Chapter 2 : Prison and Pain

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Doom... I'm so doomed!

I'm currently sitting in the prison cell, the armed knights have flung me into. There is nothing here except the straw bed and filthy rags that I can use to sleep at night. Oh yeah, there is also that small basin of water that I have used to see my own reflection.

A medium wavy jet-black hair, almond shape clear golden eyes, pointed nose, and pink pouty lips... I would look so beautiful if it weren't for the fact that I have been labeled as a Villainess.

I can probably be a model or something with these pretty face and especially with this slim figure!

Gosh! This body is such a waste! I may not recall my name but I sure remember what I looked like before I woke up with this body.

I do have jet black hair, brown eyes, and rosy lips. I was about 22? I think I was on the plane on the way to Tokyo, Japan, for an exchange program but now I am here.

Is there a way for me to go back to my own world? Or will I have to spend my remaining time here as the vile Villainess?

I snap out of my thoughts as I heard the lock was open. My cell doesn't have any privacy, and the only thing that separates me from the outside is this row of steel bars.

Two knights have entered my cell before securing the door again. I don't trust the way their eyes are observing me with such hatred.

Before I can even move and try to defend myself, a hand has already seized me by my hair and hoisted me up. While the other has concealed my mouth to prevent me from causing any noise.

"Shh! We don't want anyone coming in here to see you're miserable self, right?" the one who is seizing me by my hair whispers in my left ear as I can feel his scorching breath in my cheek.

This is not good at all!

My heart has been pounding loudly inside my chest as I try to punch and strike them only to feel a punch in my stomach.

Without any warning, they drop me on the cold hard floor before they start kicking furiously and punching me.

"This is what a vile woman like you deserves! How dare someone like you causes trouble to our Lady!"

"That's right! You even dare poison her! Such wickedness! You deserve to be horribly beaten to death!"

I try covering my head as much as possible as they mercilessly beat me. I can feel my whole body aching painfully as I experience something warm trickle down in between my bruised lips and on my bruised forehead.

What did I do to receive this kind of harsh treatment? Is this how every Villainess being treated after they have been judged?

I... want to go home.

I don't want this pain...

Tears have fallen down my eyes causing them to be blurry. I can feel myself slowly losing consciousness.

Please... someone save me!

I... I don't even know why am here!

I can barely hear what they are saying anymore before I felt myself blackout.




I woke up with a searing pain in my sore back and basically all over my bruised body. I'm still in a fetus position the same way I have been before I blackout.

I tried moving any parts of my body but...

"Ugh..." I can only moan in terrible pain every time I merely move my sore muscles.

Looks like after they release their pent-up frustration on me they left me all alone.

Opening my eyes, I can tell that it's already dark outside. The only light that illuminates this place is the torch outside my cell and the light from the moon coming from the narrow bar-up window.

It's so isolated here except for my ragged breathing...

"Hic...!" I try to stop myself from crying loudly as I nibble my bottom lip. Hot tears kept on pouring from my eyes as I continue lying down on the cold floor, with my aching body.

What else can I do in this kind of terrible situation?

It hurts so much... My body hurts so much...

Is there really no one who can help me?

Am I really going down like this? Without any memory at all?

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