chp | eight

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By the time you and Yoongi emerged from his room, Taehyung had already gone. Yoongi's plate of food had disappeared from the table and was put into the microwave.

"Taehyung had to go work. He said he'll be back, or one of the others will be here around four to pick you up. You and Yoongi have a lot of time to spend together." Hoseok told you before turning to Yoongi.

"I have a lot of questions that need some answers. But you'll only answer the ones you're comfortable enough to answer." He nodded, and Hoseok turned back to you.

"If you get hungry, just ask Yoongi. He knows where everything is and can make something for you. But if you need me, don't hesitate to call for me, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you for taking care of Yoongi, Mr Hoseok."

He flashed you a smile and bought his hand to your hair, giving it a ruffle. "No problem and just Hoseok is fine."

"Are you hungry? Have you eaten breakfast yet?" Yoongi asked as his owner disappeared from the kitchen and up the stairs. "A little, but I did have breakfast."

"Do you still like steak? I can give you my leftover steak from yesterday if you want? Or do you want the more humankind of snacks?"

"Maybe the steak. But only a little bit!" You hadn't had a good steak in months. They did serve it you every couple of weeks to months at the centre, but just like the rest of the other food served there, it was shit.

Yoongi nodded and opened the fridge, taking out a lunchbox and sliding it onto the table. "Do you want anything else with it, or is just the steak fine?" "Just the steak, please." He nodded again before opening a cupboard and taking out a plate.

"Gi?" "Yes, y/n?" He quickly glanced at you before looking back at the plate.

"Can you tell me more about Mr Jimin, Taehyung, and Mr Jungkook?" You asked. You wanted to know more about these guys who were currently your potential owners.

"What do you want to know, kitten?" 'Damn, I need a new nickname for her,' Yoongi thought to himself.

"What are they like? Do you really think I'll be in good hands if I allow them to adopt me? How do they act with you? How do they treat you? Are they nice people?"

"Woah, y/n. One question at a time." Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle. You haven't seemed to change much since he last saw you. Other than the fact that you seemed to have matured and how you've grown, you were still the same curious little hybrid he remembers.

"The three of them together... is honestly sickening. Those guys are so lovey-dovey and affectionate with each other it's gross to look at. But if you mean how they are as owners, then I could say they seem pretty good. Jimin runs a company that fights for hybrid rights. Taehyung is a doctor that specializes in hybrids and stuff, and Jungkook is a prosecutor and kind of investigator who mainly works on hybrid abuse, mistreatment, you name it, kind of cases."

"The three of them work to help hybrids. When I say you're in safe hands, I mean it. When I stayed with them were gentle and slow with me. They didn't force me to talk or answer questions I didn't want to. I think you accepting their adoption offer would be a great idea."

"Do you really think so?" You asked as you watched him take his plate breakfast out of the microwave and put yours in. "I know so. When they come over, they treat me like how most humans are supposed to treat each other. The relation I have with them isn't an owner's hybrid and his friends kind of relationship. My relationship is with them is a hybrid and his friends. Those guys have become my friends."

"Now that I've answered most of your questions, is there anything else you'd like to know?" Yoongi asked, taking your plate out of the microwave once the timer had stopped. "Here's your steak. Don't rush to eat it. It's still hot, and I don't want to burn your mouth."

The plate slid across the kitchen counter before stopping at you. "Thank you, Gi." You thanked, and Yoong smiled. "No problem, ki- sweetie. I really enjoyed it yesterday, so I think you'll love it."

"But, anyway, back to my previous question, do you have any more?" He asked, referring to your questions, and you nodded.

"Have you found yourself a mate yet? You don't seem to have a mark or the scent or another hybrid on you. All I smell is Hoseok. Did you decide to make him your mate?"

Yoong softly laughed at your behaviour before letting out a sigh. "Looks like I'm going to a lot of answering today." 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

a/n: a little boring rn but i promise you it's going to get interesting. 

tysm for 1k <333

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