chp | eighteen

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"Yes... I like staying with Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook."

You really did, and it hadn't even been a week of staying with the trio. You didn't find it necessary to wait a whole month to confirm that you wanted Jimin to adopt you.

You wanted the three of them to be your official owners now.

"Yoongi... is (y/n) only allowed to choose her official owner once the one month trial has ended, or can she decide before that?" Chris asked, causing Yoongi to frown.

"She can make her decision before that... We're given a month to see if we want the person to be our owner's or not," Yoongi explained. "If you think you'd be happy with that person before the month is up, you can ask to be adopted sooner."

"So, (y/n)... why don't you ask Jimin to adopt you now?" Christopher asked.

"What? Why?" Yoongi asked. "Are you sure you want those three to adopt you?"

"Why are you making it sound like (y/n) wanting them to adopt her is bad?" Christopher frowned. "I thought you'd be all for it."

"Yeah... you were the one to tell me how good they are and how safe I'd be in their care. Do you not think that anymore?" You asked, causing your brother to sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose.

"No... it's not that at all. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. All three of them make the perfect owners. It's just... I still can't help but feel anxious for you."

Yoongi knew that the chances of those three guys doing something to you were low, but he couldn't help but worry.

Plus, it's not like anyone else was looking to adopt you, so he really didn't have anything to worry about. But then again, he couldn't help it.

You haven't been through the best growing up, and he hated that when you were separated, you were still treated poorly.

"I just want you to be sure, kitten- damn, I need to stop calling you that- I want you to be sure. If you really like staying with Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook... go ahead and ask them to adopt you. But tell me why you want to be adopted already?"

"Although it's only been four days with them... Taehyung's been checking on me every night. He didn't do it yesterday... since he fell asleep..." You told them.

"Wait, wouldn't that mean... he's been checking on you for two nights? He hasn't given you a check-up for today yet," Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, but still. I think giving me a check-up every night is too much, but it shows Taehyung cares. Or at least to me, it does," you huffed.

"Anyway, what about the other two?" Chris asked.

"Well... Jimin's bought a lot of new clothes and food.... and he's also teaching me how to cook. Yesterday, he taught me how to make spaghetti!"

"So... you want to stay with Jimin because he's teaching you how to cook and because he's bought you new things?" Chris asked, and you hummed in response.

"That's not all, though. Jimin's feeding me well, too."

Yoongi let out a sigh. "And then why do you want to stay Jungkook?"

"I don't know... Jungkook and I haven't been interacting much, to be honest. But he seems really sweet. I want to watch a movie with him! I think it was Iron man?"

Your brother and friend let out a sigh. "Gosh, (y/n)... so you want them to adopt you because of that?"

You nodded. "Why? Are these not proper reasons?"

"They're pretty valid... I guess. But how about you spend time with them for a week or two, then you can think about why you want those three to adopt you, okay?" Yoongi said, patting your head.

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