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Star Pov

As Sasha sleeps under my arms I can't help but think about past events. I'm getting way closer to her than I would like. I'll admit that its partly my own fault but its probably just the mate bond. The way she looks at me...I can't explain it. I've never had someone care for my well being except for my sister. I was always used or looked up to. When people look to you for guidance you get this idea in your head that you have to be strong no matter what.

I am a rogue, have been since I was five years old and since then I have been either taking care of myself or someone else. I don't think I can just get over the fact that someone looks at me like they need to take care of me.

I slowly get out of the bed as to not wake up Sasha and she responds by moving her arms that were previously around my body onto a pillow before squeezing it in her arms.

I go to my closet and pull on a sweatshirt that goes to my knees and black stretch pants. The air is still crisp but spring is definitely starting to become visible.

I go outside and sit on the steps in front of the building. I know I probably should be resting but I'm strong and don't need it. My center only hurts a little bit. What that girl did was cowardly, I don't even bother trying to remember her name.

After about five minutes of just shivering slightly is the cold air as it blows my blonde hair all over my face on the steps I hear the door open behind me and someone sit next to me. I already know it's Marissa from the scent.

"I can feel your emotions through the link," she says matter is fact. I give her a look like 'and?'. She chuckles, "So you want to come dance with me?"

I nod and smile, standing up with her and dusting off my butt a little. She leads me to a little stage that Chris had apparently showed her during the tour a few days ago and it was perfect. The floor feeling like the floor of a gym with slick tiles. She then goes towards speakers while I take my sweat shirt off revealing the sports bra I had underneath.

She was wearing shorts and a thin strap T.

I hear my fave song (the video above) and we start to dance and sway together.

As we dance I remembered how we used to dance to the beat of the Forest and the first time we danced to my now favorite song in the motel we stayed in once when it was a blizzard outside. Dancing has always been a way for us to get out our emotions. Getting lost in the music and the movement of each other.

Music is something people use to forget or get the ideas pumping. The beautiful voice of the singer and the beats in the background matching the beats of our hearts. The speed chosen by us. Music is like an old lover, like we knew we had to separate or we would forever be lost in each others hold.

We have danced with each other so long that its like second nature. We both needed a release from the stress of the hard and uncontrollable thing we call life. Its funny how so many want out if life but they forget that there is a afterlife, for life was all there was, why would anything change after it?

After we finish the dance I turn to let out a breath when I hear the sound of clapping. There were some pack members and to my complete embarrassment my mate.

I looked over to Marissa and her eyes were wide at are new found crowed. She then grins and bows, the attention seeker. I look at her as if she grew another head. She noticed my stare and mind links me, "Come on they liked us! Don't leave me hanging."

I begrudgingly bow then slightly spring off the amazing stage. I go to the house and into the room I share with Sasha and go face flat in the bed, wallowing in self pity. And because the world hates me I hear Sash come in soon after.

"You know," she starts while laying on my back making me go stiff under her. "You looked really good doing that beautiful dance." She starts drawing shapes on my back slightly making me shiver.

"Thank you," I speak more as a question than a statement. Why does she have this effect on me. Stupid mate bond, making me feel things I don't know how to explain. Plus she's just a really bold person which I don't hate- bad me.

"Yeah really hot," she whispers in my ear making me shiver once more. Is there a draft in here or something because every time I'm in here with her that seems to be all I do. Great now I'm making jokes. I also need to stop speaking to myself, I don't think this is normal.

She opened her mouth to say something else but just then Cameron walked in and she looked at our current position and chuckled.

"Sorry to interrupt love birds," she says still smiling even though Sasha growled at her a little in annoyance.

"Its no problem really," I say while snaking out from under Sasha, making her fall on the bed slightly. I rush over to where Cameron was standing at the door. I'm...flustered? Great.

"Okay then we have some training to do," she claps her hands at the end of her sentence slightly and walks out the room. Me following quickly behind. As Sasha gets up to follow us out of the house I hear her mutter something before closing the door behind her.

I've never loved someone as much as I loved Cam at this moment.

"By the way Star, you didn't see your team members yesterday so you'll be meeting them today." Cam reminds me. Great people. My team I will be with or train with. Apparently we also have to do team building stuff since I'm joining. I don't know how I feel about that.

Walking into the training field people look at me slightly before looking away. Cam points me to a group of people a little farther away from everybody else and I sigh.

They look at me approaching and wave. I can't make out any faces yet. Looks like this is going to be a Kong day.


A/N Hello! Just so you're know I'm not trying to torcher you I have school! Also the next chapter may be up in a few hours or tomorrow morning considering its the weekend.
Lets see how this plays out. Also! Don't forget to check out .

Bye My Lovelies
XO -Aje

(Edited fully |7.28.22|)

I made a new book and while that probably wasn't the best idea I couldn't help it. That book is not a werewolf story or supernatural at all for that fact but just a little romance. I love romance book which is weird since I'm as single as they come and proud about it. I don't want a lover right now anyway but yeah.

I will be making a completely new chapter after this. I'm going to take this off of complete officially! And our journey will begin again. Welp look out love you.

Also that quote about life came from some comment in another story that really spoke to me especially since one of my greatest fears is death and I don't know...but I love it. I don't remember the person but it was beautiful.

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