They were joking...right?

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Marissa top 👆

Sasha Pov

As Marissa and Star walk out the infirmary doors we all just sit there in shock. How could our mates just leave without a goodbye or explanation.

After a good 30 seconds-longer than I thought- Chris starts shouting.

"Like heck I'm letting her leave, she at least owes me and explanation!" He shouted stomping towards the door.

Cameron runs over and gets between him and the doors, effectively stopping his rampage. "Wait. They can't just stay you know." She says awkwardly, "they have a pack to get back to."

"Their rogues Cam they have no pack." My brother replies in a monotone voice. "Well, there is another reason we probably need to talk to Alpha Alexander, first," she replies somewhat awkwardly.

"Of course, but if we just stand here they'll be long gone before we get Alpha Alexander, and I don't know about you," he states the last part turning his head towards me, "but I'm not letting my mate go so easily!" He storms out of the door, swerving past Cam.

"You know what, he's right. She can't just leave like that," I say angrily in realization even though my brother is not even in the room anymore.

Poor Cameron is tried to calm us down but, failing miserably she settles with coming with us.

We run out side, shifting mid charge and run into the forest, right behind Chris.

While we follow their sent trail through the woods, I give the plan because they've been running pretty much all their time as rogues, so we need to strategize.

"Okay, Chris you take Marissa, seeming as she will go easy on you. Cam and I will take Star, because I don't think she cares or doesn't understand her feelings." I say the last part sadly. It hurts when feelings are only coming one way.

"It's okay Sash, she's probably just confused." Cam says, trying to cheer me up. "Guy's got eyes on them lets go!" Chris chimes in to the mind link a little impatiently, and he moves to the right.

Cam and I start moving towards the left.  I saw Marissa look back at us but my mate seem weirdly calm or just lost in her head.

Suddenly they get faster but so do we, pushing our four legs to the limit as our claws dig into the lightly snow covered ground. Chris got his mate first by cutting her of randomly, making them both roll into the bushes. I saw Star going to help her sister so Cam and me also cut her off. She lets out a very intimidating growl.

It was pretty powerful and I'll admit, it turned me on a little. Cam was about to back down into submission I could see from the corner of my eye. "Don't back down she won't hurt you as long as you're with me." I tell her begging it was true as she stands tall again.

My mate looks really pissed now she lets out what I can only assume is a summoning howl, by her distinct tone that leaves a slight ringing in my ears. Her sister comes busting out the bushes stealing all our attention as my brother leaps on her and weirdly starts wagging his tail, her along with him.

As sweet as this is, it's not really the time. Star does a wolf equivalent of a groan and lets out a few very annoyed barks.
This brings Marissa out of whatever daze she was just in and drops my bro to the ground with a kick of her back leg.

Cam and I wince slightly at the dud of our brother dropping to the ground. Marissa looks a little bad about it but more embarrassed to have been caught by her sister. They were about to run again so I did all I could do.

I leaped on Star.

She is bigger than me in human and wolf form but I was successful in surprising her and made her tumble under my weight. At this point, the three surrounding shifters just watch our interaction.

When she stops us from rolling down a hill of snow she pushes me off and gets on her four powerful feet quick. I do the same and soon we circle each other, bodies tense, and everybody quiet. We're both the dominant of our Alliance's so this was like the ultimate battle I guess, a little silly really.

As we go a little quicker in circles and start snapping at each other she surprises me by jumping at me and pushes me on the ground. I kicked her in the stomach and that sent her about two feet away from me and gave me not enough time to get up. She had her claws out aiming for my stomach but than she looked me in the eye and suddenly changed her mind.

Next thing I knew Star was on top of me and growling in my face. I knew I would be dead if we weren't mates and she did not hold restraint so I showed my neck in more respect than submission, showing that she won.

Satisfied, she got up changed back into human form allowing me to get up and do the same thing as well as everyone else.

When she raised her chin and looked at my siblings and her own, they leaned their neck out in submission, Marissa just bowed her head already knowing her as the dominant.

Star suddenly turned around and walked back to me and grabbed me by me shoulders staring intently at my face. Not knowing or caring what she was doing, my brother was about to charge over here before Marissa gently touched his arm and shook her head.

He was tense but still stayed in that spot.
She pulled me slightly in front of her and I could now guess her height. She looked around 5'7 having a good amount of inches on my 5'4 frame, making me look up at her.

How could we just fight and she was in the hospital five minutes ago and still look completely beautiful? I can't help but think in aspiration as she tilts my chin up with one hand while the other puts a hair behind my ear. This, makes my cheeks blow up a red- no crimson shade.

She traces a thumb over my cheek and I want to close my eyes and get lost in the sensation of it. She looked at her finger that was now removed from my face. Apparently I got a little scratch and it was still bleeding somewhat. Star brought her lips to my cheek kissing it softly making my breath hitch. The softest of fabrics made by the gods above held nothing to the feel of her tantalizing lips. The pale pink skin feeling as if I was rubbing the softest flower petals on my skin.

The warmth of the kiss, like any warmth I had felt before, like the sun had moved from its eternal spot in the solar system and placed itself on my cheek before the moon joined it to make me feel like I was glowing.

Star pulled her lips away just slightly so I could feel there warmth still and opened her mouth slightly. I get excited to hear her voice in human form for the first time.

It was as beautiful as I imagined when she just above a whisper said "I'm sorry," before taking the hand that was still on my face away leaving trails of warmth in there wake and turning to everybody.

Putting a hand on the small of my back and pushing me forward gently and I got the hint and went to stand between my brother and sister as she made a hand movement for her sister to come.

Which she did and then Star looked back at the three of us with no longer warm eyes and her voice became hard again as she spoke. "I'm guessing there was a reason you chased us and I like to hear it."

Chris cleared his throat, "Well you are our mates we want you to stay with us."

At the same time, both sisters opened their mouths, "Can't mates be rejected?"

This was one of the most surprising and scariest things I have ever heard which is saying a lot for my standards, and by the look on my Bros face it was the same for him.

"Your kidding right?" We both say.

We never got a answer for Alpha Alexander and commander Bryan had noticed our absence and had Star and Marissa in a head lock. We didn't even hear them as they used their superior skills and ranking speed.

Yet both girls looked completely calm as if they were expecting this but the question still remains.

They we're kidding right?


1134 words above (EAN: recently edited and word count is 1564) you people who will hopefully read this in the future better be grateful. XOXO - Aje

(just finished editing for real this time and Please say something because I tried to fix the me and I grammar mistakes because me is objective while I is subjective so when they talked as I wanted to be specific I got a little confused. Help me if you see something! -2022 7.17)

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