Chapter 22 : Campfire (Part 2)

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"And how is that having anything to do with what is happening??"

"Just answer me!" I scream as I point the blade of the sword at him.

"Alright! Yes, I hate you! Are you happy now? Now give that back to me!" he answers as he tried to seize the sword but I dodge his hand and took a step back.

Why... why is he hesitating to just pin me to the ground just like everyone else? Everyone readily restrain me to the ground even if I wasn't doing anything wrong.

I... I am tired of it. I'm tired of everything.

Yet I still need answers. Answers to why and how I am here. Answers to why I am to be blamed for all of this.

"Why are you hesitating then? I am providing you enough reason to end me. With this situation, doesn't this scream an excellent opportunity for you to have a reason to end my life? You can easily explain you defended yourself, right?"

"...what? Are you insane?!"

"Yes, I am. I... I am so tired of everything. I woke up with no memories of who am I or where I am. Yet I got thrown to prison, barely escaping death on my first night, meeting someone who claims to be my sister, and receiving death threats from everyone!"

"None of you even care to ask if I was fine! You all just followed her every word when I was on the brink of death! Sure, I am thankful Aiden has healed me every time. But nothing really changes. My location might have changed... my situation, however, remains the same. Death threats, snide comments, and remarks being tormented by the maids... they all ended with the same result."

"And now, I got sent to what is supposed to be my 'home'. Yet the treatment is the same. Though, it's much worse... They did treat me more fairly. They gave me warmth that I held so preciously. They treat me with kind and such gentleness that I forgot I was supposed to be a criminal. A vile villainess who, executed shameful, unspeakable vile deeds and poisoned the Crown Princess."

I took a deep breath as the more I talked, the more the memories from that place resurfaced in my mind.

"Back there, I thought... I thought that there was still a chance to redeem my actions. I had a sliver of hope! A hope that I can start a new life, a new life with their help. But last night just proves that everything was a lie."

"J-just let go of the sword first and we'll talk, okay?" His voice softens as he carefully took a step forward while offering his hand.

I stare at it before taking another step away from him. I have nothing I can trade with him to secure my safety. I have already put myself in a situation where I would definitely lose my life, and that is something I am willing to accept.

After all, why should I continue staying in this world, where all I have received is nothing but pain?

I lift the sword, despite how much my arms are shaking before I gave him a sickly, sweet smile. He froze in the spot, clearly surprised, I took this chance to stab my stomach.

However, his reflexes are much faster than mine as he swiftly pulls the sword away from my hand. He hurls it far from us before pulling me close to him.

"Are you insane?!! Why would you try and do that?!" he angrily scans my body to see if I have any wound.

Such a shame... I thought I would have enough time to end everything there. Oh well, I have to face all the punishment again. But... it's all going to be the same.

"If I will face such punishment again, then it would be faster to end everything here, right?"

"You..! How did we even get to this kind of situation?? Weren't you just asking where we are?!" Silver yelled in frustration as he made me sit down back on the log.

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