Chapter Nine

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She's so breathtaking,I made a terrible mistake hiring her,hell I messed up for even thinking she's a little attractive,this woman breaks every scale,I hired a model to organize my papers for me.

The more I look at her the more flabbergasted and struck I am, there's not a thing on this woman that isn't perfect,the high cheekbones with natural blush, plump and rosy lips with a few smile lines on each side, even the faint freckles that fill her cheeks are making my heart beat like I'm running a marathon.

I'm a fool, I'm a damn fool.

"I will,I will allow you"She says and I feel a jolt of electricity run through my body.The sound of her quiet, soft voice somehow being the only thing I'm hearing in this whole club,the beauty of it overweighting all the disgusting music in here.

Snap out of it Kingston,you can't afford to crush on her now.

I don't think,not even for a second,I grab her hand and push through the crowd in a hurry,I expected her to change her mind after answering but she didn't,she stayed quiet until we got to the car,as soon as I opened the door for her she giggled and looked at me, her giggle nearly putting a smile on my face but I managed to control it.

"I don't know why but I expected you to drive a Batmobile"I arch my eyebrow at her,her slow blinking making me realize she's not sober.

"Adelaine are you drunk?"I ask with a hint of concern in my voice, thank God she's tooo drunk to notice it.

"Just a little bit and before you say anything,no it isn't affecting my thinking,I still don't like you and I still think your plan is stupid but I'm willing to give it a try"She takes her heels off quickly and throws them in the car.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to regret it tomorrow morning, Adelaine stop stargazing and think about it"She rolls her eyes and steps on my shoes with her bare feet, she's so close I can practically count the freckles on her face.

God help me, she's so damn beautiful and hot.

I need to get a damn grip.

"Kingston, I think I know what I'm saying,and I'm not drunk, I've never been drunk in my life but I doubt it feels like this".

You don't got a damn clue.

She smiles wide,and I feel something in my chest softening, she has got to be drunk,and if she's drunk she's also not thinking like her usual self,I would want to talk to her real her not drunk her, drunk her seems to be more free and careless,I don't think I'm used to that version of her.

"You're a good man"She pats my shoulder and steps back, looking at me like a proud mom.

It's like I've been electrocuted but in a good way,my heart is fluttering and it feels...Good, I never had this feeling before so I don't know if I should be concerned, I think I'm going to see a doctor as soon as I can,my mother would always say better to be safe than sorry when it comes to health.

"I feel like I can run a marathon"She prepares herself to run and I stop her.

"You're not going anywhere".

I wrap my fingers around her wrist and push her in the car carefully, trying my best to ignore the fact that her skin is as soft as silk.

"Uuuuu this is spacious I love it,is this champagne?"She takes a glass and I grab it out of her hand, leaving her staring at me with a frown.

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