Chapter 5: Explosion

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The quietness of the moonlit night is really peaceful...

It's so different than during a bright and pleasant day. I feel much more peaceful here at night than during the day.

I glance around outside the cell. They really left no guard here inside the building during the night. Lianne was afraid something would happen to me during the night if a guard will be left here with me.

It's likely because of what happened in the past. Thanks to Aiden all my visible wounds are miraculously healed even my fractured bones and rib are gone.

Speaking of him, I have no idea what happened to him, but after my private conversation with Lianne about our big brother... he did not glare so coldly at me like before.

Well, whatever, I don't need to be wary of him too much. I properly understand why they maintain their guard against me, considering all the deeds that Errissa has done in the past.

"The moon here is absolutely pretty~!" I mumble in excitement as I continue to stare at the luminous full moon in the narrow bar-up window of my cell. Since the window is so high up, I am using the wooden chair they left behind as my ladder to receive a glimpse of the outside.

This is the unique time I can experience peace... Here on my own observing the luminous moon in the night sky.

The cold breeze of the wind caresses my cheeks as I continue staring in wonder in the night sky... Not even knowing someone has been watching me for a long while.

Unknown's POV

The more I observe her, the more puzzling it becomes. How did she manage to transform from a wicked woman into someone this... innocent? Or was naive the exact term for her?


Like how she is presently... there is no possible way a noble lady that was brought up in a prestigious house can be this careless.

How can she just kneel in a chair without any care if someone is observing her? And besides, according to the past analysis regarding her mana, Errissa has a high mana status just like Lianne.

However, how can her wounds not heal at all? She should have managed to mend at least minor wounds, but she didn't.

Just what is going on here?

A massive explosion caused me to devote my attention to the crystal ball that I have secretly planted at the entrance of the prison. An armed group of masked men has knocked out the guards that are securing the entrance and presently making their way to the cell that contains her.

So that's what they have been preparing huh? Did she get rid of her memories to cause us to lower our guard then her minions will let her escape in the middle of the night?

No wonder that the guild has been keeping quiet about their mistress being arrested, it turns out they are planning an escape plan for her, huh?

Tsk! How bothersome!

Should I just let her escape to prove to Lia that she can't be trusted? Yeah, let's sit back and watch the show. Then I'll decide what to do to her.

Errissa's POV

The sound of something exploding by the entrance shook me from my position, and I fell down on the floor.

"Ouch! What is happening?" I mumble under my breath as I caress my butt.

Before I grasped what is happening, the door of my cell was slammed open, I turn to face who opened it and come to meet face to face with a man wearing a white mask and black clothing.

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