The introduction (Star)

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The picture above is star in wolf form

' talking as wolf out loud
Taking through mind link

Stars Pov

The cold frost nips at my gray, brown and white fur as I run through the forest with my little sister, Marissa. Running through woods like these are all we know. Let me tell you a little history while we observe this great view that few people take the time to really enjoy.

I'm 19 and my sister is 17. I take as many precautions needed to ensure her safety. She is strong, I know she is, I trained her myself but she could never understand why were really running. She was to young when it happened.

As a rogue you run into a lot of danger in the wild. If it isn't other shifters that just want to kill you because you don't have a pack, it's the human hunters who like giant heads of wolves to hang above their mantles.

Having to move constantly without stopping is a struggle if you don't know how to take care of yourself and don't know the landscape. Luckily out wolves are almost like natural navigation, using the five senses and intuition. Also through my years I have obviously seen a map or two on where pack borders lay.

My names Star Winter, and as I said before, the smaller brown wolf next to me and trying to pass me as we run is my sister Marissa Winter. All we have had for the many years as rouges is each other. I can guarantee we would do anything for each other. Our loyalty holds no bounds unlike fickle ties.

My sister, like many other shifters, wants a mate that would care for her, and love her. While having a mate would admittedly be great I don't think mine would ever really want me. Its not only because of being a rouge but because I've never seen myself as the perfect mate.

Also I don't fully trust the idea of bonds that shifters create between them. The mate bond is one of them. It's let's you know what the other is feeling so you, as a mate, can make them feel better but in my experiences, all they do it make a way for them to betray you. Obviously that's not all people since I've had some people in my life I would consider to be my saving graces.

And anyway that's just another person I have to take care of or look after and my life is as hard as I need it to be without that so yes, I don't want a mate like my idiot sister. Or at least that's what I tell myself. In reality I think me and her can both tell I'm just scared of the idea of giving myself to someone is more ways than one.

I come out of my thoughts at Mari nipping at my legs and barking at me. I stop running and decide to play fight with her. Throwing myself and playfully pushing her down in the snow, which has started mixing with mud, turning it into this slushy mixture that makes it hard to stay on my feet.

I give some playful chase to her but my eyes catch onto something silver in the ground too late and the sharp and painful claws of a bear trap, break the skin of my hind leg, causing the snow under me to immediately take on a red color.

This must be some part of the woods close to human civilization, which mean human hunters. With that realization I try and forcefully pull my leg out of the trap but it doesn't work. I'm not going to shift because I have a feeling it will cause more damage than that's already happening. The snow gets even redder and now the smell of my blood punctures the air. Marissa is whimpering in front of me and as much as I want to comfort her there's not much I can do.

The blood loss starts to get to my head and I can feel my mind drifting away. I do hope Marissa is able to find help or is smart enough to leave is this really is a hunter trap that was waiting for me. Because in that case they would already be coming foe me with rifles and guns. If that is the case I would want her gone before they're even possible to smell.

I can see her in front of me asking me to hold on and to stay awake. The pain hurts so much but before I passed out I let out a loud howl that spooked the birds from their trees and fly all into the grey sky and then my head hits the ground and everything went black.

Sorry this is so short but the third one or second will be longer I promise. COMMENT DONT BE SILENT A LITTLE EMOJI WILL DO!
xx - Aje

(Yeah I'm back and I'm editing! Yay!)

Edited (sorta)

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