chp | twenty two

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"So... while I prepare the chicken, do you want to prepare the sauce?" Taehyung asked, opening the pantry to take out some more ingredients.

"Is it not difficult?" you asked. "I'm not sure I'll be able to do it alone."

"You'll never know unless you try, (y/n)," he chuckled, placing a bottle of cooking oil on the counter. "And don't worry. I'll tell you what to do the whole time."

"Okay," you nodded. "What can I do for you?"

"Please get crushed garlic from the fridge," he asked. "You'll need it and some dried chilli pepper to make the sauce."

"What else will I need?"

"Let me just tell you everything you'll need," he chuckled. "So, crushed garlic and dried chilli pepper."

"Garlic and dried chilli pepper," you repeated.

"Soy sauce, rice syrup, vinegar, and maybe even mustard sauce," he told you as he prepared the chicken in a bowl.

"Soy sauce, rice syrup, vinegar, and maybe even mustard sauce," you whispered as you moved around the kitchen.

Taehyung softly chuckled as he watched you open and close cabinets while you looked for the ingredients.

"You'll find the soy sauce, rice syrup, mustard sauce, and crushed garlic in the fridge. And then you'll find the vinegar and chilli pepper in the pantry," he said. "Ah, could you also bring the bag of potato starch?"

You hummed in response before heading to the fridge first.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he watched you take the soy sauce with your tail and carry the other stuff with your hands.

"You can control your tail to do that?" He asked, and you shrugged.

"After having my arms bound often, I eventually learnt how to use my tail," you told him.

"Your arms were bound often..." he frowned, and you nodded.

"Yes. Sometimes, we were tied up and put into a room as s punishment," you sighed. "Our little panther, Jisung, was a troublemaker in the eyes of the workers and often got in trouble. So to prevent a little boy from going through all that, Christoper and I often went in his place."

"Oh my god," he muttered.

"We'd spent a day or night in there," you told Taehyung. "They'd give us food but not untie our hands... so I eventually learnt to use my tail as my hands."

Taehyung only nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Let me go get the other stuff, and then you can tell me how to make the sauce!" you smiled before skipping to the kitchen.

"How could she smile after telling me that," he muttered.


"I can't believe you're a fucking cop," Dohyun said through gritted teeth as he watched Jungkook walk around the interrogation table. "Shouldn't you be thanking me for the hybrid you have? You got her from me."

"Don't you think you're talking too much?" Jungkook asked. "If I were you, I'd only speak when spoken to because anything I say could be used against me."

Jungkook bitterly chuckled as he half-sat on the table. "And I'm not going to thank you for anything. All the hybrids we rescued from your facility suffered because of you. You sold them illegally, kept them captive, abused them and did so much more. I can't thank you for anything you did."

"I don't see how I'm getting in trouble for this," he sighed, rolling his eyes. "Hybrids aren't humans. They should be treated like the animals that they are."

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