Chapter Thirty-Six

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"No"I spit out and look at him coldly.

"I ruined -".

"No"I repeat, cutting him off.

"Stop it Adelaine,you lost a baby because of me,do you have any idea how horrible I feel? I took our child away from us, I'm leaving before I harm the other"He goes to stand up but I grab his hand stopping him.

"You're not going anywhere,if you go you're just like Anastasia, leaving a helpless child to suffer because you're not listening to anyone around you, I'm trying to explain it to you but I can't get through whatever is happening in your head, for the last time I don't want you to go, I want you to stay,stay for me,the baby and Evander,you didn't do anything wrong Kingston,what more do you want me to say?".

He stares at me with sad eyes,his lips parted like he wants to tell me something but is being stopped by fear,for God's sake it's killing me to see him look so defeated, I'm an idiot for coming to the office unannounced,I should have stayed in the penthouse with Evander, rather be clueless than watch him beat himself up over this.

Adelaine this is all your fault.

I'm just as crushed as he is but what hurts me even more is that instead of comforting me so we both feel at least a little bit better knowing we have each other, this man won't even touch me, he's treating me as if I'm a porcelain doll,like I'm forbidden fruit.

"I need to put Kingston to sleep".

"There's plenty of room here,your mom and dad payed for vip and this bed can easily fit all three of us"I say and he looks at me coldly,I can see he's trying hard to find another excuse to leave but I'm not letting it go so easily.

"I can't put him to sleep here".

"Why not?".

"He has his lullaby that helps him sleep,I don't want to sing a lullaby now while you're in pain -".

"Sing it, I'm not in pain Kingston, sing him his lullaby and then you're free to go...Sing it"I order him and he gazes out the window before swallowing hard.

"You're so l difficult"He mumbles quietly before sighing and sitting back down.

"I'm not going to sing the entire thing,you need to rest and I need to stay away from you"I roll my eyes and look away.

He grabs Evander's baby bottle and leans against the bedframe.

"Also it's not a regular lullaby, it's not a twinkle twinkle little shit or whatever that is, it's not somewhere over the rainbow way up high or die I don't know how it goes,this one is old school and don't comment on it".

I press my lips together and nod.

This is as good as it gets.

Evander grabs the bottle with his tiny hands and begins drinking the milk, happiness clearly visible in his eyes.

"Ready to sleep champ? This one won't take long because we need to go home and let Adelaine rest".

"I don't really need to rest, I'm alright".

He ignores me and clears his throat.

"Now hush little baby don't you cry
Everything's gonna be alright
Stiffen that upper lip up little boy
I told ya, daddy's here to hold ya
Through the night".

I frown and look at him in confusion.

I heard this song somewhere before.

It sounds like an Eminem song.

Is it? No? Yes?...Wait It is Eminem, he's rapping Mockingbird,I remember listening to that song everyday when it came out.

He's doing this to put his son to sleep? Out of all the lullabies created in this world he picked a rap song.

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