"I don't ever answer calls this late, but you're an exception." Your brother grumbled as soon as he picked up the call. "What's up?"

"Uh, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook fell asleep..." you told him. "Do you need something? The guys won't be mad at you if you get something without their permission. (y/n)-"

"No... it's not that. We were watching a movie, and it just finished. But I didn't realize until now that they had fallen asleep. What do I do? Wake them up or let them sleep?"

"Did they fall asleep on your shoulder or something?"

"Uhm, ye- eeehhhh," you softly squealed when you felt an arm wrap around your waist. "You good? What happened?"

"An arm just went around my waist," you told Yoongi, causing him to chuckle. "It's probably Taehyung's arm. You have to try and wiggle out from in between them."

"Did you guys cover yourselves with blankets or something?" Yoongi asked. "Kind of. It's one big one, but it isn't really thick."

"We hybrids don't need thick blankets, but humans kinda do. Especially when the cold season is approaching. Try to get the guys some blankets. I'll tell you where they are."

"Okay, Yoon," you whispered before you began to remove Taehyung's hand from your waist. You gently pushed Taehyung's head to rest on Jimin's shoulder, and then you made Jungkook's head rest on a pillow.

"Are they deep sleepers?" You asked, getting up. "Kind of, but not really at the same time. It depends on how tired they are. Now go up the stairs."

You followed Yoongi's directions. "There are four rooms, the relationship's room, your room and two spare guest rooms. From what Jimin's told me... your room should be next to theirs. Uhm, in one of the first two rooms, you'll find some blankets in the cupboard."

"Gosh, I haven't been to their home in a while, so I'm don't know."

You walked into the room and turned on the light. "Oh, this Taehyung's office," you told him. "Shit, I forgot they turned that room into his office. That means the blankets are in the other room."


Yoongi said his goodnight and ended the call as soon as you had found the blankets.

When you walked into the living room, the boyfriends were still in the positions you had left them.

"Who would've thought I'd take of humans?" You whispered to yourself as you covered them with blankets. "Sleep well."

Just as you were about to go upstairs, you stopped yourself. You looked at your potential owners with a frown on your face. "Did you Yoongi say I was allowed to go upstairs and leave them here? Is it okay for me to do that?" 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a/n: consider this a little filler chapter :) anyway, sorry for not updating sooner, school sucks lol

𝗳𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗶𝘁𝘆 | 𝗯𝘁𝘀 𝗵𝘆𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗱 𝗮𝘂Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ