rogues or something more?

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There wolves plus Sasha's new one 👆🏽

Imma put a warming.


Yeah... When it gets to that part I'll put a 💢 and when its over I'll put it again chapter will have a quick retelling on what happened. Enjoy <3

Ps I changed there ages. Star is now 19 and Marissa is 17. Sasha is the same age at 18 With her siblings at the age of 16.

Star pov

I'm awoken by my restful slumber with Sasha by a annoying sound. Originally I thought it was the alarm clock but as my mind comes back to me I realized by looking outside it was either very early in the morning or late at night as the moon still lights up the sky.

I jump up which startled my mate and she falls out the bed. I wince but other wise ignore her and look at the clock. My thoughts are confirmed when I spot the time. 1:15. Just a little over midnight.

Sash has properly woken up and jumps up with a curse before rushing towards me and grabbing my hand to pull me off the bed and outside of our room only to take a route through the house in which I have never been.

"What's happening!" I yell in question over the loud alarm that reminds me of the big red fire engines that I would see on the roads beside the woods. Sasha glances at me in acknowledgement before pulling us to the right side of the wall and feeling around on it before her fingers find a latch.

She pulls the latch hard and it pops open easily from her strength. She answers my question while gripping my hand and pulling me into the dark room. "The pack is under attack. We usually don't hear the alarms but that means someone saw the enemy before they even got here."

That's not good, what force could be so big we were able to spot them in advance? I start thinking about witches before noticing where we are. We're in a room that is lighted up only by computer screens and buttons. The sounds of the electronics and heavy breathing from Sasha is all I can hear over this alarm that is really getting on my nerves.

The pack has its own generator for electricity and many more uses. In this time and age everyone and everything has to use it to survive and it helps us in other senses like the alarm. The only ones I know who don't use electricity is the werewolves Royalty and witches. Witches have there magic as a natural resource that can do anything the energy can do and more.

Our royalty doesn't use it as they are more connected to there wolves than other shifter besides the Lycan. Lycans can often be seen fighting with there superior side though while the royals are known for there great control and the power they gain with it. To have that though they need to be connected with our moon goddess and the only way for that is to be more in toon with nature.

I wouldn't be surprised if she favors them but I would be shunned if I said this out loud.

My mate runs to a table and starts typing on the keyboard of a computer furiously while I focus in the fact that I hear another set of footprints. Three actually.

I look towards the hatch opening as Marissa and her mate and well as his twin rush into the room breathing heavily. Cam goes toward my mate and looks at the computer before she stops typing and curses. Loudly.

I rush over to them to see what's wrong along with the other two in the room as they look into the glowing screen with a grim expression. I look at the device only for my eyes to widen to the point where I'm sure they look almost comical.

Hundreds of wolves are on the screen but the majority are these wolves with black matted coats covered in dirt and dried blood. There eyes all sparkle with the promise of death and blood shed that they hope to achieve. There sharp and brown with teeth could bite though bone with one good chomp. They snarl at our pack house, or more specifically the many warriors that stand on the front lawn with foam dripping out there jaws.

DISCONTINUED The Howl is how We Met G+G  Where stories live. Discover now