The introduction (Sasha)

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Sasha wolf 👆

Sasha Pov

'Hey did you smell that?' I ask my siblings. The twins both nod their heads yes, as a almost metallic smell wafts through the air and my nose twitches. Theirs just something about that smell that worried my wolf more than normal.

My wolf stirs inside my mind and whimpers just a little before going back into the crevices of my mind. I can't even tell if he's concerned or not.

My siblings are younger than me by two years as 16 years olds, but are not unfamiliar with the smell of blood. We have been to wars that you wouldn't expect from such young wolves. Although we gave never actively participated, the gruesome scenes are almost bleached into my brain but over the years you learn to forgive yourself even if you weren't at fault for the deaths.

It's called therapy.

The beautiful forest is rather quiet as all the animals bury deep into hibernation this winter like they always do. Its always surprises me how humans and shifter lives were so complicated but animals go through it like a straight line and a purpose through the whole thing. Animals that hibernate prepare for it like clockwork every year, as if it was nothing. I think we could all learn from wild animals if I'm honest.

They have a type of stability that has me hiding under bushes in wolf form quietly as a child to watch them dig up nuts from the ground or watch birds delicately build their nests without needing help and finding the materials from the ground.

We're just out on a hunt in our wolf form, we haven't hunted as a family in a while and we were following some deer tracks when we heard a loud, pain filled howl that scared us more that we would probably admit. We decided to follow it based on the birds that were spooked out of their trees when we smelt the blood. It was a strong smell that just filled the air more and more so I'm guessing it's steadily flowing from it source. I hope it's not a human.

There's this small tribe around the area that we found randomly one day and the more we follow the smell, the closer it gets to the tribe.

I can tell we are closer to the source when I'm able to actually identify what creature is producing the smell. Werewolf. Great so not a human. One of my own kind, not so great.

"Keep low, we don't know what we're walking into," I tell them through our sibling link. They do as I said and get low on our four legs and creep into a bushed and what I see is horribly gruesome sight.

I see a rather average sized, young female sized brown wolf next to a generally large grey and brown, but honestly a blonde wolf. At least I think she's blonde she covered in so much blood its hard to tell. She obviously fell into her own blood when she has fallen unconscious.

"Two female werewolves. One is unconscious and injured, looks around seventeen or eighteen, second is around fourteen or, sixteen and looks distressed."  I identify through the mind link, still quiet to not spook the young and distressed pup, I move forward just a little.

"How should we play this?" Cameron questioned hesitantly. Bold of her to assume we're doing anything but okay.

"Don't know, she may be young but you can tell by tense muscles she is unstable and will possibly put up a fight if we get too close." Replies Chris, a little concerned.

"I will go out to calm her down and Chris, you go get medics and man power the grey wolf looks heavy. Cameron you stay because you can deduct using your basic medical skills the state of her to know if we can save the grey one. Also they are rogues so we can figure out what to do while they recover. Okay?  I recite the plan and question at the end.

This isn't the first time I've had to make up a plan in a crunch of time situation. My position also helps with the trust of my fellow pack members because I earned it out of hard work unlike others who are born into the position. Even though my parents were high of statis I had to break all gender barriers to get where I am now, you think as wolves we'd be less sexist but it must be a universal thing. Kinda hate men.

"Okay," Chris says, while he runs back to the pack house. "Okay,"  Cameron says, while she gets closer to me, but accidentally steps on a twig and freezes. "Really?" I hiss at her and she winces.

The younger wolf hears the noise and snaps her head to our hiding place. She wasted no time tackling me to the ground. She's fast I'll give her that. I try and flip her but she already ran to my sister who was creeping up to the other female shifter on the ground.

She slides under my sister with a crouched spin and straightens it up with a force that throws Cameron a few feet away. Much to the brown wolves dismay she lands on her feet in a crouch while I get up. "This wolf is stronger than we thought," I think as she stands in front of the grey wolf and growls.

I hear raging paws on the ground and out of the woods jumps Alpha Alexander and his brother Bryan. They follow with a few other wolves that are obviously here for the unconscious wolf on the ground. She is pinned to the ground, and while she's strong, she is not strong enough to get two grown male, wolves off of her.

Chris brakes through the foliage of the forest with the medics and a few more of our stronger pack members. Cameron walked calmly to the brown wolf and ask her to shift out loud so she could hear. She looks to her sister like she wanted permission but realized she was not awake and denied Cameron's request.

The brown wolf stared as the medics got close to the wolf on the ground and once again tried to get up and failed, as the two wolves were still pinning her down as I observed. She let out a series of small barks and growls in her struggle to get free.

Hearing her defenseless barks and growls, the eyes of the grey wolf suddenly popped open just as the medics came close. Uh oh. Guess she wasn't as knocked out as we thought.

Next thing I know their all on the ground and the brown wolf was no longer under  my alpha but standing behind the grey wolf.
Yes the grey wolf is somehow standing the trap is still on her leg but she doesn't seem to care.

Now that she standing I can see how beautiful she really is in wolf form and get a strange yearning to see her in human form. To know what other beauty she posed.

Not understanding these weird thoughts I let up the barrier between me and my wolf only to get a loud response.



Longer just liked I promised
XOXO - Aje


[I added more but um I forgot to mention the first time writing this about copyright and stuff but yeah please don't steal my book. The fact that I'm taking time out my summer to redo this book that was created out of the crevices of my mind is truly amazing for me and helps my loyal readers. It would be a shame for someone to steal it when they have their own imagination as well. Please don't steal any writers work.]

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