chp | twenty four

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"Look! There's a photo booth," Jungkook said. "Let's go take some photos!"

"Yes, it's been so long since I've gotten into one," Taehyung excitedly said. "Have you ever gotten into one, (y/n)?"

"Nope," you said. "But by your reactions, it seems cool! I wanna try it!"

"Then come on!" Jungkook said, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him. "Do you want to take some on your own?"

"I don't know how this works..." You said.

"It's not hard, (y/n)," Taehyung said once he and Jimin got you two. "We'll help you choose a frame and filters. You'll change your poses when the screen tells you."

Jimin opened the curtain. "Insert this cash into the slit and then tap start on the screen."

You did what he told you to. "What now?"

"Now smile and pose! After every three seconds, change it!" Jungkook said. "Make silly poses as well!"

The guys laughed at your poses. "Stop laughing at me," you whined as you changed to the next pose.

"It's just the first time we've seen you like this," Jungkook smiled. "Anyway, the thing is done, so choose a frame and the number of copies you'd like."

"What do you guys think of this one?" You asked. "And how many copies? One?"

"Oh, that one's nice!" Jungkook said. "And one copy should be fine!"

"Make it two copies!" Jimin said.

"Make it three!"

"Just make it four," Jungkook chuckled. "And now we'll wait for them to come out. They'll come out here."

"While we wait, let's take some group ones while your photos process," Jimin smiled.

"Should I come out so you guys can take your photos?"

"No, we want you in them, silly," Taehyung said, hopping in. "We have enough pictures together but don't have any with you."

"Taehyung's right," Jungkook said, coming in from the other side. "Now look at the camera and pose."

"Smile, princess," Jimin said before resting one hand on your head and holding up a peace.


"The pictures came out so nicely," Jungkook smiled, looking at the photos as the four of you walked towards a restaurant.

"I'm going to put these on the wall when I get home," you said. "I want to do this with Yoongi and my friends one day."

"Sure. One of these days, I'll take you and your friends out," Jimin told you. "Anyway, how about we eat there? Let's see if they're hybrid-friendly."

About two years ago, hybrids weren't allowed in stores or to eat in restaurants. These days, many stores and restaurants allow them in them, but a few of them still refuse. So checking if restaurants are hybrid-friendly is still a must.

"It is hybrid-friendly," Jungkook smiled when he saw the sign. "Let's go."

"Before we go there can I go the bathroom?" you asked.

"You can go the bathroom inside the restaurants because the nearest bathroom is a bit of a walk," Taehyung said. "Is that okay with you, (y/n)?"

You only nodded.

"Good Afternoon, table for... four?" A waitress asked, and Jimin nodded. "Alright, follow me this way."

The waitress took some menus before walking towards a table and placing them there. "I'll be back to get your orders for drinks in a second," she said.

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