You Have Got to be kidding me!

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Star Pov

I woke up with people in masks looking over me. I had a little internal battle on whether I should punch them or not when all my memories rushed back. I immediately got up and was about to walk out the room when my leg felt weird so I leaned down and pulled up my teared pants leg to see stiches going over a ragged line.

The medics immediately tried to tell me to sit down and rest but I walked away like I didn't hear them and  chose to ignore the throbbing pain in my leg.

When I walk outside into what I'm guessing is some type of waiting room I see my mate and have another internal battle. I don't let her think I acknowledged her and agree that's its probably better if she thinks I'm a jerk. I see my sister looking at me while holding I'm guessing her mates hand.

With a quick glance I use the sibling link and say, "Come on we've over stayed our welcome." More like I don't want to be here anymore with the urge to talk to the beautiful specimen on the side of me and literally spill my whole life story.

She doesn't question me and starts to walk briskly too the door behind me. I ignore the crest fallen faces full of shock on mine as well as Mari's mate and just shift and run.

There's really no reason to run as my leg throbs and my body is physically exhausted but still I run. I'm running away from myself, my duties, the reminder and pain, and I'm not talking about my leg.

Its interesting how the world just keeps moving on like clockwork, like your nothing but a spec of dust on a hardwood floor, but I guess to the higher are. You are not important to their survival so why should they drop everything for your very mortal problems when so much more is happening all around.

I zoom in on my senses, the snow crunching under my paws, the bee hive to my left, the trees some how still rustling even without there leaves, the flower that somehow broke through the frost encrusted earth, fighting to survive.

"Sis their following us!" Marissa says through our link bringing me out of my head full of buzzing thoughts.

I see Mari to my right but coming up behind her is a rather big dark gray wolf and a slightly smaller lighter grey wolf. They don't really draw my attention though, what draws my attention is the rather big for a female brown wolf on my left that runs trying to keep up with me.

I know the wolf is her.

"Just go faster," I tell her calmly, trying to ignore how my heart immediately started to stutter with her so close and the urges to just in case her in my arms strengthens so much that its amazing that I'm not on her right now.

As we speed up we start to loose the three wolves but then the big gray wolf is back at my sisters side so quick she barely has time to notice before he cuts her off, making her dig the heel of her paws into the snow in an attempt to stop but they still go tumbling in the few bushes that lay around as the beginning of spring starts to show though.

'Are you serious?' I think while going to the left to get her when I am cut of by the other grey wolf and my mate. I growl at them and the grey wolf looks like she was going to back down by the ferocity of my snarl until the brown one gives her an look so she stays firm.

Getting tired of this I let out a summoning howl, a howl that wolves who have some type of bond, whether that they be of the same pack origin, mates-or in our case- siblings. Its not like any other wolves howl since every wolves howl is different and distinct.

She comes out but the other one is still on her butt and pushes his weight on his hind legs, leaping and crashing against her back, making her legs buckle because of the weight.

They roll over, tumbling until he's laying over on all fours and she lets her tounge roll out of her mouth and wags her tail. I know she could push him of if she wanted to but whatever. He started to wag his tail a little faster than her and their noses touched and they look disgustingly adorable. I let out a low growl that is hopefully the equivalent of a wolf groan.

'You got to be kidding me!' I yell out loud using a series of angry barks to get the point across. My sister wakes up from her daze at the sound of my voice and drop kicks him-I think his name is Chris- on his wolf butt with a sweep of her back leg.

She keeps her snout titled slightly towards the ground as she walks back towards me in embarrassment. I mentally roll my eyes at her and turn around to start on our journey again totally forgetting about the two other shifters in our presence.

Right when we are going to move, my mate, who I somehow know goes by the name Sasha jumps me. Well guess what, I have a very strict philosophy and If go down she'll come tumbling after.

Why does my mate have to be stubborn and strong while I'm just over here being so damn attracted to her while at the same time very pissed?

Comment please! Or vote! Maybe even both🤷🏽‍♀️

(just edited very recently and um I had put in the paragraph where Chris was on top of Marissa that they had purred but I don't think wolves purred so I looked it up and they will bark with a tone to get their feeling and emotions out and otherwise "talk" to each other and to show affection let their tail wag and become a dog basically.)

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