Chapter 58 : Wedding Day (2)

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"Are you alright?" I overheard a familiar voice ask me as I turn to my right and saw Aiden walking toward me.

Ah! This is the first time in a long while that I have seen him. The last time was during the Trial. Though we kept on secretly talking through the earrings that he has given me. And for some reason, Auntie's words began repeating in my mind.

''Is there anyone you have feelings for right now?"

*Bathump! Bathump!*

Gosh! Why did Auntie even ask that question! Now I can't calm my heart down!

"Ah! It's been a long time, Aiden," I answer as calmly as I can despite my heart thumping wildly.

*Bathump! Bathump!*

Why am I being like this? Is it because... I have developed some sort of crush on him?

Ah...? AHH??? A CRUSH??? ON AIDEN???

"Are you already drunk?" I snap out of my thoughts after hearing Aiden's words. I can feel my face heating up when I realized that he was already standing beside me.

*Bathump! Bathump!*

"W-what? D-drunk? NO! I mean, ahem! No, why did you ask?" I answer a bit louder than I was expecting. It's a good thing that we are far away from the crowds right now.

I can see the confusion in his eyes from the way I have answered him. I can't even blame him for reacting like that since my answer is really...

I let out a sigh as I shift my attention to the plate I am holding.

We are currently in the party venue near where the foods are being served. I am in the middle of eating since I got hungry from seeing how delicious all the foods are being served. I did not even care if some nobles are staring at me when I just stayed near the food area.

Auntie is currently with the Cardinal talking to her majesty the Queen. She told me to wait for her here since she doesn't want me to establish direct contact with the Cardinal. Although she has already informed me on why I should avoid him... it's just hard to believe that someone like him is full of hate towards the Redmond bloodline.

Even Auntie said that she didn't understand his reasoning as to why he hates the Redmond. That is why she has chosen to side with him for the time being.

I was all alone here until Aiden went to talk with me. I have avoided talking to anyone else, though I was trying to see if Rose has been possibly invited.

"Well... because your face is all red?" he said in a worried tone that made my heart pound faster.

"O-oh! That is likely because--," My words were cut off when I saw a familiar face walking towards us.

"Y-your highness!" I called out to him as soon as he approaches us.

I wonder where Lia went to? Since Prince Alaric is walking alone towards us.

"O-oh? Hello?" he responds in surprise and confusion. He probably was not expecting me to greet him first considering that I wasn't really making any effort to greet him earlier. I merely nod my head at him when our eyes have met during the ceremony.

He glances at me before glancing back at Aiden. I can see him inquiring about Aiden through his eyes as Aiden just shrugs his shoulders.

Gosh... Yeah, I know I probably look weird when I suddenly called out to him.

It's just that... now that I have realized I probably have a crush on Aiden. I suddenly feel conscious of his words and actions. Besides... I don't know if I will be able to be comfortable being alone again without my heart thumping so loudly.

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