Chapter 20 : Unexpected Events

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My tears have once again dried, as I stare blankly at the wall in front of me. No one came to give me meals or water, just like how he ordered last night.

I was still hoping for at least Rian to come earlier... but he didn't.

Are all his affection, nothing but lies? Are all his words nothing but an empty promise?

The more I think of this... the more something inside of me snapping one by one.


"Do you want to save her?"

A voice whispers in my ear or was it coming from inside of me?

"How can I save her, when I can't even save my own skin?" my voice came out as a whisper as I kept on recalling last night's scene.

"Then, I will temporarily lend you my power. Make sure to use it wisely."

The voice said before my heart began pounding faster and faster than I can barely breathe. I keep trying to take deep breaths before I felt my whole body freeze.

Something is flooding inside my veins before it completely took over m-me...?


A deafening explosion shook the whole mansion as the windows near the hallway to the basement all shattered completely.

"W-what is going??"

Screams of panic and confusion are echoing as the footsteps of the knights soon followed. They check where the explosion happened and discover a gaping hole in the basement.

In the other corner of the mansion, Duke Redmond stands up from his bed and quickly wore his clothes for the sudden commotion.

" disgusting filthy rat!"

He jumps in surprise as soon as someone hurls him on the floor. As soon as he looks up, cold golden eyes are staring at him, nothing but full of hatred and disgust.

"Ha...! And this is coming from someone like you?" he snorted as he glared at the person.

"What did I ever do to you? Aren't you supposed to be my father? And yet... how can you do this?!" she shouted in a voice full of confusion, anger, and hurt.

"Are you really asking? You sure can easily forget about all those horrible things you did! To your sister! To your brother! And the way you controlled me! You monster!!" he shouted as he punches Errissa in the face causing her to stumble away from him.

"W-what did I... What do you--?" she mutters in confusion but she stops as soon as Duke Redmond pointed a sword on her throat.

"I should have not saved you back then. If I just have let you die! Then she would still be here!!" he struck his sword at her as Errissa quickly dodge it.

Her mind is now full of swirling thoughts, as the confidence she has built earlier... are now slowly crumbling down.

"My lady!" a frail hoarse voice distracted her from her thoughts.

She glanced to where the bed is located and what she recognizes made her blood boil in anger once again. She turns her attention back to the Duke, and without hesitation... she outstretches her hand before a purple magic circle appeared underneath Duke Redmond's feet.

"AHH!!" Duke Redmond screams in pain as soon as electric lightning shocks his entire body making him fall to the floor.

Errissa then turns to collect some clothes for Sara before carrying her in her arms.

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