chp | nineteen

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You looked out the window and up at the facility that was home for years.

"This is it," Jungkook sighed. "Are you okay, y/n?"

You nodded. "Yes... I am alright. Well, actually, I feel a little weird. It feels like I'm being sent back... you're not returning me, are you?"

You couldn't help but worry.

Yuri had told things about how her previous owners would take her back to the facility once they were done with her. Tell you how they would trick her into thinking they were going somewhere nice, but instead, they were just going to take her back to where she came from.

"No, y/n. I'm not. Jimin would kill me if I ever thought of doing that. Plus, why would I want to?" he chuckled. "Hey, if you're not comfortable going in anymore, you can stay with one of my colleagues."

"No, no. I want to go in. I want to see Yuri and Jaemin, oh and the little one. I want to make sure my friends are safe," You told him.

"Okay, but stay close to me, okay?" He said, unbuckling his seatbelt, and you nodded. "Okay."

"Officer Nam? We're about to enter the facility," Jungkook said into his walkie talkie. "Are the rescue vans on site yet?"

"Officer Jeon... they're almost here. We're already in position. Let us know when we should make a move," you heard a man say, guessing it was officer Nam.

"Okay. From what we heard, the owner will show us around for a bit first, right? Before beginning the auction?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, sir. Just show them your VIP ticket," the man said, and Jungkook hummed in response.

"Alright, thanks. We're heading in."

"Let me give you a warning. To fit in... I'm going to say a number of things that make you uncomfortable as a hybrid. But I don't mean any of them, okay?"

"Okay..." you muttered.


"Good evening, sir- oh... I see you've got a hybrid with you. Are you here to sell her? Oh wait... she's been here before, hasn't she?" An employee asked, and Jungkook nodded.

"Yes. I bought this panther from here. But I'm not here to sell this beauty." Jungkook told the employee, taking your hand in his.

"Ah... are you here to return her?" He asked.

"Of course not. Why would I do that? I'm here to get her a friend. When is the owner of this place going to show me around?"

"Ah... you need a VIP ticket to be able to see the hybrids we have before the auction. Do you have one?" The employee asked, causing Jungkook to scoff.

"You think I didn't know that? Of course, I have one," he told the woman, taking out the ticket and showing it to the woman. "Now, where's the owner?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but do you have a ticket for the hybrid? One ticket per person. If the hybrid doesn't have a ticket, I'm afraid she can't go in."

Jungkook looked at you before looking back at the employee.

"One ticket per person... I'm one person. Does she suddenly count as a person?" He asked. "I didn't know hybrids were considered people, now. I would've gotten one for her too, if they were."

You looked down at your feet.

"You think you deserve to eat three times a day? You're not even human! You're just a fucking animal," your owner scoffed. "But since I'm feeling a good today, maybe you can eat something more?"

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