Chapter 39 : Letter

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"Your majesty!" The King's aide, Wiley, calls out to the King as he enters his chamber.

"What is this rudeness, so late in the night?" The King grumbles as he rubs his tired eyes.

He was just about to sleep. It has been a long day for him. Aside from the documents he has to go through, he has also been talking with the diplomats from the Crearis Kingdom. There is in addition the winter ball that will be held starting tomorrow.

And that is also the reason why he did not have any time to play with his 'toys'.

"A letter from the Saintess has come just now," Wiley announces which made the King turn to him, eyes wide in surprise.

They have been long trying to request the presence of the Saintess ever since he has seen her beauty. Yet they were all rejected by the cardinal saying the Saintess cannot be allowed to leave the temple until she has retired from her position.

The sole exception is when, she has to visit her family, the Redmond House. Thus, he has arranged for the daughter of the current head of the Redmond and his own son to be engaged. However, the Saintess never once visited the Duchy even during the engagement ceremony of her niece.

This leaves the King frustrated and the only thing he can do is to wait until he can find a way to gain her.

"Give it to me!" He orders as his tiredness is long gone.

He waited for so long to be able to make contact with her and now it came. He can still remember how sweet she looks before... A precious innocent child.

'Ah... I still can remember how plump her cheeks were back then. To think she would have been given the title Saintess at such a tender age of ten! Ooh, the things I could have done with her...' He greedily thought to himself as he eyed the letter with excitement.

His aide handed the letter to him as he tore it open. Before he can read the contents, a sweet perfume hits his nose.

"!" With his heart thumping in excitement, he sniffs the letter, and the sweet perfume lingers in his nose.

"AH! This is the same perfume from back then!" he exclaims not caring about his Aide. He can still recall it, the fragrant perfume the Saintess was wearing during their first meeting.

Opening the letter, he slowly read its content. His eyes widen in surprise from the content of the letter, yet a smirk spread on his lips.

"Ah! HAhahaah!! Wiley! Give me the documents regarding that woman!" He orders the confused Aide, who is silently observing him.

"Pardon, your majesty? Which woman is his majesty talking about?" It was not a secret about how the King likes to have numerous mistresses around him.

The Queen has long given up on trying to repair her marriage with the King and instead focuses on her duties as the mother of the Kingdom. Oh how much he pities the Queen. After all, she is the one who has been taking care of the 'broken toys' of the King.

"That so-called vile woman, the Duke's daughter," The king responds as he continues to sniff the perfume lingering in the letter.

"Ah? Yes? Pardon me for asking, but what are you planning on doing with her, your majesty?" The aide asks nervously as a sweat feels form between his eyebrows.

He is aware of what crime the young lady has committed but he does not desire her to be part of the King's mistresses. After all, once the King is no longer interested in his mistress, he will just kill her in an instant.

"Oh, don't worry. I am not interested in her. She looks exactly like Alkan. I will just need her, to fulfill her request," The King responds still staring at the letter as if the letter will just conjure the Saintess.

"...I will fetch it then, your majesty," He responds as he lowers his head.

He instantly understands who the King is talking about. After all, the only one who has this much influence on him is her, the Saintess.




The white snow covered the road but not enough to block it. A row of lit carriages is waiting outside the gates of the palace. Among all of them, only one carriage stands out, with the flag of the temple proudly waving from behind and four temple knights surrounding it... the carriage of the Saintess is the center of attention.

Among the previous winter ball that happened, this will be the first time the Saintess will attend the ball.

With her gorgeous red hair, sparkling golden eyes, and luscious rosy lips. Not even the pure color of white, the color of her dress, can hide her radiant beauty.

"Oh my! Your grace! It's a pleasure to see you!"

"Your grace! Do you still remember me? We met during--."

"Your grace! Your beauty is still---!"

A crowd has already formed around her, the moment she enters the room. Even the diplomats are already talking praises about her.

'Ah, I miss this kind of attention,' Haviona thought to herself as she enjoys the praises she continues to receive from the nobles.

"Your grace, it's a pleasure to see you here," Haviona turn her attention to the unfamiliar voice that greeted her.

Her smile almost turns into a frown the moment she saw the familiar red hair that is being accompanied by the prince.

"Ah, it has been a long time, your highness. And? Oh my! Is that really you, Lianne?" She greeted them as she pulls Lianane into a quick hug.

"Auntie! It's been so long! How are you?" Lianne greeted her with a beaming smile on her lips. She is wearing a starry sky evening blue dress, with her hair braided with sparkling stones adorning it. While Alaric is also wearing a suit with an identical design to Lianne's dress.

'Auntie...' Haviona almost glared at her, it's a good thing she stops herself from doing so.

With the presence of the crown prince and his fiancee, the crowd that has surrounded her, all step back to allow them to talk in private.

"I have been well. That is right! I heard from your brother that our wedding will be held in spring?"

"Yes, that is right!" Lianne giggles excitedly as Alaric places a kiss on the top of her hand.

'Ah... what a disgusting sight,' Haviona continue to maintain a smile on her face as she let the two continue to act like such a sweet couple in front of her.

"Announcing the arrival of his majesty, the King, and her majesty, the Queen!" All the whispers and excited buzzing quieted down the moment the King and Queen enters the room.

The King quickly scans the audience seeking a specific person. The moment his eyes met her golden ones, a cunning smile formed on his lips.

Haviona stops herself from shivering in disgust. If only she will not require his help for something, then she will not even bat an eye on the King.

"..." Alaric glances from the reaction of his father to the cold smile the Saintess is wearing. No one... Not a single person notices the expression the two have.

'What are they planning?' he thought as he continues to observe the two.

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