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Marissa wolf top 👆

(Edited fully |7.21.22|)

Star Pov

As the alpha of this pack gets us in headlock me and my sister stay still, because honestly we thought this would happen and it isn't the first time.

We usually wouldn't fight back against a pack of shifters as we were clearly outnumbered but they tried to push us on the ground to make us bow to their alpha. We keep our heads up defiantly to the obnoxious Alpha wolf.

Being forced to bow down to an Alpha that is not yours is a sign of your ultimate weakness and I refuse for that to happen to me or my sister. Our Alpha died a long time ago but his memory lives on in us and therefore this man is nowhere near superior.

"Bow down," he growls out slowly. "You are not mine nor my sisters Alpha, therefore we will not bow down to a disrespectful beast," I told him calmly.

Sasha and the twins eyes widen at my words. They Silently beg us with there eyes to just bow down. Me and my sister may not have always been free in the aspect of the word but we are now and he has not earned our respect and at this rate possibly never will.

"You decided to create problems in my territory and I am the Alpha here. It would save you, and me a lot of trouble if you just submit." His words are laced with venom with a underline of curiosity at our defiance.

I found it amusing what he thought this is what an Alpha was. If he thought it meant he was the leader of some land just because he was strongest he was very badly mistaken. A Alpha is someone who cares and protects their kind(even in some cases other species) with their mate. They are someone who will fight for the family they have created with their strength.

Marissa opened her mouth,"This may be your territory but don't think for one second that this is your land. Me and my sister are grateful for your aid in her health but you have not earned our respect all you have earned is our thanks."

"This is not your land. The earth belongs to everybody as the goddess who rules it bas given it to us as a privilege. Some people don't deserve it but they still share it. We respect your space but we have a right like every animal to come and go as we please without causing any trouble." I finish up.

"But you did cause trouble," the strong shifter basically snarls.

"Please Alpha Alexander, they didn't mean-" Sasha started but was cut off by Alexander. "Shush I'll deal with you later." He said harshly making her go quiet.

"Star," Mar starts to speak in the mind link as her eyes go slightly cloudy. "What our we going do? We will never bow down to someone unworthy but he won't let us go any other way."

"We see if he is worthy then," I respond in a monotone voice. Knowing what I meant already we both shift into our wolf's, and struggle until we our out of the hands that were on our necks.

"What do you think your doing!?" Alexander yelled at us in question as we stood on either side of him.

We growl as two and start circling him a little to try and get him to stare at one of us to loose his focus on the other. The guards looked like they would try and grab us again but he told them to stand down.

"Fine, have it your way," He shouted than quickly shifted into his bigger and stronger wolf that would be seen with the title of Alpha.

His wolf was big, not as big as say a pure blood Lycan but it was bigger that mine. His fur coat the color of black which you would usually assume its just a darker brown but no, his coat was black. His eyes of a forest green that matched the little foliage of the forest around us just coming our of the harsh winter climate. We slowly start to circle each other snapping and snarling, daring each other to make the first move.

DISCONTINUED The Howl is how We Met G+G  Where stories live. Discover now